
Physical Or Mental Ailment Or Both


Added on  2022-09-18

13 Pages3270 Words24 ViewsType: 24
Disease and DisordersHealthcare and Research
A Carer, referred to a person, may be a family member, friend, close one or
a hired profession who engages in the activity of care giving for an
individual who is suffering from a physical or mental ailment or both. The
person is usually unpaid if he or she is a close one like a family member or
friend but otherwise, the person is paid but the chances of the same are very
low. The role of care giving depends on the severity of the ailment and its
type. One may need help for a physical or a cognitive condition, any form of
injury or a chronic illness, which is life limiting (Carerscanada.ca 2019).
The practice of Care giving pertains to the vision of providing the best
possible help and remedy to a patient. This includes medication, mental
therapy like meditation, treatment, physical therapy like exercises and
primarily, giving a company. The vision of a caregiver is to provide the best
possible care and strength that a patient needs to heal. It aims to enable the
ones, who are injured and physically unable to live their lives to the fullest.
The mission of a caregiver is to keep the patient and his or her family happy
and comfortable. The best way to make this possible is by sending quality
time with them and making sure that they are happy with the caregiver’s
behavior and efforts. In the practice of care giving, one needs to relax and
allow the patient to keep their on foot on the caregiver’s foot with enough
trust (Essenceofcaregiver.blogspot.com 2019). Thus, this ensures the duty of
the caregiver to build and promote this sense of trust in the patient and his or
her family.
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News Release
30-minute plan
Situation analysis
The organizations like NDIS work with a larger community and aim to not
only provide help to the sick and injured but also raise awareness and build
initiatives to uplift the carers. The organization is working to provide
services to the needy and shall be present in Inner Easter Melbourne on
November 1, 2019. The chosen area hosts a large number of communities
for the carers. This event, organized with WeKarre, an organization that
works at community levels, aims to raise awareness about carers and their
professional situation at Deakin University Burnwood for carers, social
workers, other organizations, educators and people with disabilities.
The event shall present people like Matthew Donahue and Prof. Monica
Andrews. Matthew Donahue has a sixteen-year old daughter with autism and
cares for her. He is also an engaging speaker who has been involved in
several awareness campaigns on the above issue. Prof. Monica Andrews has
lately concluded a study, marking the importance of the carers in the process
of slowing down illness and disability by a significant number. She believes
that the additional funding, delivered by the NDIS to support the carers will
encourage an increase in the number of family members to encourage on the
role of a carer.
Problem statements
The process of caregiving exposes the carers to the risk of being easily
infected by diseases and exposes them to strenuous hours of work, with very
low or no sleep and payment. The various challenges that exposes the carers
to the different problems consist of the following:
The caregivers go through intense mental trauma like
depression, anger, isolation, dementia and so on. The poor
sleep, loss of appetite, poor mood, lack of enjoyment or
motivation at work, feelings of helplessness and such similar
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situations push them into a room of depression. The situations
of unfairness and a lifestyle change besides responsibilities can
cause frustration and anger in them. This gives way to dementia
where these people lose their compassionate feelings and
feelings of humanity (Allen, et al. 2017). The sense of guilt is
harrowing when the person realizes that he or she is being
angry with a person who is sick and/ or injured and needs their
support to sustain. The constant long work hours may lead the
person to lose his or her social life, pushing him or her into a
corner of isolation with no time for enjoyment. One cannot get
a break at his choice for the lack of an alternate ‘sitter’ as the
respective family of the patient does not necessarily hire
someone else for a day. Thus, the life of a carer is very difficult.
Low payments or no payments is another crucial issue that bars
the person from earning a good amount of money to support his
or her lifestyle or family despite overworking. This added up
with the rude behaviors that most of the families of the patients
inflict upon the carers. They tend to look down upon them as
most of these caregivers are not educated enough to work
elsewhere and support themselves. Religious and social barriers
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also exist in these scenarios for the discrimination at workplace
for the carers (Nemati, et al. 2018).
A lack of social recognition and respect that does not even
consider them as a part of the labor system or looks down upon
their job structure. Their association and identification in the
medical sectors can boost their work spirit and motivation. This
cannot be possible without the interference of the government
(Bauer and Sousa-Poza 2015).
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