
E-Learning: Benefits and Challenges


Added on  2020-02-24

9 Pages2198 Words50 Views
E-Learning: Benefits and Challenges_1

1EFFICACY OF E-LEARNING IN EDUCATION SYSTEMINTRODUCTIONE-learning refers to a kind of learning process that involves technological application.Principles emanating from cognitive science emphasize the importance regarding selectionand application of appropriate multimedia to enhance the cognitive learning in order to retainthe knowledge for long time (Clark &Mayer, 2016)..In today’s technology driven world, the importance of e-learning is undeniable as itnot only imparts knowledge to the learner through the technical apparatus but also create longterm impact in their mind. The method is helpful in bringing the student to the contact ofoutside world broadening their mental horizon and continuously reshaping it. In this paper abrief discussion backed by existent articles has been presented to shed light on the importanceand effectiveness that E-leaning confers to the learners (Rennie & Morrison, 2013). How thislearning process influences the learners effectively allowing them reap benefit from it. The format of discussion is presenting review of relevant literature or articles thatdepicts the concern of the paper.REVIEW & ANALYSISThe paper examines three crucial aspects important with respect to the fact that overpast decade, use of e-learning has been growing remarkably in the post secondary educationsystem of United States. The first and foremost aspect is the how effective is the learningprocess with help of technology compared to the conventional instructional class room basedmode of educating students. It has been found from extensive meta-analysis that outcomes ofe-learning are just equivalent to any other way of deliverance through media keeping theconditions followed in instruction based system constant. The second aspect is to find outand assess the catchy attributes of the process that make it more influencing. Interaction,immersion makes the e-learning process more appealing. The third aspect is the difficulty
E-Learning: Benefits and Challenges_2

2EFFICACY OF E-LEARNING IN EDUCATION SYSTEMfaced in order to adopt the method in post secondary education. The challenges faced by lowincome students to avail the facility uncertain costs and possibility of fraud and unscrupulousactivity create deterrence to adopt the system (Bell & Federman, 2013). The paper discusses the factors that have been successful in order to identify andinfluence the e-learning procedure being widely accepted in the developing countries of theworld.. E-learning being popular mode of deliverance of higher education worldwide requireadoption of proper design for performance learning, motivating, making people awaretechnologically and influencing behaviours of students. The study encounters a comparativeanalysis made on two major stakeholders of developing countries; ICT experts and facultywhile using the responses from 76 sources collected in Delphi method and AnalyticalHierarchy Process. The content further makes recommendations regarding properimplementation and maintenance of e–learning system that would enhance the abilities ofresearchers in the developing world with highlighting the limitations as well as possibilitiesto sustain quality (Bhuasiri et al., 2012).The paper outlines the successful adoption of e-learning process in the western culturethat have an outlook of embedding technology with education process in order to achievehigher productivity. This creates challenges and competition to developing countries in formof immense pressure that is trying to strive internationally with equivalent competencies andskills. The competition act as compulsion for these nations to synchronize technology in thelearning process to execute equal level of productivity. The focus of the paper is mostly on amodel of technology acceptance that play conceptual role in the framework and adopting ofe-learning. To make the system effective understanding and acceptance of the guidelines bythe end users are important. The indicators for successful implementation and continuances
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