
Skills of Leadership and Situational Theory


Added on  2023-01-17

9 Pages2951 Words44 Views
Skills of Leadership and Situational Theory_1

Table of Contents
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................3
Skills of Leadership and Situational Theory_2

Skills of leadership are abilities and strengths that individuals applies in order to watch the
processes, they take initiatives so that they can show the right path to their employees and can
achieve the expected and desired goals. The person who possess these skills has the ability to
inspire, delegate and make effective communication. These skills are necessary in every
organization as they help the company to work according to their mission and help them to direct
their employees so that the decision they take can be thoughtful and beneficial for the company.
Skills of leadership which are valuable has the ability to inspire their employees. Apart from that
it includes confidence, honesty and creativity. (Vetere and Stratton, 2016. )
Situational Theory-
I believe that this theory is considered to be similar as the theory of contingency as it
proposes that among all the leadership styles none has the ability or power to supersede others.
This style of leadership is set according to the condition of the situation. Steps in the decision are
taken by assessing and evaluating all the variables so that leaders can guide their employees
according to the suitability and nature of the task. This theory is based on two elements that is
the level of maturity in the followers and the style of leadership. (van den Bogaart and et.al.,
Members of the team don't have the skills which are required for the job and they are not
Members of the team don't have the necessary abilities which stops them to achieve
something they want.
Some of them have the skills and the ability to possess some of the goals but they are not
ready or some of them don't have the guts to take the accountability and responsibility of
the outcome. (Scarpena, Riley and Keathley, 2018.)
Members of the team are hired on the basis of their talent and also on the basis of how
motivated they are to complete the task of the project.
According to me any leader who works according to this theory will use there strategy and
implement them according to the level of maturity and the abilities of the personnel of the
company. (Matherson and Windle, 2017.)
Skills of Leadership and Situational Theory_3

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