I have attached the syllabus for this assignment, the assignment is on page 23 and half of page 24. You are not writing the full paper, only the part I was assigned to which is the first part. The need/issue/population that my group members and I are focusing on is MOTHERS WITH POST PARTUM DEPRESSION GROUP. It is a lit review paper, so you are finding articles that talks about it. You will need to find 3 articles and we decided to focus on African American women. The paper is going to be 4 pages in total. The article has to be within 10 years so nothing below 2010. So pretty much, am comparing low income African women to other culture and you will also focus on their cultural differences. The age group we chose is from 25-35. Focus on the prevalence of the need/issue among MOTHERS WITH POST PARTUM DEPRESSION GROUP. (SES, Age, Cultural group) And the Cultural differences within AGES 25-35 and differences in how the groups experience the same issue and how some cultures talk about