
Perspectives of Early Years Curriculum, Play and Pedagogy


Added on  2023-01-11

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Portfolio Task
EDE3103 Perspectives of Early Years Curriculum, Play and Pedagogy
Student Name:
Student Number:
Ethical Statement: All efforts have been made within this to protect the
identity of children and professionals referred to, by adopting
pseudonyms. Images used, and referred to within this document, are
correctly acknowledged and, where appropriate, permission sought and
Perspectives of Early Years Curriculum, Play and Pedagogy_1

Student name
Introduction................................................................................................................................................. 3
Task 1 –........................................................................................................................................................ 4
1A – Learning Story – Give this Task a ‘name’ learning story....................................................................4
1B and 1C– Develop a plan - ***Start separate page for plan..................................................................6
1D – Rationale that justifies the curriculum decision-making and pedagogical approaches adopted for
the ‘Plan’.................................................................................................................................................. 8
Task 2 – Factors that inform interpretation and application of the curriculum, practice and the learning
environment............................................................................................................................................ 9
Task 3 – Discussion addressing the value of the identified communication to parents..........................10
References............................................................................................................................................. 11
Appendix A – Pedagogical conversations, notes, and reflections...........................................................12
Appendix B – Sample of communication to parents about ‘playful learning’.........................................13
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Student name
Curriculum, play and pedagogy are effective elements that are directed towards determining
different approaches which contribute towards setting of a progressive learning and teaching
environment within an educational setting(Siraj-Blatchford, Mogharreban and Park, 2016).
Hence, the assessment below emphasises on creation of original learning story, development
of plan for delivering future learning, engaging in pedagogical conversation with early
childhood educator, as well as effective communication of playful learning
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Student name
Task 1 –
1A – Learning Story – Give this Task a ‘name’ learning story
that focuses on a child/children learning through play (based on a real scenario from your pract placement; another scenario; or mock
play scenario).
Learning Story Layout (Front Page)
Description of the experience Dan and Mark, both of you today showcased a
great play while dealing with that puzzle. It was really good to see the way Mark is
paying attention and trying to support you Dan in solving that puzzle. It is also
highly creative to witness both of you engaging in such a crucial activity for children
your age. Moreover, I really liked how both of you helped one another and How
Dan kept asking for the pieces from you Mark. Also, it was very kind of you Dan to
keep taking Mark’s advice about the missing pieces, which showed how much both
of you were a part of this game.
Picture/Pictures :
Analysis & Interpretation of the learning of children - What it means?
The activity which these children were made to participated was related to developing a big puzzle which required the two boys in the picture to work
together towards complete the puzzle effectively (Brooker, Blaise and Edwards, 2014). Dan, I was really happy and joyous seeing that you were
solving this puzzle very confidently and how well both you and Mark were involved in the game (Learning Outcome 4: Children are confident and
involved learners). Also, it really pleased me when you both were communicating and expressing yourselves in a very effective way, where it involved
asking questions, giving suggestions, providing explanations and so forth (Learning Outcome 5: Children are effective communicators). Another point
where I felt good about this experience was when each question of Mark was appropriately and calmly be answered by Dan, showing how connected
both of them have been in the process (Learning Outcome: Children are connected with and contribute to their world).
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