
Practical Digital Marketing


Added on  2023-06-18

11 Pages2927 Words268 Views
MarketingData Science and Big Data
Practical Digital
Practical Digital Marketing_1

PART 1............................................................................................................................................1
1. Marketing.................................................................................................................................1
2. Marketing mix and fitting of communication fit....................................................................2
3. Digital marketing.....................................................................................................................2
4. Social media marketing...........................................................................................................3
5. Why digital marketing as well as social media marketing are important in contemporary
PART 2............................................................................................................................................4
1. Presenting two examples related to social media content which works and justification.......4
2. Screenshots of effective campaign..........................................................................................4
3. Why social media content is effective.....................................................................................6
Practical Digital Marketing_2

In practice, the term digital marketing can be explained to usage of electronic devices for
transmission of promotional messaging together with measuring impacts. It takes in multiple
forms such as display ads, social media posts and many more (Chaffey and Ellis-Chadwick,
2019). It involves advertising of a company that is delivered via digital channels to endorse
offerings. In contemporary businesses, digital marketing garners new traffic and generate sales
by reaching target audiences seeking of organisational goods or services.
The report highlight what is marketing, digital marketing, social media marketing and
how social media marketing is more effective for contemporary businesses. It also includes
social media contents, screenshots of various campaigns and reason why content of social media
is effective.
1. Marketing
Rao, Srivatsala and Suneetha (2016) says that marketing is a business action to promote
business to target audiences (Rao, Srivatsala and Suneetha, 2016). In other words, it is an activity
of establishment involving purchasing, advertising, distributing and selling offerings. Marketing
is art and science for discovering, crafting together with delivering values with the hope of
fulfilling need satisfaction of customer segment at a profit. It recognises unsatisfied desires and
quantifies recognised market as well as profit potential.
Within a business concern, marketing is considered as continuous exchange of
communication with customers through educating, informing addition to building relationship
over time span. When marketing is well performed then business strategy to build brand position
as well as image is attained. Bottom line of all entities is to make revenues and marketing is seen
as essential medium to reach end objectives. Without marketing, it is impossible for a company
to exist as it is ultimately what drives volume of sales. Furthermore, it ensures organisational
growth as existing customers are key priority of venture and efforts in marketing aids to expand
the customer base. In essence, it secures future in competitive scenario by engaging new along
with old customers.
Practical Digital Marketing_3

2. Marketing mix and fitting of communication fit
It is said by Thomas and Housden (2017) that marketing mix is major foundational model
for organisations that is centred towards promoting and selling goods or services (Thomas and
Housden, 2017). It is set of actions which are undertaken by establishments to push offerings in
market. It involves certain elements that are applied together for attaining desired positive
outcomes. Use of the concept by contemporary businesses is excellent way for understanding
what type of products can offer along with steps for planning successful product offering. It is
about forming decisions about availability of products, pricing strategies for the same, incentives
to be delivered to users and locations that would be effective to make products available for sale.
All these decisions are devised by considering impacts of marketing forces that are extrinsic to
Communication mix is combination of tools to share information with potential
customers. In contemporary businesses, communication mix fits with marketing mix to combine
various tactics with tools of marketing. It is done for the purpose of ensuring that devised
message reaches to end consumers and ensure repetition. Marketing mix only focuses on gaining
and maintaining benefits over rivals through product, place, price, people, physical evidence,
promotion and process. Communication mix fits well to listen needs and demands of target
segments as well as come with a message to communicate them about ways to meet their needs.
It is possible when both, marketing mix and communication mix get deeper look towards how
offering of entity is being received by segments and how they make comparison to competitors.
3. Digital marketing
In accordance to views of Desai, Chauhan and Kudtarkar (2019), digital marketing is
promoting a brand for connecting with potential through internet or systems of digital
communication (Desai, Chauhan and Kudtarkar, 2019). In contemporary businesses, use of
digital marketing considers how individual tool convert prospects. It offers affordable
alternatives and substantial returns on investments. It removes all types of geographical barriers
for business and opens doors to expand in foreign countries for serving people.
Digital marketing improves ability of ventures for testing two or more different ideas for
similar promotional practices. All tactics related to digital marketing uses efficient targeting
methods for having clear idea about target audience so to extract information about demands and
choices. With this, contemporary businesses are able to remain in top list which audiences work
Practical Digital Marketing_4

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