
Organizational Behavior Concepts and Research


Added on  2020-11-23

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Organizational Behavior Concepts and Research_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................................3PART A.......................................................................................................................................................3TASK 1.......................................................................................................................................................3P1. Organizational politics, culture and power influence team behaviour and performance....................3TASK 2.......................................................................................................................................................6P2. Content and Process theories of Motivation and its techniques.........................................................6Motivational measures...............................................................................................................................11TASK 3......................................................................................................................................................11P3. Understanding factors that makes a team effective .........................................................................11TASK 4......................................................................................................................................................13P4. Concept and Philosophies of Organizational Behavior....................................................................13CONCLUSION.........................................................................................................................................14REFERENCES..........................................................................................................................................15
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INTRODUCTIONOrganizational behavior is one of the important tool that plays an important role inaccomplishing all the objectives of company. Further, management requires performing theirfunctions and roles in such a manner that will help in maintaining the behaviour of employees forproper and adequate conduct in company (Ashkanasy and Humphrey, 2011). According to DavisOB is consider as an application that described about the knowledge that in what manneremployees require to performed and further it has been described that workforce is consider asmost important asset on the basis of which they are able to achieve their mission and vision atappropriate manner. Under this assignment, the company British broadcasting corporation ispreferred which is consider as UK based top most company in national broadcasting thatengaged in dealing with all the current affairs of company and provide different news to generalpublic. Further, it discusses about all the impact related to culture, power and politics at the timeof performing work in team, various motivational theories approach and philosophies oforganizational behavior.PART ATASK 1P1. Organizational politics, culture and power influence team behaviour and performanceMeaning of organizational politics:- This term can be understand as such way in whichorganization uses different strategies and tactics in external market in order to beat the challengesof rivalry and achieve organizational objectives easily.It has been observed that an organization comprises of various employees who worktogether in order to complete objectives in an appropriate manner. Further, it is essential forcompany to work cooperatively with their managers and subordinates so they enable to achievetheir daily targets in stimulated time period (Bowler, Halbesleben and Paul,2010). Further, it hasbeen seen that every organization has its own rules and principles that help in formulating theirown corporate culture which attract outsiders towards them. Basically, every company has adifferent working environment according to their policies and procedure that they require tochange according to the suitability and needs of employees. Further it is on the hand of staffmembers to divide whole category of business into four categories which described below: -
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Hendy’s cultural typology: - This theory was first given by Charles Handy in 1999. Further heexplained that an organization is very much similar in which particular company each havingtheir own belief, culture and expectations which they have to consider at the time of decisionmaking. Because of dynamic external environment, there are various changes coming in externalmarket so organizations need to modify their organizational structure according to it. Further,Handy’s define the whole class of culture into different categories which is described as below: -Power culture: -According to this, it has been observed that power culture as spider web thatmeans all the main members of company who take all the decision are require to sit at the middleor Center of organization. Further, there are many companies whose powers remain under thecontrol of few members only, who takes all the major decisions. Because of authoritativeleadership style, employee has no option but have to follow all the instructions given by theirsuperiors. Apart from it, employees are not allowed to take active participation in decisionmaking formed on viewpoints, opinions and choices; instead they have to follow all theinstructions given by their superiors. Further, in BBC there are various individuals who holdbigger position and their workforce are normally judged on the basis of their achievement andrewards instead of performance.Role culture: -Under this type of culture, roles and responsibilities are given to their workforce on thebasis of skill, education, qualification and education in order to get better outcomes from thatparticular place. Further, here employees are free to take active participation and use their ownskills and capabilities in order to beat all the challenges of an external market. Staff members ofBBC are fully aware with respect to their own roles and responsibilities that allow them toperform their activities in proper and cost-effective manner and once power is coming thenresponsibility come in mind through which they have to perform positively.Task culture: - This culture is fully depended on team work and spirit that give the idea to anorganization to achieve their targets and in what ways their critical and crucial issues it can besolved. Further, they divide the work among different individuals according to theirspecialization consist of around 6-7 members and every workforce has to contribute their efforts
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