
Policy Review In Australia For Migrated Students


Added on  2022-08-20

1 Pages860 Words13 Views
Australia is observed with an old tradition of immigrants. Australia
always welcomes the migrant students with a warm heart.
However, in the recent period of time, the migrant students are
facing different issues related the policies covering various genres
of sociological context (Akbari and MacDonald 2014). Hence, this
paper will highlight some of the issues of policies made for the
migrant students within Australia.
According to the study, the nature of gender policies for the immigrants vary
from visa-by-visa and provide attention to various effects of gender for all
categories of migration. On the same hand, the immigrant law identifies the
nature of gender and family violence and its impact on individual visa-holders. It
is right to be said that there is no equivalent protective law for the women
migrants belong to the range of temporary visas which are not attached for
sponsoring the partner visa that may not lead to eternal residency.
Observing the migration policy, one needs to belong to the age group
of 18 – 49 to get the facilities within Australia. Hence, the students get
best benefits from the policies made for them. They provide various
educational facilities to the migrant students including the qualification
level such as diploma, degree of bachelors and doctorate (Alam and
Imran 2015). Apart from this, Australian study require to complete
more than one year qualification to take the advantage of the study
policies within Australia.
The immigration department of Australia suggested various reasons
for the requirement of mental health. It includes protecting the
Australian community from the safety risks containing the public
expenditure about health care and services related to policy (Reitz
2013). Apart from this, the section 65 of the Migration Act the
immigrant will be granted after satisfying some criterions.
Akbari, A.H. and MacDonald, M., 2014. Immigration policy in
Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United States: An
overview of recent trends. International Migration Review, 48(3),
Alam, K. and Imran, S., 2015. The digital divide and social inclusion
among refugee migrants. Information Technology & People.
Dreher, T. and Voyer, M., 2015. Climate refugees or migrants?
Contesting media frames on climate justice in the
Pacific. Environmental Communication, 9(1), pp.58-76.
Kassim, A., 2017. Recent trends in transnational population inflows
into Malaysia: Policy, issues and challenges. Malaysian Journal of
Economic Studies, 51(1), pp.9-28.
Klein, N., 2014. Assessing Australia's push back the boats policy
under international law: Legality and accountability for maritime
interceptions of irregular migrants. Melb. J. Int'l L., 15, p.414.
Reitz, J.G., 2013. Closing the gaps between skilled immigration
and Canadian labor markets: Emerging policy issues and priorities.
In Wanted and Welcome? (pp. 147-163). Springer, New York, NY.
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The immigration policies had a dramatic effect on the educational
policies. The place like New South Wales includes almost 40%
intake from the entire educational policies (Dreher and Voyer
2015). According to the policies of Australia, education is a broad
perspective that provides the opportunities to acquire knowledge
and skills through the procedure of learning. According to the
policies Australians provides a formal type of education to the
immigrants seeking for the opportunity of education. It is
recognized as a type of human right (Kassim 2017). It is
considered as an important tool to promote development for both
the native and immigrant Australians. It was initiated at the
universal primary education during 2000 and infused with the
sustainable development initiated in the year of 2016. It includes
the target range of universal primary education with the allowance
of secondary and tertiary educational accessibility.
Majority of the applicants regarding the temporary visa for entrance in
Australia need to complete the agreement mentioned in the Health
related requirement for migration (Klein 2014). Assessment for health
is based on the criteria that is linked with the duration of the staying
period. According to the immigration act of 1901 the persons with
contagious disease are prohibited from migration.
The aboriginal migration include some historical evidence. The
migration patterns for the aboriginal people includes various migratory
patterns due to the contacts with the Europeans. The local factors
have greater impact on the Urban migrants (Kassim 2017). The lack
of connection with the culture that includes language influenced the
aboriginal people to migrate.
Policy Review In Australia For Migrated Students_1

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