
Partnership in Chronicity: Providing Patient-Centered and Clinical Care for Chronic Diseases


Added on  2023-04-20

8 Pages2928 Words375 Views
Disease and DisordersHealthcare and Research
Partnership in chronicity
Partnership in Chronicity: Providing Patient-Centered and Clinical Care for Chronic Diseases_1

Numerous factors or conditions affect the care of such patients having chronic diseases. Many
people are suffering from chronic diseases, which have a major impact on their quality of life.
The illness caused by chronic diseases is an aggressive and continuous process that is
identified by the involvement of many factors (Abdelhadi, & Drach‐Zahavy, 2012).
If we put some light on the provided case study, we will get to know about the person named
Peter Michell whose age is 52 years and he is suffering from type-2 diabetes. Being a nurse, it
is very important to prevent obesity in Peter’s case. Then only, it will be possible to cure his
type-2 diabetes. He also has been a smoker for more than 30 years and he consumes almost
20 cigarettes a day. He is also suffering from numerous chronic diseases including sleep
apnoea, obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and Gastro-oesophageal disease reflux disease. In
order to treat him, he was given care according to his needs.
The prioritization of care must be given to a patient according to his needs as well as clinical
needs. As a matter of priority, there are two types of care given to a patient.
One of the above i.e., patient-centered care is discussed below-
Efficient patient-centered care should approach such activities related to chronic patients that
play an effective part in the management of their condition as well as the process of decision-
making on a daily basis. The patient-centered approach may be defined as a way of treating
patients by the professionals on the basis of their needs, wants and preferences. The vital
reasons for chronic diseases have been recognized and settled (Aisen et al., 2011). Apart from
factors like age and genetical factors other factors like eating habit, substance use is factors that
can be controlled. We can consider the above fact in relation to the provided case study which
tells that the person is a consumer of cigarette for a long period of time which might be possible
for the disease the patient is suffering from.
The management of chronic disease requires the adjustment of a care model which focuses on
patient-centered treatment and the changing needs of the patient. Once started from the
situation of the patient, it is very important to identify and explore the illness and disease, the
patient is going through and in order to understand the patient’s experience of feelings,
sickness, pain, worries, expectations, health behaviours, previous care experience and the
management of chronic conditions (Bates, Larizgoitia, Prasopa-Plaizier, & Jha, 2009). As in the
case of Peter Mitchell, it is very important to know about the type of disease (type-2 diabetes,
sleep apnoea, obesity, etc) he is going through and the symptoms as well in order to treat them.
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Partnership in Chronicity: Providing Patient-Centered and Clinical Care for Chronic Diseases_2

Moreover, in order to become aware of encircling assets of the life of a person, it is important to
understand the person completely. It indicates the acknowledgment that the meanings of
chronic health may differ from the adjoining environment. If a patient’s personal life is taken into
account, it could allow health professionals to understand various factors that affect the
aggressive responses of the patients towards chronic conditions (Cassel et al., 2009).
When it comes to regulating the experience of the patient’s illness, the health professionals
properly understand each and every aspect of patient’s experience and permit the patient to
believe that his description of reality is accepted (Jensen, Jensen, & Brunak, 2012). Patient-
Centered care involves the patient’s wants, needs, and emotions in order to express their
responsibilities in relation to their chronic conditions. In the case of Peter Mitchell, the
community health nurse should understand the situation through which he is going such as
LEHP (Low Energy, High Protein diet), obesity, sleep apnoea, etc.
In such cases, clinical reasoning cycle is applied which is a process by which nurse or another
member of staff advances the information of patients and attempt suitable activities related to
nursing which are based on the information of patients (Kitson, Marshall, Bassett, & Zeitz,
The professionals generally work on the idea that each and every patient is the best specialist
on himself and patient’s knowledge must be accepted and admired by the person who is
providing the care. In chronic disease, incredible administration of the conditions relies upon
patient's activities; in this manner, every one of the collaborations with the experts of healthcare
should focus on patients' qualities and difficulties on running their condition of the disease
(Levesque, Harris, & Russell, 2013). The advancement of self-administration plans ought to
coordinate the wellbeing proficient skill as well as the patient's worries, needs, and assets. More
often than not, patients value being treated as a full individual from the team of healthcare, as
this advances their feeling of control and strengthening. This requires another strengthening
worldview, with a redefinition of patient and wellbeing proficient jobs.
Another thing that counts while giving patient-centered care is offering realistic hope or
expectation. An expectation has been recognized as a key trait required for patient adaptation to
their disability and sickness. Giving expectation diluted with authenticity enables patients to
manage vulnerability and advances persistent prosperity and adjustment (Morley et al., 2014).
Hope or expectations do not smother negative parts of the sickness but rather incorporate and
center around the positive, more positive, and conceivable improvements that might be viewed
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Partnership in Chronicity: Providing Patient-Centered and Clinical Care for Chronic Diseases_3

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