
Professional Ethics And Behavior Assignment


Added on  2022-09-01

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Healthcare and Research
Professional Ethics
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Professional Ethics And Behavior Assignment_1

Professional ethics is indicative of principles that governs behaviour of an individual
or group within the framework of business environment. The rules can be provided with the
help of the professional ethics which directs actions of the people in society. Principles of the
ethics underlie codes of conduct that depends on the occupation of a person. It proves to be
useful in prescribing certain standards of behaviour of the professionals who have a specific
occupation. The transparency along with certainty can be provided with the help of
professional ethics that can help the managers in handling of the affairs within an
organization. Supportive framework can be provided with the help of professional ethics
which can guide the people in the right path in a company (Lancaster & Stead, 2017). It can
resist pressure of the authorities and it helps in giving voice to the employees in company.
Ethical principles prove to be helpful in the area of decision making which can govern the
functioning of a company. It is instrumental in providing enduring framework which can help
a person in making progress in the professional domain. The ethics can help leadership in the
area of ethics that can facilitate dialogue within company pertaining to the issues of ethics.
The essay elaborates on the ethical principles of a clinician and whether it would prove to be
ethical for Jessica if she goes out on a date with an earlier client Edward G. This essay
elucidates on principles pertaining to ethics in the realm of counselling which can assist a
person in making the critical decision.
Employment professionals have to stay away from any kind of the malpractice that
can adversely influence performance of the workers. The organizations which recruit the
employees are responsible for information that is being provided by representatives. The
choices of the people can be determined with the help of ethics. Ethics can come to be of
Professional Ethics And Behavior Assignment_2

great use for counselling which underpins nature along with course of actions which have
been taken by the counsellor. The individuals who work in the healthcare profession have to
behave on the ethical lines that can help in satisfying the need of the patients. Counsellors
serve the interest of the clients which can promote goals of client. The clients can be
protected with the help of ethics which can reduce harm which is being inflicted on society.
The codes of the ethics can balance the power and it can help the counsellor in carrying on
the operation in a transparent manner that can work for welfare of clients (Geldard, Geldard
& Foo, 2017). The main duty of counsellor is to lay focus on particular demands of clients.
Counsellors have to think about themselves when they make ethical choices which can serve
in the truest sense interest of company. Counsellors have to acknowledge all aspects in
relation to practice and they have to perceive ethics from the holistic point of view that can
serve greater community. Counsellor have to take into account policies, societal norms and
moral codes which assists in working of society (Van Deurzen & Adams, 2016).
The licensed clinician called Jessica P. meets a person called Edward at a party who
had been a client of her at an earlier time. On the basis of case study, client had been seen ten
years earlier during a counselling session which was Employee Assistance Program for the
client. Jessica was working for the company of that of client. The party was of the public
nature that made it obligatory for Jessica to hide the prior relationship in between client and
counsellor. Edward had to suffer on account of grief issues that took place owing to death of
father. It was divulged by the client during single session that at the point of time when he
had been fifteen years old he had good relationship with counsellor. The other kinds of the
emotional issues that was being faced by the client had been resolved by the counsellor.
Jessica was approached by Edward who asked her regarding whether she would like to go on
a date with that of client.
Professional Ethics And Behavior Assignment_3

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