
Policy Approach of Obama and Trump Assignment 2022


Added on  2022-10-11

4 Pages692 Words5 Views
Policy  Approach  of Obama and Trump Assignment 2022_1

In the political party system of the United States of America, the two parties are the
Republicans and the Democrats. The former political party tends to have a very conservative
approach in solving the social, political and economic issues through the system of legislations.
Their basic political philosophy emanates from the conception of a laissez faire state. They
believe that the Federal Governments should refrain from interfering in the activities of the
people which they undertake in their daily lives. That is something which is reflected in their
standpoint with regard to introducing the fiscal measures. They are more in favour of austerity
measures and reduction of the level of public expenditure, alongside reducing the taxes (Budge
& Laver, 2016).
The Democrats on the other hand are guided by liberal principles which seek to increase
the level of expenditure on public utility services that shall be conducive to upholding efficiency
and social justice, instead of spending on military and warfare. An example with regard to
establishing the difference of the standpoints of the Republicans and the Democrats can be the
passing of the Obamacare and the abolition of it. The Obamacare was passed during the second
term of Democrat, President Obama which sought to make healthcare and managing of expenses
by students more affordable and easier, with the view to reach out to all sections of the society,
especially the economically underprivileged ones. With the coming of the Republican
government under President Donald Trump that was abolished citing the amount of pressure it
was creating for the government to meet the aspirations of the people (Budge & Laver, 2016).
With regard to the social issues, and the standpoint of the political parties, the issue of
easening the stance of the respective goverrnments on the sexual minorities can be cited as an
example. In the year 2015, gay marriages were legalized all throughout the United States of
America, after a long standing struggle. President Obama had proclaimed on that occasion that it
Policy  Approach  of Obama and Trump Assignment 2022_2

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