
Philosophy and Modern Science


Added on  2021-06-14

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Running head: PHISIOLOGY AND MODERN SCIENCE1Philosophy and modern scienceName InstitutionCourseDate
Philosophy and Modern Science_1

PHISIOLOGY AND MODERN SCIENCE2Philosophy and the modern sciencePhilosophy is an ambiguous word and many researchers have tried to describe it.However, it is a discipline that seeks truth through reasoning and not empiricism. Since 17th and18th century the human reasoning and knowledge have been developed to major scientificdiscovery. New knowledge and understanding of issues pertaining to life are explained throughobservations and experiments. Hence science and philosophy are inseparable. Scientific methodsused today in experiments and analysis are developed from philosophy. Philosophers such asNewton, Galileo and Copernicus have highly contributed to the revolution of science. Theyadvanced their reasoning about life and nature through observations and couple of experimentsto determine the truth behind their thoughts. This highly contributed to the development ofmethods and instruments to facilitates these observations. There was also development of lawsfor instance the law of nature which currently help to trace the history of the universe (Bird,2006). Therefore, the basis of the modern science is philosophy. Hypothesis in scientificresearches are basically formed from observations of nature which is philosophy. Elements ofscientific reasoning which involve thinking with a purpose to identify a problem, throughassumptions relevant data is gathered and inferences made that leads to development of theories,and identification of the scientific implications and consequences has altered the conception ofthe origin and limit of human knowledge whereby, it focuses at proving the origin and factsconcerning a certain perspective. This has therefore led to incredibility of unproven information.Intrinsic and instrumental goodsIntrinsic goods are goods that have values on themselves. That is, a good is valued for itsown sake. For instance, as stated by Kirk (2006), when we do activities that give intrinsicsatisfaction, for example sports for pleasure, there is a possibility to continue doing these
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PHISIOLOGY AND MODERN SCIENCE3activitiesmore and more. Here, the pleasure one gets from sport motivates one to continue insporting. While instrumental goods are those goods that helps us achieve or obtain other goods.For instance, money enables one to posses a good needed or acquiring a service that bringssatisfaction and hence we value money for its end results. Modern science represents therelationship of human beings and natural world through instrumental approach this is because thescientific approach is analytical and focuses on the result. Therefore, the end results determinethe value of the relationship. The modern science determines the value of the natural world tohuman beings depending with the benefits the humans obtain from the world. This gives anadvantage that no assumptions are made in the relationship between humans and the world, sincethe scientific methods will prove this. For instance, the relationship between genes and humancharacters can be explained through scientific observations and analysis.Since science isgradually changing,the recognition of our place in the ancient universe is an essential insight inthat it enables man to appreciate and realize the developments that have been achieved over time.It helps us to understand ourselves since the modern science explains reasons and the facts weknow and therefore helps us to understand the existence of different aspects of life rather thanmaking mere assumptions that were common in the ancient universe.Application of philosophical and scientific reasoning in our daily lifeAs according to Okasha (2016), science reasoning determines the confidence to be placedin an inference. In our daily life the decisions we make, how we solve conflicts and how we seeksolutions to problems should be focused to the confidence of the final result. This helps toprioritize the decisions we make on particular issues. For instance, the elements of scientificreasoning help to decide on the career one should take. This is possible by predicting the futureand finding information about the career and from other people reviews about the career one can
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