
(PDF) Poverty: some issues


Added on  2021-04-21

7 Pages2301 Words170 Views
Running Head: Short Essay IntroductionPoverty is a big problem in the whole world, because thousands of people die each yeardue to this big issue. Poverty is an issue that needs to be addressed by everybody in the world,but more specifically the Canadian government, because if Canada does not try to fix this issueof poverty, the Canadian society would continue to suffer. The purpose of this research paper isto try to understand what the theoretical and ideology framework is about poverty. To discuss itsimplication to social policy, so we can understand the reason for why the Canadian governmentalparties have not stopped it. all the above mentioned areas of scope would properly be understoodthrough answering this question. What are some theories of poverty and its implication for socialpolicy in Canada and other members of the Organization for Economic Co-operation andDevelopment (OECD) countriesCanadian governmental Theories of PovertyBefore delving into the theoretical understandings of poverty. I would like to definepoverty and its types. According to Dr. Kathleen, poverty is defined as “a lack of necessarygoods and services” (Kathleen, 2016, p.586). when individuals, families and communities are notreceiving the basic services required, then their quality of life would deplete and fall into thestate of poverty. As discussed in class, there are two types of poverty: absolute poverty andrelative poverty. Absolute poverty refers to the lack of means necessary to meet basic needs suchas food, clothing and shelter.). Those in underdeveloped and developing countries willexperience high probability of diseases and malnutrition. Relative poverty takes intoconsideration individual social and economic status compared to the rest of society. There aresome demographics and ethnicities that suffer from this form of poverty in Canada. 1
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Running Head: Short Essay However, there is no official government definition of poverty in Canada. As perStatistics Canada, that is the national statistical agency, poverty is referred as low level ofincome for Canadians thriving in straitened situation. There are essentially three differentmeasures for low level of income implemented by the Statistics Canada, namely, Low IncomeCut-offs (abbreviated as LICOs), Market Basket Measure (abbreviated as MBM) along with LowIncome Measure (abbreviated as LIM). Another significant point to understanding inadequacy ofincome in Canada is that diverse dimensions of poverty are associated to levels of consumption,income levels, costs of different goods and services. Study of trends of poverty in Canada show that for the past 25 years to 30 years the rateof poverty founded on LICO (considering before tax) have oscillated between 15 percent and 20percent. Likewise, rates founded on LICO (after consideration of tax) have ranged between 10percent and 15 percent. Therefore, it can be hereby stated that poverty condition in Canada is acontinual and an enduring one. These communities who are inflicted with this are the immigrants, single mothers,indigenous Canadian and people with disability. Mentioned in our class discussion that there ispoverty all over the world, but it is more prevalent in some countries. How did this concept ofpoverty come to existence? According to the class “poverty has existed in some form sincehumans first began to organize themselves into societies” (NimoBokore, personalcommunication, January 25, 2018) humans inherently like to form groups within themselves tohelp control their surroundings. They also like to have power and resources to help maintain theirsocietal groups Canada has a concept known as the social welfare system This system wasdiscussed in class as a concept that “is compromised of policies and programs designed to help2
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Running Head: Short Essay individuals, families and communities”(NimoBokore, personal communication, January 11,2018). This concept of social welfare system stems from the liberal ideology. Canada isacknowledged particularly as a liberal state. Fundamentally, no nation can be considered to be anideal, nevertheless, the combination of policies as well as programs upholding poverty reductionalong with income security in Canada can be categorised as conservative and social democratic.Canada Social Model can help in gaining understanding regarding the practical and at the sametime informative approach of policy development adopted in Canada. Essentially, four differenttags of policy can aid in the process of explaining the Canadian state provision for the purpose ofsocial welfare. The four different policies include universal policy of social provision for thewhole population, social insurance adopted to act as a shield for encouraging labour market,policy of social inclusion by means of institution of social minimum for mitigating the influencesof marginalization. Finally, another policy includes the scheme of social cohesion for thepurpose of fostering social assimilation in societies, stressing on solution based on the place. Combating the threats and challenges of poverty have always called for the action fromdiverse segments of the Canadian society, counting families, businesses, household, communitiesas well as government. However, a single sector is not expected to meet the threats of poverty. Inessence, the constitutional division of particularly powers as well as responsibilities amongCanadian governments has to a large extent formulated the federal role in the policy designed forcombating poverty. Basically, provincial as well as territorial governments in Canada have gotthe constitutional responsibility to deliver both health as well as social benefits to their citizens.In this regard, there are a number of agreements (federal, provincial as well as territorial) that aredeveloped for the purpose of transferring federal funds to both provinces together with3
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