
Expensive Treatment Assignment


Added on  2021-06-17

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Expensive Treatment Assignment_1

1PATIENT ACCESS TO EXPENSIVE TREATMENTCriticism of the global issue of patient access to prohibitively expensive treatments It is of great concern that the medicines are not subsidized for the common people inAustralia and therefore leads to the problem of the patients in accessing to medicines. In recenttimes it was found that the exorbitant cost of new drugs have posed challenges for theoncologists in the treatment of the cancer patients. Purchasing expensive medicines createsproblem for the people who belong to the economically marginalized communities. The highprice of the medicines create rift between the rich and the poor thereby creating a situation ofpoverty of accessibility to medicine. Patients have to wait fir along time in order to accessmedicines that are listed on the PBS. Drawing from these arguments, it can be stated that theprice of medicine is linked the treatment of the patients. According to the principles of theCommon Good, the welfare of each human being is linked with the welfare of the largercommunity. The person is constructed as sacred and a social being (Caritas.org.au. 2018). The responsibility of the every human being should be to work for the larger communityand respect the rights and duties of every person that includes being concerned with thecommunity of family and the wider social world. The human persons need to be circumscribedby a range of duties and rights that should be protected and safeguarded with the aim ofproviding minimum support to the human beings for their survival. In the given context, it can beseen that the principle of providing welfare to each member of the society is being neglected.The government is not making any effort to provide medicines at a subsidized price for themarginalized sections of the society. Pharmaceuticals Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC)Australia should ensure that the medicines at an affordable price so that is accessible for all thepeople in the country (Karikios, Mileshkin, Martin, Ferraro and Stockler 2017).
Expensive Treatment Assignment_2

2PATIENT ACCESS TO EXPENSIVE TREATMENTProposal of ways to address the issue in the professional and local community In the context of United States of America, the government has incorporated specialpricing programs with the objective of removing the incentives from the prices of medicinesfrom the prices of the medicines. This has rendered the medicines the lowest price in the market.The government is deploying the strategies of tax rebates and marketing deals with the aim ofencouraging manufacturers help a large number of people in their country (McRae and Gool2017). The idea should be to make the medicines accessible for the purchase of common peoplealong with the quest for effective measures for the treatment of rare diseases. A survey foundthat 8 per cent of the population do not veer towards treatment with the fear that they will have toshed a large amount of money for the purpose of treatment. It was reported that 19 per centpeople refrain from visiting the hospitals due to the high price of medicines and the concomitantcost of medical treatment.The catholic Social Teaching encompasses the social, political and the economic spheresof the life of a person. The key approach of Catholic Social Teaching is a holistic approach thatunderscore on authentic development of a human being or a community along with the largercommunity (Caritas.org.au. 2018). Drawing from the principles of the Catholic Social Teaching(CST) the gaol of the government of Australia and the Pharmaceuticals Benefits AdvisoryCommittee (PBAC) Australia would be to ensure that they work for the human dignity of everyperson. No human being should be deprived of healthcare facilities due to the high price ofmedicines. Access to good, safe and affordable healthcare services should be the fundamental
Expensive Treatment Assignment_3

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