
Contemporary Ethical Challenges in Global Business Environment


Added on  2022-11-29

12 Pages1972 Words366 Views
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Preparing for a
Professional Career
Contemporary Ethical Challenges in Global Business Environment_1

Table of Contents
MAIN BODY........................................................................................................................................3
Contemporary ethical challenge facing the global business environment today................................3
Code of conduct that assist in resolving issue....................................................................................4
Support by professional bodies to help with global environment issue..............................................4
Conclude concept which impact both support and codes of conduct have on issue...........................5
CPD PLAN........................................................................................................................................6
Books & Journal:...............................................................................................................................8
Contemporary Ethical Challenges in Global Business Environment_2

Global Business environment is defined as an environment which consists of various
foreign countries that are affected by environment factors influence and decision making.
Main purpose of this report is to critically understand me contemporary ethical challenges
which are encounter within global business environment (Board, 2019). It is critical essential
for business organisation focus on global Business environment factors and challenges so that
effective strategies are implemented. Tesco, a multinational organisation and supermarket
chain headquartered in United Kingdom. Enterprise deals in grocery products and daily item
consumable. It has many computers in market like Walmart, Amazon, e-Bay and many more
This report comprises of different types of ethical challenges code of conduct in resolving
issues, positive and negative impacts of code of conduct and professional body. Then CPD
plan has been described briefly. It has been evaluated that enterprises cannot execute their
activities without properly following environment, rules, regulations and processes.
Contemporary ethical challenge facing the global business environment today
In global Business environment, ethical issues are commonly found which impact on
organisation activities and structure at wider scale. It is necessary for Tesco to focus on these
global Business environment issues so that it is undertaken in most efficient manner and
activities are executed properly. Therefore, corporate social responsibility has been chosen as
a global business environment issue and which is further discussed below-
Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate social responsibility is defined as concept of management where companies
integrate and Associate themselves with social and environmental concern in business
processes and other activities (Canestrino, 2018). CSR has been always a global issue due to
which many are unable to execute their operations in market. Tesco is a multinational
company which is also affected by corporate social responsibility issues at wider scale such
as company cares about their employees and people living in society as well as communities
because they provide healthy living, education initiatives, support for charities, provide good
work conditions, promote Human Rights in supply chain and Management etc.
Positive elements
Enhances goodwill- Main positive Impact of CSR issue is that due to facing of this
issue Tesco is capable of enhancing their Goodwill in market and in the minds of
Contemporary Ethical Challenges in Global Business Environment_3

customers has because when living standard of people increases they get attracted
towards that particular brand. In consideration of Tesco, behave properly following all
the rules and regulations through which they are able to deliver but it services and
products of higher quality.
Increase awareness- It is another first element of CSR issue in which by providing
satisfaction to society as well as community environment test your knowledge and
awareness regarding environmental protection in physics at higher level which is
beneficial for growth of Business and development.
Negative elements-
CSR reporting and information time consuming process- It is the main negative
aspect of CSR in which preparation of financial aspects and reporting of corporate
social responsibility is a time consuming process which two districts other department
from their core roles and responsibilities. In context of Tesco, they need to maintain
report on every year which is a complex process (Filipe, 2017).
Code of conduct that assist in resolving issue
Working Together- This is the most appropriate code of conduct which is being
adopted by Tesco in in resolving the issue of corporate social responsibility. Main reason for
adopted this code of conduct is that by working together Tesco focuses on providing fair and
equal rights to everyone so that they can work in effective manner and also engage with each
other positively.
To remain ethical and professional and to deal with CSR issue Tesco should change
their business policies so that which assist them in maintaining and executing the business
activities in concern of environment and society simultaneously (Fuzi, 2017).
To remain ethical and professional, employees needed to increase awareness towards
environment and engage themselves other activities which results in positive output as well
as enhances their development.
Support by professional bodies to help with global environment issue
In this competitive era it is not easy to deal with global environment issue as the
individual on their own and it is a stage where professional bodies are needed at priority
level. With changing period of time many professional bodies and assistance have been
established in market which are available to provide better services and solutions to large and
Contemporary Ethical Challenges in Global Business Environment_4

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