
Personal Development Plan for Becoming CEO of Transport Malta


Added on  2023-01-12

11 Pages2693 Words24 Views
Professional Development
Personal Development
Personal Development Plan for Becoming CEO of Transport Malta_1

Table of Contents
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................3
2.1 Carrying a skills audit to evaluate the strategic skills needed to meet current and future
leadership requirements..........................................................................................................3
2.2 Applying appropriate techniques to identify preferred learning style..............................4
3.1 Constructing a personal development plan that meets leadership development
requirements identified in the skills audit..............................................................................5
3.2 Using suitable methods for assessing the outcomes of a personal development plan against
personal work objectives........................................................................................................9
3.3 Evaluating the impact of own learning against the achievement of strategic goals.......10
Personal Development Plan for Becoming CEO of Transport Malta_2

Person skill development is one of the most essential part of personal and professional life for an
individual to move forward in their career programming new career opportunities and also
perform well in their personal life. This is a report is developed for preparing a personal
development plan for acquiring the career goal of becoming CEO of transport Malta. The report
goes through by developing a skill audit for evaluating strategic skills required to meet the future
leadership goals. Appropriate techniques and tools are used for identifying preferred learning
style and accordingly a personal development plan is prepared. The end after preparing to PDP
suitable methods are used to assess the outcomes of the PDP in relation with the personal work
objectives. Along with it the impacts of own learning will be beneficial for the organisation
along with career goals.
2.1 Carrying a skills audit to evaluate the strategic skills needed to meet current
and future leadership requirements
Skill audit is basically a process that is used by an individual to identify the skill gaps and the
areas in which they lack for reaching to there career goal. The skill audit is conducted identify
the areas where is the individual needs to work and require trainings. With the help of a skill
audit document understanding of the gaps and the skills required by the person to reach to their
career goals can be analysed along with gaining knowledge about their current abilities and
talents (Choy and Chua, 2019).
In order to be a successful CEO of transport Malta there are numerous skills which are needed to
be developed in order to reach to the career goal. These skills are communication skills, effective
conflict management skill and most importantly time management skills. These are the three
most important abilities or skills which is required in a CEO of an organisation. The skill audit of
the abilities and talents required for becoming a CEO bus transport Malta is conducted by
reviewing the continuous development plan prepared in previous project. The continuous
Personal Development Plan for Becoming CEO of Transport Malta_3

development plan also known as CPD assisted and directed identifying appropriate areas which
are needed to be improved for becoming a CEO and which are essential skills required in CEO.
also in previous project there are some tools which are used available in the market place for the
individual to evaluate and develop their personal skills. These tools are competency self
assessment survey tool and personality test tool. With the help of both of these tools general idea
is evaluated about the skills which are our present and needs to be updated along with a
personality test showing the inbound competencies. The stools also helps in developing effective
skill audit and knowing the essential skills required for becoming a CEO and moving forward in
2.2 Applying appropriate techniques to identify preferred learning style
Learning style
A learning style refers to a consistent way or manner in which a person or an individual response
and by using stimuli in context of learning. The learning style of the composition of
characteristic cognitive, Dev and psychological factors which serves as relatively level indicator
of how a individual or a learner perceives, interacts and response to the learning environment
(Van Zyl and Stander, 2019). The learning science also defined as those educational conditions
under which a person is most likely to learn in an effective and efficient manner. There it is said
that learning styles Earth concepts and manners concentrating on the way and individual learns
rather than on what they learn.
Tool used to identify preferred learning style
There number of tools and techniques present and divided by researchers to the marketplace for
individual to identify the learning styles and behaviour. Some of these tools are known as VAK,
Kolb's model, Honey and Mumford learning style tools. Out of these tools VAK learning style
tool is preferred and used to analyze and evaluate the learning behaviour of the individual.
VAK learning style theory was design for describing how distinct type of learners process
information’s (Law, 2020). This learning style was established in 1987 by Neil Fleming and
stands for Visual Auditory and Kinesthetic that is tactical. The theory suggest that there are
three types of learners who learns with three different channels which are visual channel,
auditory channel and tactical channel. These three channels of learning identifies and implies that
every individual is different and therefore they need use of different channels for learning and
Personal Development Plan for Becoming CEO of Transport Malta_4

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