
Importance of Personal Cleansing & Dressing in Nursing Care


Added on  2023-06-10

11 Pages2930 Words75 Views
Nursing assignment
Importance of Personal Cleansing & Dressing in Nursing Care_1

Nursing assignment
Table of Contents
Part 1.......................................................................................................................................2
Part 2.......................................................................................................................................4
Importance of Personal Cleansing & Dressing in Nursing Care_2

Nursing assignment
Nurses help a person who is facing from any dilemma by identifying all the relevant
information at the time of assessment of activities of an individual. The personal cleansing &
dressing is a common practice of nurses that helps in finding out any potential patient health
or any difficulties in performing the activity of living. The outcomes are analyzed and actions
are planned that includes nursing planning, intervention and evaluation. The personal
cleaning and dressing is a way to reduce the chances of future infections and stop it for re-
occurring. Thus this report covers all the activities that should be into consideration to avoid
future illness in the patient,
Part 1
Nursing is an art to apply all the scientific principals in a humanitarian way so that a
proper care is provided to people. The nursing practicing is a process that serves the
framework for practicing the care among life of people. Nurses use a problem solving
approach that enables them to find out all the potential risks that are associated in their health
(Hunt, 2016, pp. 32). Once the risk is identified their daily activities are observed so that a
plan could be designed to care in an appropriate manner. There is various kind of information
that nurses gather during the assessment of the person’s activity of living. One such is
personal cleansing & dressing that is used to discover any potential patient health problems or
any difficulties faced while performing the activity of living (Yang, et. al, 2018, pp.67).
The ability to provide personal cleansing and dressing is a fundamental need as it
reduces the risk of infections and injuries. It promotes physiological, social, culture and
overall well-being of an individual. There are few activities that nurses consider about
Importance of Personal Cleansing & Dressing in Nursing Care_3

Nursing assignment
patients to figure out the health issues associated with it. The daily activities include the
movement time of people in bed to sleep and their dressing and personal hygiene habits. The
personal hygiene covers the bathing habits, grooming and oral care of a person. The dressing
habit includes the ability to make right dressing decision (Sibbald,et. al, 2018, pp. 300).
Nurses look after all the past experiences of people and chances of reoccurring so that
precaution could be taken accordingly. It is important for nurses to undertake such theories as
it support the patient to achieve independence at every stage of care. This could be achieved
by maintaining proper cleansing, dressing, and eating, breathing habit (Yang, et. al, 2018,
pp.67). While nurses undertake the assessment of patient they evaluate the patients on the
basis of its body temperature, sleeping habits, eating and drinking nature, hygiene, breathing
and dressing habits. Then only a framework is used for planning and implanting the care
process (Swann, 2015, pp. 565). Thus to reduce the chances of infection in patient from the
environment proper personal cleaning and dressing pays an important role. At initial phase
nurses use a process of communication for assessing the patients and their issues. The
planning care of a patient is developed after gathering information about all the factors. The
nurses undertake personal dressing and cleansing to find out that the wound is better than
before or there are any severe issues that have started (Swann, 2015). While assessment
nurses find out that there is an improvement in the illness than before. They also gather out
the behavior of a person and comparing it with the information that was gathered at first
experience. They also find out the patient past history and checking out the current status of
illness and injury (Sowan, 2014, pp. 530). The past history helps in finding out the
complications in the case. The body temperature of person along with respiratory rates is
tested. The heart rate and blood pressure is checking out on every meeting to monitor the
changes that are happening in the body (Debra, Beth and Grotts, 2016, p. 363). While
practicing dressing nurses practicing good hygiene and practice appropriate dressing
Importance of Personal Cleansing & Dressing in Nursing Care_4

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