
Principles and Practices of Marketing


Added on  2022-12-27

14 Pages3918 Words93 Views
Principles and
practices of marketing
Principles and Practices of Marketing_1

Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................3
TASK 1............................................................................................................................................3
Introduction of organisation- ......................................................................................................3
Promotional activities of BMW .................................................................................................3
TASK2 ............................................................................................................................................6
AIDA model................................................................................................................................6
Communication process-.............................................................................................................8
CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................10
Principles and Practices of Marketing_2

The concept of marketing is referred as a process that is undertaken by the companies to
promote their products and services buying and selling. It is basically a set of various functions
that includes creating, communicating and delivering various offers to customers, clients and
society. There are various tools are available of marketing that are advertising, promotions, direct
selling, and distribution. It is the process of getting potential customers. Attracting them and
persuade them to purchase products. Marketing plays vital role in promotion of goods and
services of an organisation. There are various marketing principles are available that are 4 ps of
marketing that includes product, price, place, promotion. These principles help the organisation
to make strategies for promotion of there products. In this report, the chosen organisation is
BMW which is a auto mobile company founded in 7 March, 1916. In this report various
promotional activities are being discussed that are helpful for BMW to promote their products.
AIDA modal is also being mentioned in this project report. AIDA model is very important for
organisation to attract customers, drag their attention, create interest and persuade them to take
purchase decision.
Introduction of organisation-
BMW is a German multinational organisation which deals in the luxuries vehicles and
motorcycles. Respective organisation is founded in the 7 March, 1916 by the Franz Josef Popp,
Karl Rapp. headquarter of BMW is situated in the Munich, Germany. It serves its products and
services across the world. In the organisation 1,16,324 employees are working up-to the year of
2014. It is basically a auto motive industry that produces various innovative and luxurious cars
and motorcycles. The respective organisation provides their products and services across the
world. All auto mobiles are marked under the brand of BMW. Mini and Rolls – Royce.
Promotional activities of BMW
Promotional activities facilitates the organisation to spread the their brand awareness
among the respective market and society(BOUVIER,and LESAULE, 2017). It increases of
Principles and Practices of Marketing_3

organisation and build the strong customer base. BMW conducts various online promotional
programmes and provide various services regarding the products. The organisation use personal
selling, advertisement, publicity and public relation(Chang, McAleer, and Wong, 2018). These
tool help to maintain better public relations and attract customers to buy product that enhance the
sales of respective organisation. A number of promotional activities are used by the BMW are
discussed below:
Facing customer touchpoints: Customers touchpoint id related to the customers feelings
about the product of organisation. There are various sources are available that facilitates
customers to know about the products and attract them to purchase these products. Customers
concentrate some famous brands so the organisation should keep update their information before
and after buying process. In respect of BMW motors, the organization also face various
customers sentiments and their touchpoints(Ferrell, Ferrell, and Huggins, 2017). The respective
organisation analyse and determine all their market positioning according to customers point of
view. The organisation focus upon the innovation in their products, that attracts the more
customers and persuade them to buy cares. Before taking buying decision of care, customers visit
official website of BMW Motors and check rating of product according to other customers and
evaluate all reviews and feedbacks. If customers are satisfy with online survey then they prefer
to visit BMW store in their locality for taking live experiences of their service. At the store, sales
manager provide all information about the innovation and explain all current features of
respective product. In this way, mouth publicity facilitates the organisation to attract more
potential customers towards them. BMW understands various customers touch point areas and
give them proper attention. The respective organisation use both traditional as well as digital
marketing methods to build more effective customer experience by providing mobile app
services to their customers, provide friendly services(Fuzi, and et. al., 2017). The organisation
send various marketing emails to their perspective customers, so they can visit the official
website of organisation. Maintain better public relation to give them good experience and
provide better services. It helps the organisation to promote their brand by remain socially active
at various online platforms to make healthy relation wit customers.
Activities at external space: Basically the activities of external space are done through
various advertisements in televisions, newspapers and by the billboards. Organisation use these
promotional tools to communicate all relative information to customers and persuade them to
Principles and Practices of Marketing_4

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