
Personal Development Plan for Desklib - Smart Goal Setting, SWOT Analysis, PDP Plan, CPPD Plan


Added on  2023-06-05

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Professional Development
PPD Plan
Personal Development Plan for Desklib - Smart Goal Setting, SWOT Analysis, PDP Plan, CPPD Plan_1

Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................3
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................3
Smart Goal setting - ...................................................................................................................3
Personal swot analysis -..............................................................................................................5
PDP plan .....................................................................................................................................6
Continuos professional personal development plan - ...............................................................7
Employability skills developed while the course : ....................................................................9
Action plan : .............................................................................................................................10
CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................11
Personal Development Plan for Desklib - Smart Goal Setting, SWOT Analysis, PDP Plan, CPPD Plan_2

Personal development plan is stated as procedure of making an action plan which is on
the basis of values, awareness and reflection also includes goal setting which is used to develop
the individual quality and capability. This is outlined by an every individual and group of
people for the reason of acknowledging about the specific content topic and bring the changes
at the workplace which can assist to finish the business objective. Business management is the
coordination and management of business operations which is utilised to oversee activity and
aids workers to carry on content. This is crucial what are the weakness which refers
limitations, affected the business positivity or negativity. Business management is used by
people to improve their knowing and knowledge regarding specific content and contribute to
finish the business activity. The present report covers them into powers . The report will
concentrate in development of an individual skills and capability to operate which person
develop during having studies and working with business. However report covers many skills
which is required to develop in order to have a good quality in future also having
professionalism in company.
A professional development palns which is created which is make by a person for the
aim of developing strength and deficiency regarding a topic. To make any kind of pdp there is
requirement to peform the ability that us difficult analysis of study and educatiob used by
individual for the goal of managing all features and activity. As per the plan it is important fo
ran individual as it assists to know what are abilities abd weakness to manage the complex
consotitions and issues that impact the personal productivity.
Smart Goal setting -
Goals gives path to person in order to get happening in life. This is whole process that
plays an important role in having a person encouraged and motivated. In instance, it also help in
assessing self development efficiently. The procedure needs consistency, focus and promise. In
present time, goal setting is really crucial as it assists in making an efficient use of time and
practices. If a person does not familiar with the objectives it can be a reason of pressure and
anxiety in coming period of time. These goals keep s individual actuated and animate to put
Personal Development Plan for Desklib - Smart Goal Setting, SWOT Analysis, PDP Plan, CPPD Plan_3

important attempt In regards to recognize those objectives. It takes consistence and subject in
life that is of import to have happening and growing. In order to have set my goals the smart
approach I used to follow is listed in below :
Specific : It is the initial step of smart approach according this objective need to be
circumstantial. During setting the goals, respective requires to reckon lucidity in goals in
regards to neglect expression.
Measurable : The goals required to be calculated. Here, it is crucial to set some specific
situations so that the progress towards the aims can be simply calculated.
Achievable : during fixing the objectives it is crucial to consider the attainments.
According to the factors goals required to be achievable. It required to be organised
according to the quality and skills of a person.
Realistic : This factor refers that there us need of connection of content with life process.
Goals needs to be formulated on realistic background.
Time bound : Here is a need to analyse a specific time for goal achievement. It is
crucial in state to manage uniformity in practices of the person.
Goal setting theory :
it is uses to get good outcomes who explained simply and basically goals by managing
all features. I utilized the theory to determine the goal and becoming professionalism in each
functions. Further discussed in below :
Clarity : it is an effective principle of goal theory means whatever stated by another
must be clear and calculated as it support to create future best and good in coming
time. My objectives are cleat as to become a achievable management by demeriting
opportunity and reducing risks by analysing the skills and abilities to function.
Challenge : This states to establish the modification and various things which required
to be consider during working and contribute to negotiate the all functions. I used the
issues value helped me in growing my education and learning in specific particular field
and supports to finish targets.
Commitment : This principles relates to having devoted efforts and activities for the
ground of reconciliation personal and non recreational life. This theory is used to grow
the answer-ability for personal content and bringing changes at the workplace. When I
Personal Development Plan for Desklib - Smart Goal Setting, SWOT Analysis, PDP Plan, CPPD Plan_4

Personal and Academic Development
Assignment 2: Personal Development Plan
Student name
Student ID no.
Word Count
Personal Development Plan for Desklib - Smart Goal Setting, SWOT Analysis, PDP Plan, CPPD Plan_1

Contents page
Personal Development Plan
Part 1 – Personal Analysis .................................................................... p1
Part 2 – SMART Goals ........................................................................... p
Part 3 – Personal Objectives .................................................................. p
Part 4 - Evidence of Reflection
Learning Log A (insert week number) ........................................................ p
Learning Log B (insert week number) ........................................................ p
Learning Log C (insert week number) .........................................................p
Bibliography ........................................................................................ p
Personal Development Plan for Desklib - Smart Goal Setting, SWOT Analysis, PDP Plan, CPPD Plan_2

Personal Development Plan
Part 1 – Personal Analysis
Section will extend as you continue writing
The personal analysis section of personal development plan helps an individual in pursuing
their career goals by identifying and distributing their skills into strength, weakness,
opportunities and threats.
Strengths Weaknesses
Communication skills
Digital skills
Teamwork skills
Research skills
Data analysis
Problem-solving skills
Opportunities Threats
Presentation skills
Critical thinking
Strength: My strengthen skills involve communication, digital and teamwork which make
me unique and apart from others. This skills will definitely going to help me achieving my
career goals.
Communication Skills: This is a skill with the help of which I am able to interact
with other such as my tutor, classmates and other in an effective manner (Howlett
and et.al., 2021). This also helps me in building the trust of my assignment teams
when we all need to prepare the project together.
Digital skills: This is one of my strengthen skills which is more important than any
other skills because it gives me a competitive edge. This skill will help me in
providing new strategies and approaches to working on any assignment.
Teamwork skills: The teamwork is a skills which helps me in managing and
collaborating with my teams at the time of group project preparation. This will also
helps me at my workplace in working together with the colleagues and also
facilitating idea generation and creativity (Howlett and et.al., 2021).
Weaknesses: Despite of having various strengthen skills, I also faces challenge and
difficulty at my college because of my weakest skills which I need to develop in my self.
This are as follow:
Research skills: I face difficulty in researching the new and unique sources and
information for the purpose of completing my project. I need to develop this skills
to improve my academic writing skill and also to enhance by assignment accuracy
and relevancy.
Data Analysis: Analysing the data using the statistical and financial tool is quite
difficult and challenge to me because of the lack of interest. But in order to achieve
Personal Development Plan for Desklib - Smart Goal Setting, SWOT Analysis, PDP Plan, CPPD Plan_3

good grade in college and to achieve my career in marketing I have to develop this
skill (Dansereau, Hande and Kelly, 2019).
Problem-solving skills: This is also one of my weakest skills and the impact of
which I am unable to solve the critical situation and their problems. I have to
improve this skill in order to increase my ability and manage my group project
Opportunities: This is a skills which is act as an opportunity for myself and which also
need to be adapt by myself. This involve:
Listening: This is a skills with the help of which I am able to listen others problem
and issues. And further able to solve it in order to keep other motivated. Active
Listening also helps me in enhancing my knowledge.
Presentation skills: The presentation of content with the use of PPT apps and their
smart tools is important to learn and grasp for student. That's why this skill is an
opportunity for my self and I have to adapt it. This skill also help in adapting the
opportunity of determine my career path and finding a job after my course
completion (Hughes, Kinder and Cooper, 2019).
Threats: This part of SOWT analysis helps me in identifying the skills which are threat to
my academic and career growth. This are as follow:
Critical thinking: Thinking critically about any situation and information is not my
cup of tea. This might hurts me at the time of semester and annual examination and
increases the chances of hurting my academic grades.
Concentration: Concentration over a specific task is quiet difficult for me and the
impact of which I always faces delay in my work. This is one of threat skill which
will definitely affect my career. And I have to improve it by moving outside my
comfort zone (Hashemi, Samani and Shahbazi, 2017).
Personal Development Plan for Desklib - Smart Goal Setting, SWOT Analysis, PDP Plan, CPPD Plan_4

Personal and Academic Development
2: Personal Development Plan
Student name
Student ID no.
Word Count
Personal Development Plan for Desklib - Smart Goal Setting, SWOT Analysis, PDP Plan, CPPD Plan_1

Contents page
Personal Development Plan
Part 1 – Personal Analysis .................................................................... p1
Part 2 – SMART Goals ........................................................................... p
Part 3 – Personal Objectives .................................................................. p
Part 4 - Evidence of Reflection
Learning Log A (insert week number) ........................................................ p
Learning Log B (insert week number) ........................................................ p
Learning Log C (insert week number) .........................................................p
Bibliography ........................................................................................ p
Personal Development Plan for Desklib - Smart Goal Setting, SWOT Analysis, PDP Plan, CPPD Plan_2

Personal Development Plan
Part 1 – Personal Analysis
Section will extend as you continue writing
A personal analysis is a common tool or platform in professional world to evaluate the past, present as well as
future aspects. It provides organisational leaders a new perspective on what they can handle, manage and
control the overall business performance in proper manner.
On the basis of personal analysis, I have been shared my own identity. My name is Alexandrina. I was born in
Romania and have two children. As my background, I am belonging to middle class family and my mother and
father both are teachers. Moreover, I have shared My education qualification- I studies at the programming
language and taken admission in the IT university at Romania. After some times, I just moved to UK, and
always tried to move UK for purpose of job opportunities in different fields. Usually, my targets are achieved
good jobs in the IT companies. I am always encouraging myself with different innovation, idea, belief and
assumption. In most of times, I have tried to apply into different companies and chased my dream to establish
or build own business. That’s why, I have taken admission in the London University. After moved UK, my first
aim is to achieve a better qualification in the management and accounting (Hu and et.al., 2021). In UK, I
also studies accounting in London university. I have gained a lot of opportunity which help for me to improve
my ability and gain knowledge. This will help for me to achieve desirable goal or objectives. At the time of
studies, I have learn so many things such as emotional intelligence, Eisenhower matrix and comfort zone.
These are considered the different elements which are actually in daily life at certain point. Similarly, I have
recognised the importance of these element in personal as well as professional’s perspectives. As per identify
the personal analysis, experience and education qualifications. These are become consider as an important
aspect for me to improve more understanding towards leadership and management. Because I have found
that it is important in personal and professional development.
The personal SWOT Analysis-
In my personal experience, I have been shared the personal development approach which has become
consider as an essential phase for making myself as more appealing to handle both professional as well as
personal growth. Usually, I have focused on my own skills and knowledge. Sometimes, I am recognised that
how people can apply different strategic tactics to stand part in site of personal improvement. That’s why, I am
decided to do SWOT analysis.
Strength- as I am focused on the strength, I have a good communication skills which help for me to
establishing a strong collaboration with other people. I thought communication is one of the important source
to establish a good interaction with others immediately. I will be increasingly possibilities to understand what
are some skills needed to be improved (Bennett-Levy and Finlay-Jones, 2018). At the time of studies, I
have grasps all knowledge of management strategic tactics and have a strong academic knowledge. This is
one of the important strength. Moreover, I can easily adapt the flexibility according to the business
Weakness- Once I have been shared my strength, but I also consider the weakness which is not only affecting
the personal growth but it may reduce the confidence level. My Weakness is market awareness, leadership
and management quality. These are important aspect for personal and professional growth, but at some point
Personal Development Plan for Desklib - Smart Goal Setting, SWOT Analysis, PDP Plan, CPPD Plan_3

I feel so much distressed because of poor leadership or management skills. In my personal experience, I have
tried to improve leadership skills and using different approaches on regular basis. In this way, this can help for
me to understand the importance of leadership and then I will improve themselves.
Opportunity- I have gained more opportunity to learn new modern technologies such as IT support system, MS
office, presentation, CRM. These are different kind of modern technology which has already used in the
organisation. But I have already theoretical knowledge of innovative tools so that it has become easier for me
to use modern tools in practical manner (Newman, 2020). Sometimes, I can take an advantage or benefits
to use on regular basis. This kind of strategic approach is something that help to use in the workplace.
Threat- Main threat is my nervous ness, which is always increasing at the time of task execution. In some
situation, it is very difficult for me to overcome critical condition. but I never give up and always try to focus on
my aim. Sometimes, I feel that threat of nervousness exist in only temporary basis. it can overcome by using
strategic approach.
Part 2 – SMART Goals
On the basis of personal analysis, I will develop a smart goals on the basis of skills improvement. Smart goal
will help for me to provide right direction where identifying specific need or requirement in future growth. That’s
why, I am focused on the leadership, management, IT and interpersonal skills. On the basis of these, I will
create own goals and try to achieve targets within specific deadline. By using smart objective, I will easily
measure the professional success and measured in different manner. Before executing different tasks, I will
have appreciated my degree of accounting in London university (Shin, Iyengar and Bajpai, 2021). This will
help for me to provide a right direction because I have already gained a lot of knowledge. That’s why, it has
become easier for me to improve skills by putting some efforts. But I needs to create specific smart goals so
that I will perform different phases in skill improvement.
Goal Specific Measurabl
Achievable Relevant Time
Finish my
essay by
the end of
the week.
Complete the
conclusion of
the essay,
check my
work for
errors and
correct them.
Yes. One
to write and
1000 words
(approx. 3
is planned.
4 days
until the
essay will
the essay
will help me
to achieve a
grade for the
is Friday
at 5pm.
Personal Development Plan for Desklib - Smart Goal Setting, SWOT Analysis, PDP Plan, CPPD Plan_4

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