
Evaluating Performance and Developing Expertise in the Field


Added on  2019-12-03

14 Pages4423 Words46 ViewsType: 46
Leadership ManagementProfessional Development
Personal and ProfessionalDevelopment
Evaluating Performance and Developing Expertise in the Field_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3ACTIVITY 1....................................................................................................................................3ACTIVITY 2....................................................................................................................................5ACTIVITY 3....................................................................................................................................7REFLECTIVE ACCOUNT OF THE LEARNING JOURNEY......................................................9CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................10APPENDIX....................................................................................................................................11
Evaluating Performance and Developing Expertise in the Field_2

INTRODUCTIONIn the existing volatile market and dynamic economic conditions, the competition amongthe business unit has been escalated to the great extent. Each organization may it commercialmarket, service industry or finance, faces the fierce competition. To establish prominent positionin the market place, the organizations and individuals come up with optimum level of efficiency.For an individual, developing skills and talent as per the professional standards became theprerequisite for commencing career in particular field. The systematic and analytic approachhelps in developing potential and assists in imbibing the required attributes and knowledge in therelated field. Since the beginning from formal education in the school to the professional coursetill now, every stage helps in building personality and imbibes many qualities and improvesquality of life. Education which I have gained in my school life has created strong foundation ofknowledge and skills in me which is helping me to pursue my desirable professional life insignificant way. I have good technical knowledge of my field, proficiency in communicationskills and I also possess the interpersonal skills like decision making and leadership skills thathelps in various arenas of life. I would like to pursue my career as an accountant manager. Ipossess certain qualities which are required for career progression in finance but evaluating mypersonal skill I have identified that I need to develop and improve certain traits in me likepractical application of leadership models, time management, team work and other related. Forthat purpose, I have undergone the self managed learning which helped me in realizing mystrengths and development needs and with the help of expertise and specialist I have identifiedmy learning style and developed opportunities for that and also prepared a development planwhich enabled be to enhance my skills and talents.ACTIVITY 1GROUP PRESENTATIONObjectivesThe objective of the group presentation was to develop proficiency in communication andleadership skills that is to gain interpersonal verbal communication. It also aims to develop theeffective delegation of content for the better understanding of audiences.Background3
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Communication is the fundamental requirement in any field to build better relationalconstructs and consolidate larger stream of customers. A module was prepared to develop thecommunication and leadership skills. I had assisted the leader of my group in giving thepresentation on the topic leadership. While processing the presentation I have encounteredvarious problems such as delegating tasks to team members, communication and preparing theprecise and accurate content.ProcessAs a group member, the leader endowed me with the duties to perform the number oftasks:Realizing the learning style: Under the supervision of leader I had assigned task to all theteam member hence for the purpose I have used the VARK (Malm, 2009)learning style toidentify their strengths and then allotted them the work.Content preparation: The content is prepared that is with respect to the leadership anddifferent models adopted to lead their team in an efficient and productive way.The effective presentation is prepared by using different ways to communicate thecontent to the target audiences.I have assisted my leader to communicated the members about their individual tasks andduties. This was the unfamiliar task for me to process and I had faced some problems inidentifying their strengths and capabilities. Every member has the different way toprocess the information and acquire knowledge hence I have adopted different ways ofcommunication.Further by assigning them the roles and duties, the plan was processed into theimplementation.In the midst of series of activities, our team faced different issues and had dealt with itefficiently. One such issue was the sudden breakdown of health of my partner in thepresentation. Our leader considered that genuine issue and replaced him with the skilledperson. I had explained him the topic in brief and he had accompanied me in thepresentation in a very effective manner.The execution was done in the effective manner.Analysis of learning4
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