
Work Breakdown Structure and Work Package


Added on  2019-09-16

5 Pages1318 Words338 Views
PPMP20008Assessment 3: Work Breakdown Structure and Work Package(Extra voluntary activity: There is a mistake in this document. There were mistakes on the other assessment documents. Did you notice them? If you find it, it might be worth noting down. Think about your feedback on your assessments. Were there comments about checking your work? What ways do you check your work before submitting it? In project management how would this ‘check’ occur?)Assignment OverviewThis assessment item requires you to develop :-Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), anda work packageThe submission must comply with the requirements outlined in the PMBOK v5 and PRINCE2 (2009). You are to develop and complete the documents as the project manager for the project supplied. Do not simply describe the purpose of the documents.Assessment Due DateWeek 8 Friday (08-Sep-2017) 11:45 PM AESTReturn Date to StudentsWeek 10 Monday (18-Sep-2017)Weighting20%Assessment CriteriaYour assignment will be assessed on the extent and quality to which it meets each of the following criteria.1.The project management concepts within the work breakdown structure are applied appropriately and it is an accurate reflection of the project described in the selected tender (5 marks)2.The project management concepts within the work package are applied appropriately and the quality management plan is an accurate reflection of the project described in the selected tender (15 marks)Ensure your submissions are submitted in an appropriate format, are concise, demonstrate clarity of expression, and correct grammar and spelling.Assessments provide the opportunity for students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills to
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achieve the required standard. To do this, assessment responses need to be both clear and easy to understand. If not, the University cannot determine that students have demonstrated theirknowledge and skills. Assessments will, therefore, be marked accordingly including the potential for 0 (zero) marks where relevant.Include only Microsoft Word Files for this assessment. There should be two separate files, one for the WBS and one for the Work Package. Do not include PDFs, Zip files or pictureswithin word files. Work Breakdown StructureFor the assessment the WBS must have at least three levels (make this simple and don’t go further than three). Make sure your lower level are WORK PACKAGES, not activities. There should be no more than six to ten work packages in your work breakdown structure.Include the WBS identifier on each item. It is likely better to have the project (top level) identifier as zero. Each parent item on the WBS must have at least two items coming from it.
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