Submit an APA paper in English which discusses the problem of poverty for the Hispanic population through the theoretical lens of Cumulative Disadvantage Theory. The paper should be a minimum of five pages double spaced not including cover page and references. Elements to be included in the Paper Problem: Poverty Population: Hispanic women Stages of Adulthood: Early adulthood, middle age and late adulthood. Theory: Cumulative Disadvantage Theory Your paper will be assessed on your ability to analyze and explain in writing the following concepts: 1) Presenting the problem of poverty in the United States for the Hispanic female population, 2) Explaining the impact of poverty through the phases of adulthood, 3) Applying the theory of cumulative disadvantage theory to explain and better understand the problem, and 4) Your ability to respond to the research question posed for this paper. Research Question The research question that you must address in this paper is the follow