
Policy development Assignment PDF


Added on  2021-04-21

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Political Science
Running head: POLICY DEVELOPMENTNameStudent IDThe course & unit of competency: POLICY DEVELOPMENTDate:
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1NameName: COURSE: POLICY DEVELOPMENT Student ID: Date:Table of ContentsASSESSMENT 1: WRITTEN QUESTIONS......................................................................2ASSESMENT2: PROJECT................................................................................................6Part 1:.............................................................................................................................6Part 2:.............................................................................................................................8Part 3:...........................................................................................................................10Part 4:...........................................................................................................................12Part 5:...........................................................................................................................14Part 6:...........................................................................................................................17References:......................................................................................................................19
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2NameName: COURSE: POLICY DEVELOPMENT Student ID: Date:ASSESSMENT 1: WRITTEN QUESTIONSA) Explain policy development processes and practices.Policy development is one of the important facts and includes several steps toimplement a policy. Steps are as below:Issue identification: Issue identification is essential to make the policy, and theorganization must need to understand which issue needs to be resolved by modificationor creation of a policy.Appointing the persons or board: Policy development procedure is the long-termprocess and to maintain the process systematically appointing a board, or somepersons is essential.Setting the policy development process: This step is essential for the development ofthe policy where board need to develop a plan, conduct research and prepare the wholechart of which steps are needed to be taken first (Hill & Varone, 2014).Research: This includes a research process of evaluating the policy of other company,internet research, evaluating the participants and much more to judge the effectivenessof the policy.Consultation: This stage includes consulting the discussion paper with all thestakeholders and gains the review or feedback from them regarding the policy.Preparing draft: In this stage, a draft has been made as a first step towards thepreparing the policy by evaluating the consultation process (Oleszek,2014).Consultation stage 2: After preparing the draft it is mandatory to share it with thestakeholders and take the review from them for better understanding.Adaptation: after evaluating all the factors and terms when board get the satisfactionthen it is the perfect time to finalize the policy
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3NameName: COURSE: POLICY DEVELOPMENT Student ID: Date:Communication: After finalizing the policy it is necessary to build a suitablecommunication with the organization’s all members, proper training can also beformulated to understand and implementing the policy.Monitoring: After implementation, proper monitoring needs to be formulated to judge thefuture step.B) Explain the operation of policy cycles:Operation policy cycle consists of 5steps are as below:Setting the policy agenda: the First component of the policy cycle is setting a policyagenda regarding which resource company have, which need to manage which need togive the priority and many more. This is the basic process of formulating requirementsand finding the source to meet it.Writing policy: Demonstrate the policy in a clean, simple and clear manner to make itsimple for the organization.Implementing policy: Implementing the policy is the important part because basically,people think that policy is made to restrict (Holmes, 2015). in order to mitigate thisproper clear presentation is needed and should have to provide sufficient time tounderstand the policy.Enforcing policy: After the implementation of the policy and determine all the factorsand review, feedback policy has been enforcing.Reviewing and Updating Policy: After the enforcement, it is necessary to review thepolicy every time because sometimes after implementing the policy it becomes diverselyaffected the organization (Sheldon, 2016). Proper review needs to be done to maintainthe policy systematically.C) Describe how to use analytical policy development frameworks
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4NameName: COURSE: POLICY DEVELOPMENT Student ID: Date:An analytical framework is a process to develop the policy within an organization.It has five steps structure through which whole the policy development process goesthrough. The first step is to realize the need for the policy. It is the basic step that needsto be taken after identifying the issue. Next step is the planning. Policymakingprocedure is time-consuming and complicated. In order to develop a proper policy cleanand clear planning is needed. The very next step is the implementation of the policy.This is the vital step of the analytical framework because before implementing, varioussteps need to be followed such as understanding the policy, make aware about thepolicy, proper training of the authority to understand rules and regulation. Implementingpolicy is also time-consuming because numerous stages are there and proper, flexibledecision must need to be taken to implement any policy because lots of variablesdepend on a single policy (Valls et al. 2016). Not all the policy helps to mitigate thesituation sometime reverse reaction can also happen. After implementing, anotherimportant step is the evaluation of the policy. Evaluation stages are also importantbecause it reveals the importance and effectiveness of the new policy and also showsthe whole activity of the policy. The review is the last part that needs to be taken fromthe employees and authority of the organization about the effectiveness of the policy.Review stage reflects the actual nature of the policy, is it helpful or not. This basic fivecomponents of the analytical framework complete the whole process of the policy-making and also reveals the importance of the newly made policy.
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5NameName: COURSE: POLICY DEVELOPMENT Student ID: Date:D. Identify the role of the existing Policies and Procedures underpinning the work areaand how they relate to identifying area for policy development or review.Existing policies and the procedure can be stated as the main regulatingstructure of an organization. Existing policies help to organize the conflict situation notonly that also guides the company and employees how to interpret with theorganization. Policy maybe of different types and all the policy helps to lead theorganization in a systematic manner. Sometimes new issues arise and existing policiesare not suitable to mitigate the issue. For example, if employee turnover occurs in anorganization, then the company needs to rebuild or develop the existing policies toretain the employees and also need to develop the exact procedures how to retain theemployee to meet the policy. In this type of situation, development of the new policy isneeded and for this review and evaluation need to be done. Development of the newpolicy can be done after evaluating the existing policy, and existing policy always guidesthe authority to develop the new policy. Existing policy reveals the area for whichpolicymaking is needed through the dissolution of the existing rules (Boarnet et al.2017). When an existing policy and procedures are not able to cooperate with thesituation, then it automatically demanded the development of the new policy and alsodetermined the area of research to prepare the new rules.
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