
Professional Identity and Practice in Hospitality Industry


Added on  2023-06-04

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Professional Identity and Practice
Professional Identity and Practice in Hospitality Industry_1

Table of Contents
MAIN BODY.......................................................................................................................................3
Company overview.........................................................................................................................3
Benefits and importance of opting professional development........................................................4
Skills required by the employer for food and beverages manager.................................................4
The Critical Evaluation of skills and competencies........................................................................5
Auditing the skills...........................................................................................................................6
Learning theories.............................................................................................................................8
Best development approaches to enhance the personal and professional development ................9
Development plan for the enhancing of skills and competencies...................................................9
Evaluation of own skills and competencies..................................................................................10
Professional Identity and Practice in Hospitality Industry_2

The term professional development is referred as the increase in the marketability of the
individuals and their approach towards the hospitality industry. The professional industry contains
different opportunities for the people who want to learn and develop their skills on a personal as
well as the professional development. This development is considered as an important part for the
human being as they are more focused on their career. The hospitality sector is the broad sector
which contributes at a large way in the world's Economy. The professional development of an
individual helps them, to enhance their present skills and they can also opt various opportunities
which can benefit them in their future. This development is increasing in a large range as the
hospitality sector is dynamic and it keeps on changing. The individuals and various groups of
people require a lot of skill and professional development so that they can approach for various job
roles in the respective sector. This report will include the introduction of their Marriott hotel chain
which is a well known reputed brand in the hospitality sector (Albrecht, Moscardo and Dwyer,
2022). The company focuses on providing the excellent quality and the best of its potential to the
customers so that they can satisfy their needs and wants along with the increase in their sales and
revenue. this report will also include the need for professional development for the selective job
Company overview
The Marriott is the big hotel chain which is founded by J Willard and Alice Marriott. The company
is a well known reputed brand in the hospitality industry. The Marriott hotel chain is known about
their exclusive Quality and premium management services for the customers. The company
believes in diversity and innovation so that it can stay dynamic according to the modern world and
can maintain a good position in the market. The Company's core values and the beliefs are to take
the proper care of the individuals and their well beings so that they can develop a sense of trust and
loyalty among the customers. The Marriott is full focused in promoting sustainability and has good
environmental concern values so that it can create a positive impact on the individuals (Dilshad,
Hussain and Batool, 2019).
Professional Identity and Practice in Hospitality Industry_3

Benefits and importance of opting professional development
The professional development is related with the enhancing of various skills and qualities which ae
related to the work areas and competencies. The individuals are required to be skilled and
compatible enough so that they can perform effectively and efficiently in the job role provided to
them. There is a need to develop the professional skills in the individuals so that they can increase
their working capability and their productivity can also be increased which will be beneficial for
them in the future. Given below are the benefits of professional development (Gibbs, 2022).
Increased Retention
The professional development is considered as an important part which can help the individuals to
gain knowledge and enhance their present skills. The professional development can change the
individual to become a better version of themselves which can be helpful for them to increase their
retention in the Business and the organisation they work.
Build confidence and Motivation
The professional development also helps the individual and the people to build their confidence
which also helps them to stay motivated. The development of one's personal and professional areas
helps them to boost up their confidence level and to increase their working capability which can
also promote them to achieve their personal and professional goals.
Increased Efficiency
The Professional development also helps the individual to increase their effectiveness and
efficiency to promote various tasks and activities. The individuals also enhance their skills and
qualities which boosts up their skills and competencies by giving them new direction and new
approach to perform in a abetter way.
Skills required by the employer for food and beverages manager
The term skills are referred as the abilities and Qualities of an individual which he\she uses
to perform various tasks and activities in an effective and efficient way. The development of skills
is considered as an important part which is required by an individual so that he\she can work with
the best of their potential along with the increased working capacity. The hospitality sector requires
a lot of skills and competencies which should be acquired by the individual so that they can apply
for the vacant or their desired job role. The JW Marriott is a well known brand of the hospitality
sector which has various job opportunities. The Marriott is a chain which is well established and
follows a hierarchical structure of organisation so that their day to day tasks can be performed in an
effective and efficient way. The hotel chain consists of various departments such as, Housekeeping,
Managing and food and beverages etc. which handles the functions of the hotel. The food and
beverages manager is a good post which requires a lot of skills (Howard and Eddy‐Imishue, 2020).
Professional Identity and Practice in Hospitality Industry_4

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