
Ethics in Information Technology


Added on  2020-03-01

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Student Name Student No.Course codeSemester n, 201nProfessional Issues Assignment: Part 2Executive Summary The following case study is all about an IT professional Jimmy who is a recent graduate from Griffith University. Fortunately gets a job as a website developer in hullaballoo.com which a news firm. Hullaballoo’s parent company has designed a database known as the reaper which is mainly used by businessfirm to conduct targeted campaigns in different zones. Jimmy has a conflict with his boss on the database topic. Later in the same year the database was hacked and a ransom equating to 20,000 dollars was demanded. After that, Jimmy jumped from one job to another for his freedom in workplace, as he wanted to avoid conflict with his boss.Due Date: time, dd/mm/yyLecturer: David TuffleyCampus (NA, LG, GC):
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Professional Issues AssignmentAnalysisContents1.Introduction22.Analysis32.1.Legal factors...............................................................................32.2.Professional factors....................................................................32.3.Employment and Social factors..................................................32.4.Personal factors..........................................................................32.5.Intrinsic factors............................................................................42.6.Prioritisation................................................................................52.7.Decision......................................................................................53.Discussion74.Conclusions on Analysis75.What I have learned from this course7(Student Name, Course, Semester, Year)0Page
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Professional Issues AssignmentAnalysis1.IntroductionThe following case study is all about Hullaballo.com which is a new arrival in the online news business industry. This business is setup in a country that overlook laws stated by international bodies governing various subjects like protection of privacy and censorship. A recent graduate Jimmy Olsen form the IT department off Griffith University is looking for a job. By somehow he come across an ad for web developer by Hullaballoo.com. Jimmy is successful in securing a job as a web developer in the firm and the pay is quite enough for the job. Hullaballoo has a bad image in front of its clients. Jimmy needed the job so he swallow his concern and carried on developing websites for this fake news service firm.As jimmy is a tech guy, he decided to check the background of this website. On checking he found that this website is paid a good amount of money for spreading false new stories. This news firm is gets money to spread positive news for the client and negative news for the competitors of the client.This particular business firm introduced the concept of Native Advertising. After that Jimmy left the job and joined an ecommerce firm where he has a conflict with his boss Alec on judging the performance of his two developers. After that Jimmy again left the job and joined a competitor firm where he is treated with expensive meal and fine wine. (Student Name, Course, Semester, Year)0Page
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Professional Issues AssignmentAnalysis2.Analysis2.1.Legal factors Factor 1 Unethical news in the following case study, the online news firm Hullaballoo.com gets money to spread positive publicity for their client and negative publicity for the competitor of the client. The term Native Advertising is introduced to Jimmy which focuses to create false advertisement as a news. Native Advertising is nothing but a response to large number of people using ad blockers on their web browsers. This is a legal factor as per the Broadcasting Services Act 1992 which govern working of news channel.Factor 2,Confidentiality and Privacy in the case study, Jimmy decided to do some digging into the background of this online news firm Hullaballoo.com.During his digging he found that one his employer has connection with a marketing firm with various clients ranging from political parties to advertising firms. These advertising agencies and political parties has the business of selling consumer service and goods. This is a legal factor as per the federal Privacy Act 1988 of Australia which govern the confidentiality and privacy of different firms.Factor 3,Code of Ethical Conduct in the case study, Hullaballoo.com parent firm has created a database that receive required data from its surroundings. Thisdatabase is known as The Reaper. This new database system is quite helpful as it allow advertisers and marketers to conduct campaigns as per the requirement. Jimmy suggested his boss that his database is not safe for the people across the globe as it stores important information. Any hacker can demand a ransom against this information. This is a legal factor as per the federal Privacy Act 1988of Australia.2.2.Professional factors Factor 4,Misconduct in the following case study, Jimmy who is an IT graduate from Griffith University suggested his boss that The Reaper is not a good idea. Jimmy refuses to work on the terms and condition of his boss from Hullaballo.com. This is a professional factor as per the sections 68 and 69 of the Legal Practitioner’s Act 1981 of Australia.Factor 5, Freedom in Workplace in the case study, Jimmy is abandoned from placing his thought in the organization like Hullaballoo.com. Jimmy suggested his boss that the information entered by the user might help the organisation in offering deals and offers to them. His boss did not agree with (Student Name, Course, Semester, Year)0Page
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