
UGB260 Personal and Professional Development Assignment


Added on  2021-05-07

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Professional DevelopmentLanguages and CultureReligion
UGB260 Personal andProfessional DevelopmentReflective essayWord count: 3584‘Creativity is intelligence having fun’Albert Einstein
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P a g e | 1Table of ContentsIntroduction......................................................................................................................................3Reflecting Back...............................................................................................................................2Workshop Experience......................................................................................................................6Conclusion.....................................................................................................................................10Reference list.................................................................................................................................12Appendices....................................................................................................................................14Appendix 1: The Big Five Personality test................................................................................14Appendix 2: Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) result........................................................15Appendix 3: Results of locus of control....................................................................................16Appendix 4: Self-esteem............................................................................................................17Appendix 5: Life Values Inventory...........................................................................................18Appendix 6: Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire Result.......................................................19Appendix 7: Johari Window......................................................................................................20
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P a g e | 2IntroductionI have recently completed a unit on the Personal & Professional Development Module.The objective of the course was to make us to understand better what we want from ourcareer in the future and to reflect upon the experiences we had in our life to understandbetter our personal qualities. The below text is a self-reflection essay in which I willillustrate my key personal quality which I discovered through a range of activities andexperiences I had during the workshop at the university and my workplace. Assuggested by Ghanizadeh (2017), reflective thinking is the process that helps anindividual to be aware of one's experiences along with knowledge and assumptions.With the aid of reflective thinking, it becomes possible to analyse the previouslyexperiences circumstances. This, in turn, provides the opportunity to segregate thethings that went well and the ones that did not work well. It is the process that helps tounderstand the actions that are to be taken so that the existing skills could be furtheramplified. Moreover, it provides the opportunity to understand what actions could betaken in the future for a similar type of situation so that a better result could be yielded. I would like to highlight the fact that most of the personality test I took have adifferent score than I imagined. This is because I believe Corona Virus, theisolation, online courses, approximately 3 months without a job and socializinghas impacted my wellbeing and the way I used to see life. I will plan to take allthis test back as soon everything will be back to normal and to compare theresults as I can see a big difference on my behaviour, compared with how I usedto behave before Covid19.Reflecting BackIn this essay I will be reflecting on creativity as my core value and how I express andused my creativity as a child, student and as a worker. Pablo Picasso once said ‘Everychild is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.’ Starting fromthis premise, I can say that adults involved in my education and learning (parents,teachers, psychologists, educators), had an important role in on stimulating creativity.Creativity is not limited to painting, music, or similar artistic domains, but it also takes
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P a g e | 3place in business, science and education, in fact, all human beings have great untappedcreative potential and creativity itself is unique to each individual.When I recall the moments of my past, I retrieve traces of curiosity at any step. I wascapable to think outside of the box at a very young age and my curiosity was waybeyond the limit as I always wanted to learn more about unfamiliar topics. At the age of5, my curiosity was the key to breakthrough my creativity when I started to learn bymyself how to read and write because I wanted to start writing my journal about myfeelings; and because I wanted to make sure no one will be able to read it I created myalphabet, where numbers were used instead of letters. According to the statement ofKenett (2018), creativity is defined as a process of using imagination or original ideasfor creating something new or doing some invention. My parents were most of the timeat work am my big brother at school in the city, so must of the time I spent my days bymyself learning how to draw, creating handmade toys and inventing games to play with.Vygotsky (1968)believed that creativeimagination starts in children's play. 20 years ago, the school did not teach me how to discover and to discover myself, it didnot stimulate me much to become creative, on the contrary, it offered me informationthat I could memorize, without finding my own solutions. I was finding difficult tomemorize the definitions, theories or new formulas in physics and I was finding easier tosketch them on a paper to understand them better and to be able to explain them in myway. Unfortunately, my family could not afford to pay for any extracurricular activities orcourses so my only chance to let my creativity to run wild was at the annual talentshows at school, where I had the change to act, recite poems or dance on a scene.Psychologists stated that creativity is a state human mind, where they start using theirknowledge and understanding for making something good and useful for societies andcommunities. I believe that different factors are associated with the quality of creativity,such as expertise in abstract thinking, imaginative skill, venturesome personality,creative environment, and intrinsic motivation. Among the five major Theories ofCreativity, I believe that creativity is best described and defined by the HumanisticTheory, which states that human can express their level of absurd and creative thinkingafter reaching the state of self-actualisation.
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P a g e | 4Creativity is one of the qualities that have become the core of all the professions. It isthe quality that helps an individual to present things uniquely. As per the studyconducted by Valgeirsdóttir et al. (2016), to be creative, a person should possessseveral traits like the ability to think out of the box, being curious, being able to takerisks. As a barista when I worked for 3 years in Italy, I was not only assigned to servecoffee to others but creating diverse designs to allure the eyesight of the customers wasalso an important job role. In this regard, I was able to understand that I could depict theemotions via the coffee decors. However, further to analyse my personality and theaspects that I possess concerning being creative, I had taken up the Big FivePersonality Test. With the aid of this test, I was able to understand my personality based on 5dimensions. Concerning openness, my score was 83% (see Appendix 1). This indicatedthat I am not only creative but also adventurous and intellectual. As per the studyconducted by Gardner (2016), for being creative it is vital to move around. Nature is thebiggest inspiration for a person who wants to be creative. I have always lovedphotography. Thus, I move around to click the artistic work of nature. This had helpedme to be creative. Moreover, it is the openness trait that had helped me to play with theideas so that I could discover the novel experiences. In addition to this, with the aid ofcreative quality, I have been able to express my experiences artistically. As I saidbefore, I had always liked to click photographs and recently I bought a professionaldigital camera and to take some online courses to be able to use it in the future as anexpert and maybe to do not be any more just a hobby. Further, to understand my attributes, I had taken the help of the MBTI tool. As per thestudy conducted by Stein and Swan (2019), it is an introspective self-reportquestionnaire. With the aid of this tool, it becomes possible under psychologicalpreferences. These preferences are vital from the perspective of understanding the waya person perceives the world and takes decisions. With the aid of this tool, I was able toknow that I had INTP attributes. The acronym of INTP is introverted, intuitive, thinking,and perceiving. Introversion is the attribute that leads a person to stay in solidarity. It istime when I tend to reflect on the experiences that I had gained by observing nature. In
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P a g e | 5addition to this, it has always helped me to stay out of the crowd such that it becomeson my part to think more creatively. Further, INTP indicates that I am not only pensiveand analytical folk but can understand and explore things. This is also vital from theperspective of being creative(See Appendix 2). My hunger of exploring new things hasbeen proven in the moment where I chose to leave Italy and to come in London, withoutknowing anyone here, without having a job or a place to stay, just some money to beable to survive until I was able to find a job.In addition to the MBTI tool, I had taken the initiative to use another psychologicalconcept that is the locus of control. As per the study charred out by Mulki and Lassk,(2019), it is one of the psychological concepts that provides information on how stronglya person believes that they have control over the situation as well as the experiencesthat had been affecting their lives. I am a part of the external locus (see Appendix 3).This indicates that I believe that external forces have control over the actions of others.therefore, I tend to credit the external forces for my achievements as well as failures. The study conducted byHeywoodet al. (2017),had indicated that internal locus has alink with creativity, therefore, it is necessary to change my behavioural perception. Thisis further important because due to external locus of control, in the present, I do notunderstand my worth. In one such instance, in the first year, when I was unable todesign a pamphlet for one of my projects, I had considered it as my ill fate. However,now when I reflect, I can understand that it was due to my lack of concentration I couldprepare the pamphlet as I wished it to be. Hence, it is essential that I need to changemy behavioural perception. This is because, with the aid of the internal locus, it wouldbe possible on my part to understand my mistakes. This, in turn, would help me torectify the problems and be more creative. As now I am associated with the hospitalityindustry, I need to use my creative skills so that I could attract more customers for myorganizationFurther, I believe that the values and the principles that I possess have helped me to becreative. As suggested by Little et al. (2018), values are the beliefs that play a vital rolein motivating an individual. The crucial values that I possess include spirituality,
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