
Security Management and Change Implementation


Added on  2020-01-16

9 Pages4903 Words74 Views
1von315.12.2016 14:53TotalQuestions: 10Auto-savedat: NotsavedyetTopassthispaperyou willneedtoanswereachquestionandscoreanoverallmarkof65%topass.Werecommend yousaveyouranswersonyourcomputerbeforesubmitting yourassignment topreventanychanceof losingyourwork.Questions:1.Explain whatconstitutesarisk,givethreeexamplesofriskandsuggesthowtoeffectivelymonitorandaddresseachrisk. (20Marks)Risk is defined as particular situation that has potential for creating damages and looses. And negative occurrence of event comes inthe category of risk and external and internal elements are accountable for creating risk and harm. Lack of appropriate care in planning a strategy and event creates threats and due to that risk arises. If potential hazards associated with a specific conditions are not identified and assessed than due to that probability of having risk arises. Non availability of appropriate resources that are required for mitigating the risk is also a significant element that lead towards constituting the risk. There are many types of risks that are faced and it is assertive that effective and appropriate strategies should be formed for reducing the impact of risk. Three main types of risks are as described :-Systematic risk :- These types of risks are associated with influencing large number of assets. Majority of assets in a portfolio gets affected due to systematic risk. These type of risk can be monitored by making effective assessment plan which will support for monitoring this type of risk and appropriate measures can be taken for mitigating the risk. Unsystematic risk :- Specific assets of entity gets influenced by this type of risks and impact of this risk is lower as compared to systematic risk. Monitoring of unsystematic risk is difficult and it can be done by appointing a personnel for observing the risk. Diversification is the best way for reducing the negative impact of unsystematic risk. Operational risk :- These type of risk are faced while executing required function and these risk may occur due to technical failure, gap in processes and failure in implementing the action plan effectively are some specific reasons that lead towards creating operational risk. Monitoring of operatioanl risk can be done by preparing a check list and 2.Evaluatethepossibleimpactofanenvironmentalthreatonthetransportationofanassetanditssafedelivery.Forthepurpose ofthis,describeindetailthescaleofthehypotheticalthreatandexplainandexploreall thepossiblerisks.
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2von315.12.2016 14:53(20Marks)Transportation of asset requires a organized approach so that safe delivery of asset can be ensured. There might be many risks that are faced while delivering the asset from one place to another. For example an area which is susceptible for flood creates danger for transporting the asset from one place to another. There might be risks that assets will get damaged and due to that worth of the assets will be decreased. In addition to that there might be delay in the delivery ofasset and due to that overall cost of transportation will also increase. It is required that proper resources should be allocated so that asset and other material can be delivered on right place and at right time. In addition to this increase in temperature, rain fall and sudden changes in climatic conditions might give impact on the transportation of assets. It is vital that security management firm should be careful about shifting the asset from one place to another andit will aid in delivering better services for moving asset and other material. Some natural disaster such as earth-quack and heavy rain fall can also create problem while shifting and some valuable material can be destroyed in overall process. People who are involved in the procedure for translocating the material from one place to another will find it difficult to complete their job properly. External environmental conditions will give influence on the logistics activities and transportation of material from one place to another place gets affected due to it. 3.Anindependentmenswearretailoutletisgoingtostartofferinganonlineorderingfacility.Discusswhatcontingencyplanningis appropriate,anddiscusstheissuesthatyouthinkmayarisethatwouldformpartofacontingencyplan.(min.500words)(20Marks)Opening an independent menswear outlet requires a systematic and organized approach and it is needed that effective action plans should be formed for carrying out the activities of retail store in effective way. Contingency plan can be developed for starting a new independent menswear outlets. The major objective behind forming contingency plan is to execute required business operations in efficient manner. There are various risks that are involved in starting a new business and it is assertive that entrepreneur should develop effective practices for mitigating the risk that might be faced while carrying out business functions. Contingency plan provide a basic framework for carrying out business activities and mitigating the risk by adopting effective measures. Particular set of instructions are developed under the contingency plan and list of possible disaster, damages, harms and risk that might be faced in the entity will be developed. Task and works are also decided under contingency plan and it is needed that all the people who are assigned responsibility should complete their assigned work properly. Duties and responsibility of each staff members are defined specifically and they are instructed for completing their work on due time with effective efficiency. In addition to that it is needed that allocation of resources should be done in optimum way so that plan should be implemented in effective and advanced way. Material, equipment and other assets that are required should be starting operations of independent menswear store also needs to be ordered and purchased so that timely execution of business activities can be ensured. Alternative plans also needs to be prepared so that in case of failure of a specific action plan alternative strategies can be implemented. It will support for mitigating the risk that is being faced in the enterprise. There can be many issues that can arise while forming a contingency plan and if proper data, information, facts and figures will not be available than it will become difficult for forming the contingency plan in effective way. There are significant benefits of forming a contingency plan and new independent menswear outlet can be opened in the entity. Contingency plan formed in an effective way will support for saving the time and cost of the entity for executing business functions effectually. A specificdocument can be prepared in which contingency plan can be mentioned and it will support for designing a effective course of action for carrying out business activities effectively. Lack of appropriate resources will also create problem in implementing the contingency plan effectively. Future risks that might come in the way of opening a new menswear outlet can be reduced and their impact can also be avoided by making a effective contingency plan. In addition to that conflicts of issue may occur among group members while forming the contingency plan and due to that overall
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3von315.12.2016 14:53procedure for formulating the plan will get affected. It is vital that all the members that are involved in procedure of formulating the contingency plan should be agree on all the points that are discussed in the contingency plan and it will aid in developing the plan in an effective and advanced way. 4.Explaintherationalebehindthemethodologyofasecuritysurveyforamedium-sizeddistributioncompanygivingexamplesof possible:a)ThreatsRisks
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