
Professional Development for Strategic Managers (Doc)


Added on  2021-02-20

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Professional Developmentfor Strategic Managers
Professional Development for Strategic Managers (Doc)_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................3LO 1.................................................................................................................................................3P1: Methods to evaluate personal skills......................................................................................3P 2 Professional skills required to support strategic direction....................................................4P3 strategic skills.........................................................................................................................6P4 Preferred Learning Styles....................................................................................................10P5:Personal leadership development plan to curb weaknesses...................................................2P6: Methods to assess the outcomes of the plan against personal work objectives....................5P7 Impact of Own Learning........................................................................................................5CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................5REFERENCES................................................................................................................................7
Professional Development for Strategic Managers (Doc)_2

INTRODUCTIONProfessional development refers to learning to earn and maintain the professionalachievement such as coursework or attending conference informal learning opportunities. This isan all round development as individual to enhance further self study, mentoring etc. will help toachieve self growth as a representative. Virgin group is a British multinational brand which was founded by entrepreneur SirRichard Branson and Nik Powell. It was founded in February 1970. virgin group has manysubordinates like banking, books, commercial aviation and spacecraft, films, healthcare etc.which generates a revenue of £19.5 billion per year. This study includes the access of personal and professional skills to aquire strategic goalsapply strategic decision of the organization. Conducting audit and identifying learning styles andimproving it. Constructing a development plan and implementing it in real practice.MAIN BODYLO 1P1: Methods to evaluate personal skillsA strategic manager as an individual should be aware about the strengths and weaknesses of hisown self as well as his human resource to have clear picture of what organization can achieve.There are range of skills which are required by managers without which the future developmentof an individual and organization both will become impotent. Applying SWOT analysis toidentify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats and evaluate personal skills required toachieve strategic goal as strategic manager of Virgin Group.Strengths: It should be prioritized to discover what are the major strengths of a strategicmanager, considering time management skills to complete given objective before deadline.Communication or interpersonal skills for effective communication between departments asVirgin group is a diversified organization and also it will enable Strategic manager to evaluatecustomer related problems. Coaching skills enables strategic manager to develop skilledsubordinates to deliver high performance. Prioritizing tasks well in advance gives betterapproach towards various tasks. Multi tasking skill is another important strength to switch andwork between different departments(Kaynak and et.al.,2018).Weaknesses: Lacking decision-making skills and questioning own skills for wrong decisionsand failure is part of weaknesses that should be overcome because it will effect leadership.
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Limited level of delegation because of diversified portfolio of Virgin group will provide negativeimpact on motivation of employees. Low level of conflict management skills will have issuesunderpinning conflicts within employees. Opportunities: It is important to keep seeking in the options that are available to enhance skillsand qualities. Skills can be developed by getting training and guidance from senior managementin Virgin group along with reading about competitors also provide with an idea of qualitieswhich can be approached as opportunity(Kaynak and et.al.,2018.). Threats: It is important to understand threats that can rise from the external as well as internalenvironment. Continuous scanning of the internal as well as external environment is important asa strategic manager to have better understanding of threats. Competitors strategy, internal disputecan be possible threats.P 2 Professional skills required to support strategic directionProfessional skills required for virgin group as for strategic direction to meet the needs anddemands of the customers. To achieve a strategic direction and vision to acquire the desiredtargets following skills are required:Collaborationandteamwork: As a strategic director the team needs to have a collaborativeapproach towards problem solving. As a strategic director the diversity in the organization mustbe kept in mind and communication skills, problem solving skills must be enhanced to meet thedemands and needs of the workers in an organization. Trust between workers and workers toleaders must be maintained to give a salient working of the firm(Ansoff and et.al., 2018).Leadership: to handle a team leadership skills must be improved and a team must be wellhandled as a strategic manager of Virgin group a leadership strategy must be built. Ability toinfluence others towards your tasks to achieve a common objective. Honesty and integritytowards work and your workers must be shown as the workers are liable on you(Balogun andet.al., 2015). NegotiationandconflictManagement: ability to listen to everyone and resolving problems isan integral part of leader. Planning the tasks and operations to be carried out, negotiatingdeadlines with your clients will help you to be a professional leader. Power can have a negativeimpact on the workers, as not everyone can be happy with your decisions(Boardman and et.al.,2016).
Professional Development for Strategic Managers (Doc)_4

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