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Work-Based Learning: Renovation Project of Premier Inn Hotel Rooms


Added on  2023/06/15

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This report covers the project of renovation of the rooms of the Premier Inn Hotel of UK. It discusses the aims and objectives of the project, project life cycle, Gantt chart, and benefits from each stage of the project.

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TABLE OF CONTENTS..............................................................................................................2
Target, aims and objectives of the project..................................................................................3
Project Life Cycle.......................................................................................................................4
How deadline is met and benefits from each stage of project are achieved...............................6
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Work-based learning is basically an educational strategy the purpose of which is to
provide work experience to the students. This helps them in understanding and analysing the
work of the organization with the proper application of academic and technical skills. This report
will be based project of renovation of the rooms of the Premier Inn Hotel of UK. Further, the
report will cover the aims and objectives of the project along with the background and
assumption taken. Also, the report will also discuss each stage of the project life cycle in details
including the activities require to complete the same. In addition, for confirming whether project
completion has met the deadline or not, the report will cover Gantt chart. Lastly, the report will
cover the reflection on my experience and learning as a Front Office manager using the relevant
Target, aims and objectives of the project
The purpose of the project is to renovate each and every room of Premier Inn hotel in
order to gain customers attentions. Premier Inn was basically UK's largest hotel brands which
have around more than 72000 rooms and 800 hotels. The renovation project helps the hotel in
increasing their revenue and profitability because in the present time one think that attract
customer more is internal design of the rooms. So, in order to make them feel more comfortable
with the environment of Premier Inn hotel, the aims of projects have been decided (Cha and
Maytorena-Sanchez, 2019). The current status of Premier Inn hotel is such that they are Best
value hotel and loved by the customers. So, in order to maintain the status, the renovation of
rooms is best.
Project Aims and Objectives
To renovate the rooms of Premier Inn hotel in order to improve the guest experience and
increase resilience.
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To increase the customer's retention rate by 20% and profit margin by 10% within the
next one year.
To meet the project in the pre-determined budget cost of £100000.
To complete all the designed activities of the hotel room renovation project within the
time frame of 6 months.
In order to complete the project, the following assumptions are taken regarding the same
and this is as follows:
It is assumed that the prices of the raw material to renovate the rooms will remain
constant in the next six months.
It is also assumed that all staffs will corporate in the renovation projects in order to
complete it on time.
Further, it is also assumed that project cost with remain the same as initially budgeted.
Lastly, the assumptions regarding the material has taken that it will be arrived as planned
within the project schedule (Cavalieri, Cristaudo and Guccio, 2019).
Project Life Cycle
The project life cycle means the steps that is required to be followed by the manager for
the successful completion of the project from start to finish. This is also known as five step
process which are as follows:
The project initiation is the first stage of project life cycle in which the manager has to
turn the abstract ideas into the meaningful goals. In this stage, the manager need to develop the
aims and objective of their projects. In order to complete the present project, which is rooms
renovation of Premier Inn hotel, the following activities was decided. This involves the setting of
aims and objectives, creating themes, assigning roles and responsibilities and budget
development. At this stage, the manager of Premier Inn has decided that they require the total
budgeted cost of £100000 in order to complete the whole renovations tasks and activities (Galli,
2020). This stage has further helped the company to understand that which type of designs they
can implement within the rooms in order to attract more and more customers under the pre-

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determined budgets. It is because it is assumed by the company manager that they will achieve
the project in specified budget cost only.
The second and most significant stage of the project life cycle is planning in which the
manager need plan about what further they will do in order to execute and start the renovation
work. The list of activities plan by the manager of Premier Inn in this stage for the hotel rooms
renovation includes developing timeline, team segregation, hiring designers and experts, inviting
various proposals for the renovation and in last exploring sponsors. At this stage, the manager
has invited various proposals in order to identify whether any of the proposals are able to do
rooms renovation work at pre-determined budget and time limit or not. Beside this, the company
also hire the designers to help them in selecting the best designs of the room so that customers
experience and their profit margin easily get increase.
The execution stage of project life cycle is a stage in which the manager put the planning
into action and check the status of the project time to time. At this stage, the list of task done by
the Premier Inn company is marketing the renovation strategy, selecting and finalizing proposals,
contacting suppliers, taking meetings, creating status report and resources allocations. This is the
task which the company has executed in order to complete the whole project on time. In this
stage, the manager has been allocated the resources among the various works (Burmistrov,
Siniavina and Iliashenko, 2018). The purpose behind taking the meeting during renovation is to
make sure that the projects are on track or not. With the help of status report, the manager of
Premier Inn analysed that they can complete their whole project on time or not and if not what
measure they can take in order to solve the delay in work.
Monitoring / Controlling:
This is the second last stage which involve monitoring and controlling the whole project
to ensure that project objectives and deliverables are met. This is basically a stage which run
simultaneously with the execution stage. It is the responsibility of the manager, that they should
track the work in order to ensure that no one deviate from the original plan. The manager of
Premier Inn has set the Key Performance Indicator for tracking and monitoring the renovation
work in its hotel. Beside this, the various other activities has been also undertaken by the
manager at this stage includes managing smooth flow of activity, monitoring budget utilization,
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monitoring quality renovation, risk identification and preparing back up plan. It means that, the
manager has also identified the risk such as risk of power cut, delay in completion, labour
shortage etc. in order to prepare the back-up plan for the same. The back-up plan has helped
them in mitigating the impact of this risk over the renovation project.
This is the final phase and stage of the project management processes which indicate the
end of the project just before the final delivery. At this stage, the manager of Premier Inn has
conducted the post-renovation meeting with the staffs and suppliers in order to discuss archiving
project records. After that, they have been prepared the same in order to check whether all aims
and objectives of the project are met by the company or not from its renovations. The other
activities done by the company in order to close this project is celebrating the achievements,
taking feedback from the staffs and the customers (Zhang and, 2021). The manager of
Premier Inn has personally asked the customer about how they feel about the rooms designs.
Lastly, at this stage, the organization has also sent acknowledgement letter to all the workforce
who is involved in the hotel rooms renovation project.
How deadline is met and benefits from each stage of project are achieved
Gantt Chart
Task Mode Task Name Duration Start Finish Predecessors
Hotel Rooms renovation
activities 182 days Thu 1/6/22 Fri 9/16/22
Project Initiation 38 days Thu 1/6/22 Mon 2/28/22
Scheduled Setting objectives 5 days Thu 1/6/22 Wed 1/12/22
Scheduled Creating themes 10 days Thu 1/13/22 Wed 1/26/22 3
Assigning roles and
responsibilities 8 days Thu 1/27/22 Mon 2/7/22 4
Scheduled Budget development 15 days Tue 2/8/22 Mon 2/28/22 4,5
Project Planning 60 days Tue 3/1/22 Mon 5/23/22
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Scheduled Developing timeline 5 days Tue 3/1/22 Mon 3/7/22 6
Scheduled Team segregation 12 days Tue 3/8/22 Wed 3/23/22 6,8
Hiring designers and
experts 15 days Thu 3/24/22 Wed 4/13/22 9
Inviting renovation
proposals 18 days Thu 4/14/22 Mon 5/9/22 10
Scheduled Exploring sponsors 10 days Tue 5/10/22 Mon 5/23/22 11
Project Execution 32 days Tue 5/24/22 Wed 7/6/22
Marketing the
renovation strategy 4 days Tue 5/24/22 Fri 5/27/22 12
selecting and finalizing
proposal 5 days Mon 5/30/22 Fri 6/3/22 12,14
Scheduled Contacting supplier 2 days Mon 6/6/22 Tue 6/7/22 14,15
Scheduled Taking meetings 10 days Wed 6/8/22 Tue 6/21/22 16
Scheduled Creating a status report 5 days Wed 6/22/22 Tue 6/28/22 17
Scheduled Resources allocations 6 days Wed 6/29/22 Wed 7/6/22 18,16
Project Monitoring and
Controlling 43 days Thu 7/7/22 Mon 9/5/22
Setting Key Performance
Indicator 4 days Thu 7/7/22 Tue 7/12/22 19
Managing smooth flow
of activity 7 days Wed 7/13/22 Thu 7/21/22 21
Monitoring budget
utilization 9 days Fri 7/22/22 Wed 8/3/22 22
Monitoring quality of
renovation 10 days Thu 8/4/22 Wed 8/17/22 22,23
Scheduled Risk identification 6 days Thu 8/18/22 Thu 8/25/22 24
Scheduled Preparing backup plan 7 days Fri 8/26/22 Mon 9/5/22 24,25
Project Closer 9 days Tue 9/6/22 Fri 9/16/22
Hosting post-renovation
meeting 2 days Tue 9/6/22 Wed 9/7/22 26

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Archiving project
records 4 days Thu 9/8/22 Tue 9/13/22 28
Celebrating the
achievements 1 day Wed 9/14/22 Wed 9/14/22 29
Scheduled Taking Feedback 1 day Thu 9/15/22 Thu 9/15/22 30
acknowledgment letter 1 day Fri 9/16/22 Fri 9/16/22 31
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In order to achieve the aims and objectives and met the deadline at the time of project
completion, the manager of Premier Inn has drafted and prepare the list of activities and Gantt
Chart. The description of all the stages along with the benefits are as follows:
During the initiation stage of project management process, it is found by the manager of
Premier Inn that they are not able to complete the creation of theme for the rooms renovation
within the specified time frame of 10 days. So, in order to keep the renovation project on track,
they have completed the next task i.e., budget development in 13 days only. It is because creating
themes activity is get delayed by 2 days. In this way, the project manager has managed its project
and achieve overall aims and objectives of project (Seraya, Kasparyan and Chanda, 2019).
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In the planning stage, the manager of company does not face any challenge and
completed each and every task defined in Gantt chart within specified time. With the help of this
stage, the manager able to segregate the team in advance defining them their roles and
responsibility. This benefits them in achieving the aims and objectives of project on time. It is
because each and every team known their roles in advance. Inviting different proposals has also
helped them in completing the project on pre-determined budget and within the timeframe. In
simple term, planning stages has benefit the hotel in achieving the outcome.
During the execution stage, all the activities of the project are timely achieved except one
task and that is risk identification. The company take more than the defined days to identifying
the risk associated with the project but it helps them in achieving the aims and objectives without
any major harm to project (Jones, Moura and Domingos, 2018). For example, the manager has
identified that in the next six months the chances of power cut are high which affect the
renovation work to the large extent. So, they incorporate invertor within the business which helps
them in achieving the outcome of project.
In the monitoring and controlling stage, the manager of Premier Inn keeps their eye on
the work of the team members. They properly monitor whether the team members are able to
perform and complete their work on time or not. That’s why it can be said that this stage of
project management process has helped the manager in managing and achieving the overall
outcome of projects within the budget cost (Le, Likhitruangsilp and Yabuki, 2020). Beside this,
the one more thing that benefits the company is that they customer’s retention rate at the social
media sites get increase when they market their renovation project on social media platforms.
From the last stage i.e., closer stage, the managers have learned about the skills and
experience which are poor in them. They need to improve the same in order to do their best in
the future when they get similar type of project again. The each and every stage of project life
cycle has benefit the company in attaining its aims and objectives in the efficient and suitable

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In order to identified my strength and weakness, I have used the skill audit i.e., skills SWOT
analysis. This are as follows:
Presentation skills
Leadership skills
Project management skills.
Time management skills.
Communication skills (Plant, Barac and
Sarens, 2019).
Team management skills
Research skills
Technical skills.
Active listening skills
Self confidence
Work under pressure
On the basis of the above skill audit, I can say that my presentation, leadership, project
and time management skill are best with the help of which I am able to achieve the aims and
objective of the hotel renovation project in a best manner possible. But on the same side, I also
need to develop communication skills in myself so that I can motivate my team. I also need to
develop my research skills such as keep myself updated about the new and innovative software’s
in order to complete my work in excellent way (Bailey-Hughes, 2021). In order to develop my
weakest skills in myself, I need to invest in myself and for this I will join the personality
development course. This will definitely help in improving my skill level and achieving my aims
in project management career.
My understanding about the external business environment and PESTLE could make me
go through the project task efficiently. We have used the PESTLE Analysis model to interpret
about the external business environment associate with the hospitality sector. I got to know that
the role of external business environment is massive for the companies for executing the various
business functions and achieve the objectives. This study could improve my knowledge and
understanding about the PESTLE Analysis, its factors and the role of this model to design the
effective business strategy. Initially I was not much aware with this model and its implication
under business decision making. The execution phase of the business strategy designed could
make me realize all the aspects and facts related to the practical implications of this business
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model. PERSTLE Analysis comprises with all different factors belong to the external business
environment that involve political, economic, social, technological, environment and legal factor
that support the business to design the most appropriate business strategy (Nandonde, 2019). I
got to learn many aspects about the external business environment that include factors of
business environment, implications of these factors while delivering the respective business
function and such related aspects. Application of this theory is a very comprehensive part of
executing the set and designed strategy to expand the growth of the company. I got a detailed
understanding and knowledge about the implications of the various factors belong to the
PESTLE Analysis model. I got the practical implication related to each individual factor about
the fact that how they contribute in the growth and success of the businesses.
My understanding is also developed in a way that I have learnt all the possible ways and
steps that can be taken to frame the suitable business strategy to expand the growth of the
business. I got to know all the possible ways through which factors of PESTLE Analysis tool can
execute progressively to design the best suitable strategy to execute business transactions. Earlier
I was not much aware with the utilisation of this model in formation of the business strategies.
After become a part of a project like this got to know all the crux associated with forming
strategies and providing right strategic direction to support the growth and development to the
business house (Ricci and, 2021). My overall experience I full of learning outcomes and
provided me the complete exposure about how to use this model and what are the possible ways
through which this entire model can associate with formation of the right strategies in business. I
have also faced many challenges as I was not familiar with the utilisation of this model or tool
hence, when I actually got to use this framework faced issues due to lack of knowledge and
understanding. The constant efforts of grabbing knowledge on the topic and collecting
information about the model could made me improve myself with the practical implication of
this model. Overall my experience is very productive and it will also support me to achieve my
future goals and targets.
The report has concluded the ways and stages of the project life cycle with the help of which
manager of Premier Inn has achieved aims and objectives of the hotel rooms renovation project.
Further, the report has also included the Gantt chart along with described that how each stage has
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helped the manager in achieving the aims and objectives. Lastly, the report has also concluded
the reflection describing the ways which help the manager in developing the weakest skills on

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Books and Journals
Nandonde, F. A., 2019. A PESTLE analysis of international retailing in the East African
Community. Global Business and Organizational Excellence. 38(4). pp.54-61.
Ricci, S. and, 2021, August. PESTLE Analysis of Cybersecurity Education. In The 16th
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Cha, J. and Maytorena-Sanchez, E., 2019. Prioritising project management competences across
the software project life cycle. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business.
Cavalieri, M., Cristaudo, R. and Guccio, C., 2019. On the magnitude of cost overruns throughout
the project life-cycle: An assessment for the Italian transport infrastructure
projects. Transport Policy. 79. pp.21-36.
Galli, B. J., 2020. Effective Economic Decision-Making Methods in Environmental and
Sustainability Project Environments and Project Life Cycle. In Circular Economy and
Engineering (pp. 13-42). Springer, Cham.
Burmistrov, A., Siniavina, M. and Iliashenko, O., 2018. Project Management Life Cycle Models
to Improve Management in High-rise Construction. In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 33,
p. 03005). EDP Sciences.
Zhang, H. and, 2021. Life cycle thinking-based energy retrofits evaluation framework for
Canadian residences: A Pareto optimization approach. Building and Environment. 204.
Seraya, N. N., Kasparyan, E. and Chanda, K., 2019. THE LIFE CYCLE OF INVESTMENT
PROJECT. In Colloquium-journal (No. 10-4, pp. 24-26). Голопристанський
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Jones, H. L., Moura, F. and Domingos, T., 2018. Transportation infrastructure project evaluation:
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Science and Research (pp. 745-771). Springer, Cham.
Le, H. T. T., Likhitruangsilp, V. and Yabuki, N., 2020. A BIM-integrated relational database
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Plant, K., Barac, K. and Sarens, G., 2019. Preparing work-ready graduates–skills development
lessons learnt from internal audit practice. Journal of Accounting Education. 48. pp.33-
Bailey-Hughes, B., 2021. A Communication Audit Exercise to Enhance Virtual Team and
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