Preventing Under-Nutrition Crisis in India: A Comprehensive Approach
Added on 2019-09-23
19 Pages4935 Words284 Views
Table of ContentsIntroduction......................................................................................................................................21. Framing the problem....................................................................................................................31.1 The health issue: Health concern at the national level and what does the health system inIndia wants to address..................................................................................................................41.2 How big is the problem..........................................................................................................41.3 Stakeholders...........................................................................................................................62. Proposed health technology.........................................................................................................62.1 Search for health technology evidence..................................................................................62.2 Quality of the evidence: Brief critical appraisal of the paper you selected, using a CASPCritical Appraisal tool..................................................................................................................72.3 Other sources of evidence......................................................................................................92.4 Brief description of the technology to be introduced; Prevention Program..........................93. Barriers to adopting the technology...........................................................................................12Health care finance: what public/private funding is available?.................................................13Insurance markets:.....................................................................................................................144. Recommendations......................................................................................................................14Conclusion.....................................................................................................................................15Reference list.................................................................................................................................172 | P a g e
IntroductionMalnutrition is considered as a multi-dimensional issue. The term ‘malnutrition' means either toomuch or too little nutrients. It can cause various health issues, such as diabetes, stunted growth,heart disease and so on. The present assignment seeks to focus on the problem of malnutritionwhich is regarded as one of the burning health issues in India. As per the National Family HealthSurvey report at least 7% of children (below five years) in India are underweight (Sahu et al.2015). According to UNICEF, India stands 10th among the nations with a huge number ofunderweight children. The report of the UNICEF further suggests the fact that in terms of thenumber of stunted children, India stands 17th globally. In spite of impressive economic growth,the issue of malnourishment in India is really a matter of great concern (Burza et al. 2015). Thepresent study also seeks to discuss why India needs a well-developed health technology in orderto address this burning issue.1. Framing the problemGlobally, every country suffers from varied forms of under nutrition. Poor nutrition is regardedas an underlying cause of mortality and/or death of a huge number of children on a global level( 2019). Under nutritiontypically includes wasting, stunting and low body weight.3 | P a g e
Figure 1: The global prevalence of malnutrition(Source: 2019)However, many parts of India also suffer the extreme brunt of malnutrition which is why it isoften regarded as a detrimental factor to bad health ( 2019). Nearly 44%of children below 5 years are highly underweight in India. Also, there are multiple shreds ofliterature that have shown the probable causes of certain diseases due to the tremendous effect ofpoor nutrition during the gestation period (pregnancy).This, in turn, leads to growth retardation,lowered cognitive abilities and many more (Meenakshi 2016). In the year 2018, the GlobalNutrition Report has successively exhibited that India holds approximately 1/3rd of the globalburden of major malnutrition ( 2019). Such issues strongly enhance healthcarecosts, reduced productivity and bring slow economic progression. All these reasons havetogether perpetuated such poor health conditions and poverty cycle in India. Therefore, this particular piece of report intends to frame this “malnutrition” problem and goesinto elaborating the implication of the same in India. 4 | P a g e
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