
Panic Disorder: Symptoms, Prevalence, Treatment and Current Researches


Added on  2023-05-30

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Panic Disorder: Symptoms, Prevalence, Treatment and Current Researches_1

Table of Contents
Panic disorder........................................................................................................................................2
Symptoms of panic disorder..............................................................................................................2
Prevalence rates................................................................................................................................2
The course of disorder.......................................................................................................................3
Genetic basis of panic disorder..........................................................................................................3
Link to other disorder........................................................................................................................3
Current researches............................................................................................................................5
Panic Disorder: Symptoms, Prevalence, Treatment and Current Researches_2

Panic disorder
Panic disorder is the anxiety problem in which a person constantly suffers from
attacks of fear or panic. Everyone experience feelings of panic and anxiety at various times in
his or her life. The patient should have a complete physical exam, blood tests to identify the
thyroid and other likely conditions and tests on the heart like ECG (electrocardiogram). They
can also go through a psychological evaluation. Some of the self-assessment questionnaires
such as DSM 5 can be used to understand the situation.
Symptoms of panic disorder
Some of the physical symptoms of this mental disorder are increased heartbeat,
stomach or chest pain, difficulty in breathing, feeling cold hot or cold chills, sweating, and
tingling and numbness of hands (MedlinePlus, 2018). The criteria of the diagnosis of this
disorder include having frequent and unpredicted panic attacks. Minimum on of the attacks
has been tracked by single month worry related to having next attack; the constant fear of the
consequences of the attacks like dropping control, heart attack occurrence or going crazy; or
substantial changes in patient's behavior like escaping condition that they assume may
stimulate a panic attack. These attacks are not triggered by drugs or other constituent use, a
medical situation or another psychological health condition, like social fear, or obsessive-
compulsive disease (Mayoclinic, 2018).
Prevalence rates
An expected 2.7 percent of U.S. youth had a panic disorder in the previous year
(Olaya, Moneta, Miret, Ayuso-Mateos, & Haro, 2018). Nearly 4.7 percent of U.S. young
people experiences this disorder at least once in a life. The occurrence of this mental
condition among the primary care sick people is about twice as elevated as in the overall
population with rates of four to eight percent. The incidence of the panic condition among
Panic Disorder: Symptoms, Prevalence, Treatment and Current Researches_3

youth was higher for ladies (3.8%) than for men (1.6%) (Roy-Byrne, 2016). Ladies are twice
more probable to be impacted than men, and the sex difference is detected at initial stages of
adolescence (Roy-Byrne, 2016). The middle age of start for this disorder in the United States
is 20-24 years. The Asian, African, and some Latin American countries have inferior
prevalence rates that are ranges from 0.1 to 0.8 per cent (Roy-Byrne, 2016).
Course of disorder
This disorder may initiate at any stage of life, however, most persons develop this
condition between puberty and the mid-thirties. A slight number of panic disorder cases begin
in babyhood, and onset later the age of 45 is rare (but can occur). The middle age at the
beginning is 20-24 years (Roy-Byrne, 2016). The normal course, if not treated, is dangerous
or chronic but waning and waxing. Some people have a chronic, occasional course (with
irregular occurrences with years of reduction in between). Others have constant severe
symptomatology. While agoraphobia may grow at any stage, its onset is commonly within
the 1st year of panic disorder (Roy-Byrne, 2016).
Genetic basis of panic disorder
According to Smoller, GardnerSchuster, & Covino, (2008), panic disorders are found
to be familial and reasonably heritable. The genetic complication has an important influence
on panic disorder since it reproduces the preservative or interactive effects of numerous loci
with minor individual effects. Some initial studies suggest gene-gene connections. A study
defined a nominally important interaction among the functional 5-HTR1A 1019C/G and
COMT polymorphisms in panic disorder (Na, Kang, Lee, & Yu, 2011). The twin studies
constantly support the theory of genetic influences on the etiology of panic disorder.
However, these studies need further research and study (Na, Kang, Lee, & Yu, 2011).
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