
Pro-Social Behaviour


Added on  2023-01-19

8 Pages2118 Words85 Views
Child development
Pro-Social Behaviour_1

Friendship is a gift from God to us. We can't choose our families but friends are the one
whom we choose and with some great moments and joyful memories they became our family.
The bright light of cities, friendship is becoming deemed, but there are such friends like Ronny
and John whose relation is never going to change neither from the storms nor from any other
obstacles. Ronny and John were the best of friends since their childhood. They were neighbours.
They both used to play football and John was very sporty he always won the game, Ronny uses
to feel sad about it. At some occasions, they become angry and fought with each other on the
ground. As it is known that people generally got angry but they understand that the fights and
aggression occur on the ground should be left on the ground after the game. Ronny and John
were aware of that they used to play hard and put all their efforts when they play against each
other. The alliances between both of them were a great example of a peaceful alliance or
friendship. One day they were playing and suddenly it started raining heavily. John was in high
spirit. He started playing very energetic but lost his balance and fall on the ground badly, this
happened because the opponent team member pushed him hard. They started fighting each other,
but Ronny and John knew that this is a part of the game; therefore they stopped their team
member and resolve the issues peacefully. They discuss with the referee and ask him to provide
his reactions. They referee praised both Ronny and John as they understand the value of peace in
a game. Referee imposed a penalty on the player who pushed John. After the game, both teams
went home happily.
Pro-Social Behaviour_2

This particular could be a great example of a peaceful friendship for all the children. In
today’s world, children experienced different problems like academic stress, family issues, and
personal problems. Therefore it is obvious that they might develop negative behaviour towards
other like social isolation or lack of interactions with other kids in their schools or society
(Walker, Wachs, Grantham-McGregor, Black, Nelson, Huffman, & Gardner, 2011).
Socialisation develops from childhood, it depends upon how they are educated or encouraged to
be pro-social. The pro-social behaviours are actually the intent to assist or benefit other people or
friends. It is the social behaviour that benefits surrounding people as a whole. This can be done
in the form of helping, donations, cooperating, and volunteering. Obeying the rules and
accepting the socially accepted nature or behaviour are likewise related to the pro-social
behaviours (Decety, Bartal, Uzefovsky, & Knafo-Noam, 2016). The story mentioned above can
help the children to understand that we should help each other, no matter what the situation is,
we should cooperate and follow the rules while doing any activity like playing the game and
performing academic tasks. This will encourage the student’s understanding of the role of
peaceful friendship in developing pro-social behaviours. Different experts or investigators
reported that pro-Social behaviour developed during childhood can be good practice to develop
peaceful behaviour in adulthood. As the story suggested that how the friendship of Ronny and
John resolved the issue occurred on the ground (Gross, Stern, Brett, & Cassidy, 2017). The
children can learn from the story that how to remain calm and help each other in adverse
condition. They should follow the rules and should not be egoistic while dealing with the fiends.
It has been proven that pro-social behaviour is central to the health of social groups like
schoolmates, classmates. This particular story will help the children to reduce or eliminate
undesirable or negative social behaviour.
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