
Effective Time Management Strategies


Added on  2019-12-04

14 Pages4109 Words202 Views
Personal and ProfessionalDevelopment
Effective Time Management Strategies_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION1TASK 111.1 and 1.2 Approaches to self managed learning and ways to encourage life-long learning11.3 Benefits of self managed learning....................................................................................3TASK 232.1 And 2.2 Evaluating personal skills and competencies.....................................................32.3 And 2.4 Development opportunities and personal development plan..............................4TASK 363.1 and 3.2 Development activities and process adopted.......................................................63.3 and 3.4 Learning and Updated personality development plan.........................................7TASK 474.1 and 4.2 Work based problem and ways to communicate at different levels....................74.3 Effective time management strategies..............................................................................8CONCLUSION9REFERENCES11
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INTRODUCTIONSuccess and development of the organization depends upon its productivity in everyaspect. Rising turbulence of market has increased the competition level to very large extent.In order to establish and maintain the prominent position, organization caters to work withhighly skilled and efficient employees. This led the individuals to improve their skills andtalents to match with the professional standards. For that purpose they seek to developrequired attributes by adopting the systematic and planned manner known as personal andprofessional development (Chirino and et.al., 2010). This is an effective tool which helps anindividual in achieving personal and professional aspirations under the guidance of expertiseand specialists. Present report is prepared to elucidate the various dimensions of personal andprofessional development such as approaches to self managed learning, their benefits andmethods to encourage life-long learning for the selected industry travel and tourism. Further,personal development plan is prepared after identifying the strengths, weakness and realizingcurrent, future needs. This report throws a light on the work based problem and its possiblesolutions.TASK 11.1 and 1.2 Approaches to self managed learning and ways to encourage life-long learningSelf managed learning is an initiative taken by individual to enhance knowledge andinformation to work at prominent industry in an organized manner by adopting the set ofactivities. It is a subjective manner to select the approach and proceed with the aim of careerprogression and personal development (Elliott, 2011). Different approaches are adopted bypeople depending upon the suitability and needs, but the fundamental components remainsame such as research, academic credentials, seminars and conferences and internet.Adopting these methods has enabled me to bring competency to work in the organizationoperating in travel and tourism sector.Research: In the recent times, thorough knowledge about the work and industry is theprerequisite for any organization or individual to get success. It gives the completeanalysis of the personality. In this process I have identified my strengths andweakness with the help of SWOT model. In this process I have figured out mylearning style through VARK model and Honey and Mumford Model (Moon, 2013).Academic credentials: Fundamental knowledge and information is gained whileattaining the academic credentials. During graduation and professional degree courses1 | P a g e
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I was acquainted with thorough knowledge about the working and functioningadopted in the travel and tourism sector (Olsen, 2015).Seminars and conferences: Seminars and conferences aids in attaining dynamiclearning process by making contact with the wide range of people belonging todifferent fields enables the learning in wide horizons.Internet: With the advancement in the technology, the boundaries between differentsectors and persons are decreased in very considerable manner. Internet has connectedthe people belonging to different corners of the world. With the help of internet I havelearned different ways and methods to develop my traits to fit in the professionalstandards by adopting scientific and proved methods (Reeves, 2012).Ways to encourage life-long learningLearning is the continuous process in which an individual is always involved in theprocess of acquisition of knowledge and experience by adopting various methods throughoutthe life in different ways. I have processed the life-long learning by adopting three ways oflearning:Social Learning: In this process an individual learns by observing the surroundingsand imbibing certain attributes in the personality (Ojiako and et.al., 2011). It is theprocess of reflective learning in which knowledge and information are articulated inform of experiences and learning.Cognitive learning: Cognitive learning refers to that method in which the individualavail the opportunities and development possibilities through his active mind. Thismethod has been very useful for me throughout my development process.Humanistic learning: This is the pragmatic way of learning in which polarizing thethoughts and opinions, pluralistic approach is used. This method has developed theskills of adopting the best solution among varied possibilities (Bourner, 2011a).Above learning processes has enabled me to process the life-long learning through thefollowing mediums:Education: It refers to the attainment of knowledge and information in schools,colleges and higher courses.Employment: Organizations realizes the need of frequent up gradation of personalityof employees hence, enhancing skills through conduction training programs anddevelopment courses. Attaining seminars and conferences through the travel and2 | P a g e
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