
Strategic Insights on Global Talent Management


Added on  2019-09-16

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Page 1 of 5Strategic Human Resource Management BM044-3-3LEARNING OUTCOMESInterfacing with strategic planning and scanning the environmentUnderstand the importance of forecasting the demand and supply of Human ResourcesAnalyze and evaluate the implications of a well designed Human Resource PlanningDevelopment of an effective approach to deal with anticipated shortages or excess of HumanResource PART A: Individual AssignmentThis is an Individual Assignment and your submission is restricted to a maximum of 2,500words. QuestionTowards effective strategic talent management ‘...Different aspects are perceived as critical to the success of a business organization. Manyanalysts point to leadership. Others argue that innovation matters most. While capabilities insuch areas are vitally important, it is perhaps talent that frequently proves to be the real jewel inany firm’s crown. Most companies recognize the importance of talent management (TM).Notwithstanding this, a degree of ambiguity continues to surround what the activity constitutes.Talent management now also encompasses a global perspective. Companies operating on theinternational stage seek to appoint gifted individuals to key expatriate roles. This increasingglobal mobility (GM) means that addressing the prevailing lack of clarity has become even moreurgent.’Source: Anon. (2016), Strategic Direction, Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. Volume 32, Issue 2, 8, 2016, 5-7, doi: 10.1108/SD-11-2015-0170 Based on the above excerpt, critically discuss the strategic insights on the global talentmanagement practices that have influenced employees and companies. Explain the impact on thehuman resource development practices.Level 3 Asia Pacific University of Innovation & Technology2016/11
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Page 2 of 5Strategic Human Resource Management BM044-3-3Your essay should include these key points as a guideline:Overview and importance of strategic human resource management and of talentmanagement at the current global trendExplanation on relevant theories and models on talent managementEffective practices of talent management approach by analyzing relevant case studies ofexample on talent management strategy Strategic challenges, e.g. (Shortages of manpower, demographic trend) faced with atalent management approach and changes in HR policies and practices related to locationand relocation management, planning and forecasting, staffing (to include attracting,selecting, retaining, reducing and removing), training and developing, and evaluatingemployees consistent with a firm’s strategic direction while taking into account theevolving concerns of the workforce and regulatory requirements. (Total: 70 marks)1.Marking Criteria – Individual Report1.Structure and Approach: Relevance to question; treatment in depth; originality and creativity thought; justification of organisational choices; logical structure; introduction and a summary / conclusion.20% 2.Reasoning, Argument and Analysis: Accurate presentation of study; logical development of the argument; evaluative discussion and synthesis of the content; depth and detail; appropriate conclusions drawn40% 3.Investigation and Use of Sources: use of appropriate and accurate resources with constructive and critical information which contribute to body of knowledge30% 4.Presentation and Style: Legibility; grammar; spelling; absence of typing errors; clear layout; requested information included10% TOTAL MARKS 100% Level 3 Asia Pacific University of Innovation & Technology2016/11
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