PHILOSOPHY Answer 1 Descartes overthrew all his belief in order to perceive well defined arena for the church along with securing the freedom of the scientists for developing mechanistic accounts for physical phenomenon. According to him, this way, he would be able to fulfill the needs of the Christian doctrine while discouraging the intervention of the church in scientific matters along with promoting further exploration of the world (Green). The basic strategy of Descartes's method of doubt includes defeating skepticism om its own ground (Descartes). Answer 2 Descartes had caste doubt on the reliability associated with sense perception. He proposed that while scientific observations needs to be an interpretative act that requires careful monitoring. For example, Descartes had noted that the testimony of the senses when omes to a specific judgment associated with the external world possess the potential to turn out to be mistaken. Often things are not what they seem to be at first observation (Carriero). However, he also stated that we should never completely trust the truth of a facts perceived by us. A per my opinion I agree that several time we get deceived by our sense except the tactile sense. For example, mirage can be considered as an example of optical illusion. Answer 3 according to Descartes there exists no specific sign that possess the potential to distinguish between dream experience from waking experience. I personally believe that people while dreaming do not realize that they are dreaming, until and unless they are experiencing a lucid dream. A lucid dream can be stated as a hybrid condition between sleeping and being awake. Therefore, I come to the conclusion that during lucid dreaming we can control our dream and thus the Dream problem explained by Descartes is true in majority of the cases with some exceptions. Answer 4 several time our unconscious mind does conjure up our dreams that have nothing to do with the real world. According to Descartes, it is not possible for an individual to determine whether they are dreaming or are awake. Hence, when a dream that possess no connection with our real life is seen by us, at that point of time, it becomes reality to us. According to Descartes, our dreams are made up of our thoughts of unconscious minds and ability to make choices. Answer 5 Descartes strongly believed of a notion of belief which remains same in both dreaming as well as real world when we are awake. Along with this, our thought process also remains
PHILOSOPHY same whether we are dreaming or awake. Descartes’s anticipation was to decrease or get rid of the role of unreliable sense perception in sciences. According to him the Cartesian method of science to be more relevant that other branches of science. Answer 6 In his final skeptical argument, Descartes have used the concept of the Evil demon as a metaphor. That does not signifies that he believed the existence of an Evil demon physically in the real world. Descartes had said, "I shall think that the sky, the air, the earth, colors, shapes, sounds and all external things are merely the delusions of dreams which he has devised to ensnare my judgment. I shall consider myself as not having hands or eyes, or flesh, or blood or senses, but as falsely believing that I have all these things." Descartes did not hold that the existence of God is immediately self evident to every one (Alex). However, he believed that it can be come self evident to the individuals who are careful as well as industrious meditators. Answer 7 Descartes has proceeded to offer an effective solution for those individuals who are seeking for avoiding error. When the intellect presents the will with a perception, the individual needs to refrain from forming any sort of judgment unless the perception is clear as well as distinct (Urban). In case the person was to affirm a hazy perception, and coincidentally affirmed correctly, then the agent has successfully avoided error. Answer 8 As per my opinion, Rene Descartes was not skeptical. Rather it will be appropriate to characterize him as an anti-skeptic. His philosophical method has been called as methodological skepticism as being sought to be used by him as skeptical doubts as a mean of discovering their indubitable truths (Green). The fact that Descartes have successfully found indubitable truths in plenty cannot be ignored.
PHILOSOPHY Reference List Descartes, René.Descartes: Meditations on first philosophy: With selections from the objections and replies. Cambridge University Press, 2017. Carriero, John.Descartes & the Autonomy of the Human Understanding. Routledge, 2019. Alex, Sandeep. "Rene descartes: Colossus of binaries–real or perceived?."Archives of Medicine and Health Sciences5.1 (2017): 126. Urban, Elizabeth. "Response to Roger Brooke’s Critique of ‘On Matters of Mind and Body: Regarding Descartes’."Journal of Analytical Psychology63.5 (2018): 661-663. Green, Karen. "On the error of treating functions as objects."Analysis and Metaphysics15 (2016): 20-35.