
Personal Development as a Strategic Leader


Added on  2023-01-11

19 Pages6315 Words53 Views
Development as a
Strategic Leader
Personal Development as a Strategic Leader_1

Table of Contents
TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1
1.1. Analyse of needs, goals addition to aspiration of people that are involved in inter
organisational strategies...............................................................................................................1
1.2. Evaluation of strategic skills required among leader for attaining identified strategic
leadership ambitions....................................................................................................................3
1.3. Assessing relationship among existing, required along with future skills for achieving
identified strategic leadership ambitions.....................................................................................4
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................5
2.1. Discussion on opportunities for achieving strategic leadership development......................5
2.2. Constructing personal development plan for attaining strategic leadership development...6
2.3. Devising implementation process for development plan......................................................8
TASK 3............................................................................................................................................9
3.1. Assessing achievement of results of plan against strategic needs........................................9
3.3 Evaluating impacts of achievement of objectives on strategic leadership ambitions..........10
3.3. Reviewing and updating leadership development plan......................................................11
TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................12
4.1. Evaluating extent at which strategic organisational needs involved in inter organisational
strategy are met from existing resources...................................................................................12
4.2. Formulating proposals for developing strategic leadership resource.................................13
4.3. Evaluating effectiveness of strategic leadership developments in attaining advancement of
professional leadership practices across the company...............................................................14
Personal Development as a Strategic Leader_2

Personal development can be said to strategic process together with step for acquiring
expertise, knowledge, technical competencies and set of skills for the purpose of improving
individual performance addition to attain entrepreneurial goals, visions, missions in effective
ways (Rose, 2018). In this assessment, Kia Supplies and Company is considered which is leading
organisation that provide wide types of supplies at domestic and international levels cross the
world. The business has national along with international operations with diverse number of
stakeholders. It also has range of legal together with regulatory requirements to meet in order to
attain sustainability and competitive advantages.
The assessment highlights about needs, goals and aspirations of stakeholders within inter
organisational strategies, strategic skills of leader, relationship among current, required and
future skills for acquiring recognised strategic leadership ambitions. Further, it discusses about
opportunities for achieving leadership development, personal development plan and
implementation process. Moreover, it also assesses achievement of results of the plan, evaluation
of impacts related with objective achievement, review and updating of devised leadership plan.
At last, it evaluates the extent at which strategic needs of business involved in inter
organisational strategy meeting current resources, proposals for developing strategic leadership
resource and effectiveness of development of strategic leadership to achieve advancement in
professional leadership practice.
1.1. Analyse of needs, goals addition to aspiration of people that are involved in inter
organisational strategies.
Inter organisational strategies are the action plan wherein people from different business
units are involved for achieving specific objective (Argenti, 2017). The fast changing universal
competitive environment has resulted in new paradigm shifts within operations of organisations.
In this context, STEEP factors plays crucial role through which leaders of company are able to
analyse what are the elements that impacts the strategies of inter organisational system. For
instance, leaders of Kia Supplies and Company have identified that political environment of the
nations are different that from one another. Some countries have stable and fair political system
while there are some nations at which political environment are not stable. This has resulted in
Personal Development as a Strategic Leader_3

regionalism which gave birth to new tariff regulations. Moreover, organisations have also
experienced unprecedented changes within political-economic, legal, environmental, social-
cultural and technological sectors. Furthermore, technological aspects have redefined the ways
businesses are conducted as well as same is applied to other organisational department. Advent
of innovative media has created huge opportunities for inter organisations and brought
phenomenal changes within behaviours of consumers together with new marketing environment
dimension. All the dynamics ignites a passion addition to quest in order to developed strategic
framework which is robust for sustaining and positioning the company for thriving and
Some of the people that are involved in inter organisational strategies of Kia Supplies and
Company includes technicians, leaders, managers and many more. The needs, goals and
aspiration of certain people are as follows:
Leaders: Organisational leaders are the people that influence subordinates for working
with full passion for inter organisational strategies (Bush, Bell and Middlewood, 2019). The
major goal of leader of Kia Supplies and Company is to bring out best in human resources for
working towards strategies. The needs of leaders in the company are for support from superiors
and effective team. The aspirations of leaders in the strategies are for powers, maintaining
relationships and job security in the dynamic business environment.
Technology team: People that have role and responsibility for handling technological
factors and elements within inter organisational strategies are said to technology team. These
people provides technological infrastructure for planning and implementation of inter
organisational strategies. In Kia Supplies and Company, the main goal of technology team is to
ensure that the entity have effective and efficient information technology system which supports
operations and puts data security at accurate place. The aspiration of technology team is to
develop together with program codes as well as firewalls which protect information technology
infrastructure and data security of company against malwares, cyber criminals and hackers.
Experience in networking, computer repairing and technological competences is major needs of
technology team.
Managers: Human resource managers are the key people that have huge involvement in
inter organisational strategies for the business (Cartwright, 2017). In context to Kia Supplies and
Company, goal of human resource manager is to provide proper recognition level for employee
Personal Development as a Strategic Leader_4

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