
Instructions for Authors - Wound Practice and Research


Added on  2022-11-18

6 Pages2904 Words207 Views
PO Box 7182
Watson ACT 2602
02 6189 0756 / 1800 870 855
ABN 69 104 482 963

Instructions for Authors

The editor and the editorial board of Wound Practice and Research have specified
guidelines for prospective authors to follow when compiling an article they wish to
submit to the journal.

Terms of Submission

The editor accepts submissions in the form of research findings, clinical papers, case
studies, reports, review articles and letters. Each submission is evaluated on its timeliness,
relevance, accuracy, clarity and applicability to the journal. Submissions will be
accepted from any country but must be written in idiomatic English. The submitting
author must certify that all authors have seen and approved the manuscript content
and that the work has not previously been published and will not be published
elsewhere. Once it is published, the article and its illustrations become the property of
the journal, unless rights are reserved before publication.

All work is copy-edited to journal style. The editors reserve the right to modify the style
and length of any article submitted, so that it conforms to journal format. Major
changes to an article will be referred to all authors for approval prior to publication.
Major editorial support will also be stated in the Acknowledgments section on

Authorship and Contributor

All authors must meet all four criteria for authorship based on the International
Committee of Medical Journal editors (ICMJE) Recommendations (see
Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly
Work in Medical Journals (ICMJE Recommendations); available at

1. Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the
acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND

2. Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND

3. Final approval of the version to be published; AND

4. Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that
questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are
appropriately investigated and resolved.

All authors and contributors (ie, individuals who contributed to the preparation of the
manuscript but who do not meet the ICMJE criteria for authorship; including medical
writers/editors) must specify their individual contributions at the end of the text in the
Acknowledgements section. Individuals who did not contribute to the manuscript
development but who deserve to be acknowledged for their contribution to the
study (eg, study investigators, persons who provided important technical expertise, or
the participants as a group) should be acknowledged in the Acknowledgements
Instructions for Authors - Wound Practice and Research_1

PO Box 7182
Watson ACT 2602
02 6189 0756 / 1800 870 855
ABN 69 104 482 963

Role of Funding Source

All sources of funding (study sponsors) must be declared at the end of the text in the
Acknowledgements section. In addition, where a funding source is declared the role of
the funding source (eg, in study design, data collection, analysis, or interpretation of the
data) must be described in the Acknowledgements section. If the funding source had
no such involvement, this must be stated.

Disclosure of Interests

A disclosure of interests statement must be included. It is the responsibility of all authors
to disclose to the editor (in the cover letter) any financial and nonfinancial relationships
that could be viewed as presenting a potential or actual conflict of interest. Conflicts of
interest must also be disclosed within the manuscript in the Disclosure of Interests section
before the References section. If there are no conflicts of interest to report, this must be


Investigations in human and animal subjects must conform to accepted ethical
standards. Authors must certify in the text that the research protocol was approved by
a suitably constituted ethics committee of the institution within which the work was
carried out and that it conforms to the Statement on Human Experimentation or the
Statement on Animal Experimentation by the NHMRC. In addition, study participants
must provide informed consent and appropriate written consents and permissions.

Releases must be obtained where you wish to include any case details, personal
information, and/or images of patients or other individuals. Participant consent must be
documented in the text.


If the author(s) wishes to reproduce copyrighted work, it is the responsibility of that
author(s) to obtain written permission from the copyright holder and to submit the
original copy of that permission to the editor with the work as it is to be copied.

Manuscript Type

The journal publishes articles of interest to readers from the areas of wound practice
and research. Submitted work may take any of the following forms:

Literature review: Narrative describes and evaluates the current knowledge of a
subject, identifies gaps or inconsistencies, and includes critical evaluation with
recommendations for future research. Systematic describes planned analysis and
evaluation of all available research studies on a particular clinical issue, conducted in
accordance with scientific principles and may include recommendations for future

Research report: Presentation of study results in an ordered fashion, based on common
practice. Research reports are expected to follow the ICMJE Recommendations for
preparing a manuscript (see: http://www.icmje.org).

Case study: Combination of recount (retelling of events as they occurred) and
information report (classification and description of something). Can be presented in
different ways to give a cohesive account.
Instructions for Authors - Wound Practice and Research_2

PO Box 7182
Watson ACT 2602
02 6189 0756 / 1800 870 855
ABN 69 104 482 963

Exposition (including letter to the editor): Putting forward of a particular viewpoint /
justification of a particular argument.

Preparation of manuscripts

Manuscripts are to be no more than 4000 words and include an abstract of no more
than 200 words. Original research reports, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses
require structured abstracts, using the headings: background, methods, results, and
conclusions. Use double spacing with Times Roman 12 font and margins 2.5cm. Title
page to include title of manuscript, author’s names, qualifications and affiliations,
corresponding author’s details including email address and contact phone number,
total word count and from two to five key words. Include title of work on the abstract

page and first page of introduction. Include key points on what is already known on the
topic and what your manuscript contributes. Define abbreviations in the summary and
on first mention in the text. Avoid abbreviations unless terms are used repeatedly and
abbreviating them will enhance clarity. See ICMJE recommendations for further details
on how to prepare a manuscript (
http://www.icmje.org), including recommendations
on how to report registration of clinical trials and the deposition of data in public
repositories. In addition, authors are encouraged to use the relevant research reporting
guidelines for the study type provided by the EQUATOR Network (see:

Tables and figures are to be presented on separate pages, one per page. Tables
should be clearly typed, showing columns and lines. Number tables consecutively using
Arabic numerals in the order of their first citation in the text and supply a brief title for
each. Place explanatory matter in footnotes, not in the heading. Explain in footnotes all
non-standard abbreviations used in each table.

Figures must be submitted as separate high-resolution jpegs, at least 300kb in size and
no larger than 2 mb. Legends for any figures supplied must be typed in sequence on a
separate page(s). Illustrations must be clear, well-drawn and large enough to be legible
when reproduced. Titles of illustrations should be supplied on a separate piece of
paper, not in the figure or illustration. Each figure must include its place, its number, and
the orientation of figure. Patients or other individual subjects should not be identifiable
from photos unless they have given written permission for their identity to be disclosed;
this must be supplied.

Referencing Guidelines

The referencing format is based on the Vancouver style, the main feature of which is
the use of numbers at the point of reference so as not to interfere with the flow of
words. Each number corresponds to a single reference provided in the reference list at
the end and, once assigned a number, a reference retains that number throughout the
text, even if cited more than once. If more than one work is quoted in a reference,
each work must be assigned a number. That is, at any point in the text, the reference
may be one 1 or several 2-4 numbers. Following are some examples of references from
different sources:

Articles in journals

Standard journal article: list all authors if less than seven, if seven or more list first
Instructions for Authors - Wound Practice and Research_3

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