
Patient Safety: Training of Health Professionals


Added on  2023-06-15

6 Pages1403 Words466 Views
Patient Safety:Training
of Health Professionals
Patient Safety: Training of Health Professionals_1

Table of Contents
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................3
Patient Safety: Training of Health Professionals_2

Patient safety is main concern within healthcare. This one refers to the providing better
safety towards the patient rights while delivering healthcare services and treatment for their
better and improved health. in this there is need to get better training for the healthcare
profession which can enable them to delivery better safety to people for the better health. In
training, there is need to follow some legal procedures along with ethical issues, policies and
decision making framework which can be effective in order to delivery better safety at the
healthcare premises and during providing healthcare services to the patient. In this, there is
discussion about the awareness of ethical codes of conduct regarding belief and rights of the
patient. There is also description about the applying problem solving skill which should be used
during the ethical dilemma. Through the training healthcare professional are able to get the
effective learning that can help to provide better and effective safety to the patient (Navalta & et.
al., (2019)).
While delivering health care services there is need to ensure about making better and
effective delivery of services which should enable the sharing of ethical way that can allow to
follow the policy and procedure that can help to delivery ethical services within healthcare
settings. In this, there are many practice which should be ethical for conducting it on the better
way which should have high impact on the delivery of healthcare services. There are many of the
ethical concern which are related to patient health safety which can includes the record, health
and information about the patient (Rowe, (2020)). There are many of the ethical concern which
should be followed in good way through following the policy and procedure during making and
decision. Ethical practice is important which can allow to deliver better and effective healthcare
services that can help to allow patient for getting appropriate service and treatment for effective
improvement in health (Fadare & et. al., (2019)). Sometime there is risk of getting ethical issue
of key legal issues which should be taken in consideration to enable about the delivery of better
and effective services and help in getting positive outcomes. During delivering healthcare
services and treatment to the patient, there is need to ensure about communicating the complex
ideas effectively with other healthcare professional and patient family. In this, there is need for
proper training to the healthcare professional to enable their skill which can be used while
Patient Safety: Training of Health Professionals_3

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