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Patient Assessment


Added on  2023/01/11

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This document discusses the patient assessment process and the steps involved. It emphasizes the importance of providing appropriate, safe, effective, and comprehensive care. It also addresses potential issues and offers solutions to create a plan for patient care.

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Patient Assessment

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Table of Contents
ASE-C-POP template.......................................................................................................................1
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ASE-C-POP template
A Appropriate In the given case of Beverley, she has several problems like dementia,
confusing cognitive state, tiredness and difficulty in breathing. It
requires providing combination of Donepezil and Rivastigmaine to
treatment the problem of mild dementia and mental health state stable.
It requires counselling and family therapy to treatment symptoms of
confusion whereas fluticasone should be directed as an inhaler which
helps patient to easy breathe. The precaution of avoiding alcohol and
smoking habit is required to become healthy for Beverley Howthorne.
S Safe No, any of dosages of medications provided are not too high because
symptoms of patient were not much severe. The combination of
medication and therapy is beneficial for individual to overcome with
problem of mild dementia and confusing cognitive condition.
Basically, it has been analysed that medication provided according to
medical conditions are safe for patient as person centred care approach
is followed to make decision of treatment which is much suitable for
them. It Is not observed that patient is facing any kind of side effects
and patient doesn’t complain about such problems.
E Effective Considering the actual situation of Beverley, it has been analysed the
set outcomes to recover from the entire health problem will be
definitely achieved. It is so because all the medications are provided in
normal dosages which are appropriate according to patient condition
which make them disease free. However, the dosages are adequate as
per symptoms observed that difficulty in breathing and state of
confusion as this condition is not severe then it can be easily healed.
C Comprehensive
Yes, there is an issue from client side because a nurse is appointed to
visit home to monitor the condition and provide others support also.
Patient refuse to gain help for her regular routine activities but it is
necessary for some duration of time until she becomes healthy.
Nursing professional face difficulty but convince client to cooperate
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with nurse to become disease free as soon as possible.
PR Problem list The potential problem includes that client may refuse to take new
medications and remains tuck to prescribe the previous ones. The
actual problem is that patient refuse to take help on regular routine
work which is important for some time until they become complete
stable in context of physical as well as mental condition.
O Options The problem created by Beverley is not much difficult to deal with but
it is necessary to convince her for taking support for some duration of
so that severe condition may not occur. It is required to cooperate with
counsellor nurse then she encourage client to agree for cooperating in
this context.
P Plan It includes the plan of providing communication sessions 4 to 5 times
by effort of counsellor nurse which helps to make client convinced to
agree for gaining nursing support on daily routine activities at their
home. It will help to deliver effective care services with regular
monitoring in order to make patient physically and mentally wellbeing.
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