
Overview of Internetworking for Primary School Network Configuration


Added on  2023-06-11

9 Pages1447 Words349 Views
Overview of Internetworking
Name of the Student
Name of the University
Author’s Note
Overview of Internetworking for Primary School Network Configuration_1

Table of Contents
1. Project Scope:..........................................................................................................................................2
2. Project requirements:..............................................................................................................................2
3. Network Design.......................................................................................................................................3
4. IP Addresses Table...................................................................................................................................3
5. Network Topology Diagram.....................................................................................................................4
5.1. Switch Configuration........................................................................................................................4
5.2. Router Configuration........................................................................................................................5
5.3. DHCP Configuration..........................................................................................................................6
5.4. Access Point......................................................................................................................................6
5.5. Security Configuration......................................................................................................................7
6. Conclusion...............................................................................................................................................7
Overview of Internetworking for Primary School Network Configuration_2

1. Project Scope:
In this project scope it generally discusses about the creation of a network which is to be used by a
primary school that is consisting of both internal user as well as guest users. The number of daily user is
around 50 which is more than the number of guest users that is around 10. The main scope of the
mainly includes creation of a restricted network for the guest users where they would be capable of
accessing the FTP server only whereas the daily users would be provided the full access of the system.
Besides this the FTP server would be used by the guest users only for the purpose of getting a limited
amount of access to the network.
2. Project requirements:
The network that is to be created requires the following:
The network shout consist f a FTP server that would be accessed by the guest users only in order
to use certain files or for the purpose of accessing a limited part of the network. For that a
separate LAN would be created which would be only used by the guests.
Besides the LAN for the guest users, another LAN is to be created that would be used by the
daily users in order to get a full access of the network and this LAN would not be used by the
guest user as they would be blocked from using the information that are present in the network
of the daily user.
Besides this some other kinds of servers are also to be included in the network that is to be used
by the users and the guest for the purpose of conducting their various works.
Blocking of the guest users from the actual network would be very much helpful in the process
of securing the sensitive information.
Network components like the switches and routers are also be used which would be mainly
responsible for the distribution of the network and would also be configured accordingly to
provide access to the users and restricted access to the guest users that is only to the FTP
The network would also be consisting a separate subnet for the guest users which would be
associated with making the guest user capable of accessing the FTP server only and not to any
other section of the network from where the guest users would be blocked.
Overview of Internetworking for Primary School Network Configuration_3

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