
Importance of Professional Practice and Environmental Protection in Organizations


Added on  2023-06-10

12 Pages2529 Words261 Views
Environmental Science
Professional practice
Importance of Professional Practice and Environmental Protection in Organizations_1

Table of Contents
TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1
Introduction of selected challenge..........................................................................................1
Problems resolved by the organisation through code of conduct...........................................2
Professional bodies provide support and guidance................................................................2
Evaluation of impact of support and code of conduct in overcoming the issues...................2
REFERENCES ...............................................................................................................................8
Importance of Professional Practice and Environmental Protection in Organizations_2

To achieve the goals it is essential to have some special skills and unique abilities to
perform the task in a professional career. For nurturing the talent and abilities in a positive way,
the organisation conduct various activities, provide development and training sessions. A
England-based company named Tesco was established in 1919 (Anthony and B., 2019). In this
report, Ethical issues on global level are being considered because it is a concern which impacts
the growth of the environment for which various codes of conduct are being proposed in order to
resolve the issue. To deal with the challenges faced by organisation, they seek support and
guidance from other organisations as helping hand. The code of conduct implemented to resolve
the issues and to study the cons and pros of organisational support, this report is being prepared
to assess the situation(Bell., 2020) .
Introduction of selected challenge.
Environmental growth is highly affected by commercial activities performed within a
organisation. The emerging environmental problems becoming a big issue for every creature
surviving and sharing the environment. Environmental issues which impacted the life and health
of creatures on a great extent include overpopulation, global warming, air pollution, water
pollution, land pollution, ocean acidification, rapid loss of diversity. Tesco is also contributing
through various activities in depleting the environment by dissipating harmful radiations which
in turn damaging the ozone layer and green house energies. These harmful energies and
depletion of natural environment affecting the growth of elements of diversification (de Oliveira
Santos and et. al., 2020). Tesco is large organisation on global level. Tesco is providing its best
to fulfil the demands of the people by offering them various products and services. But all these
facilities are used by the customers at the cost of environment. So it is important to adopt the
policies which assess the process of production and reduce the environmental pollution. And
importance of good and favourable culture for all employees working for a company is also a
factor that cannot be ignored. All employees working for an organisation have equal rights to
enjoy all the benefits equally working on a specific position. Partial practices followed within an
Importance of Professional Practice and Environmental Protection in Organizations_3

organisation ultimately create a unhealthy environment and mentally impact the employees.
Hence overall performance of organisation get effected. To stop such activities code of conduct
has implemented and regulated many policies to curb the menace and create a healthy working
Problems resolved by the organisation through code of conduct.
Environment protection act, 1994 established for the organisations and big firms which
consists the code on conduct to control the raised issue. This act is proved to be the most
effective one in controlling the factors which were causing environmental pollution and damage
to the nature (Nassani and et. al., 2022). The main goal of this act is to concentrate on the issues
for the sake of the environmental protection and take several precautions to reduce the harmful
effects. Tesco can adopt for the activities implemented by the government under Environmental
protection act, that may contribute in management of harmful discharges produced by the
company. And may protect environment in an effective manner. It is important to take some
actions which facilitates the reduction of harmful wastage produced by the company. Under
Environmental protection act, the government has given strict warning to the organisations to
withdraw the activities which causing hazardous impact to the environment. Otherwise the
responsible body have to take some strict actions against the organisation which can cause a
heavy commercial loss to the organisation (Rosnizam and et. al., 2020). Harassment is a major
concern in workplace either it is physical or mental. Workplace harassment can put a major
negative impact on mental health of an employee. So code of conduct also takes responsibility of
ensuring personal safety of employees in case of harassment. Apart from racial discrimination
and sexual harassment, one more prevalent destructive behaviour one can see in an organisation
is Mobbing. Mobbing is a bullying behaviour arises from peer pressure.
Professional bodies provide support and guidance.
Many professional bodies come along to help organisations like Tesco to overcome the
environmental degradation problem and provide support to find alternatives so that the the issue
may get resolved without impacting the commercial output of the companies. Professional bodies
like Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and Joint Nature
Conservation Committee (JNCC) are the bodies which understood the seriousness of issue and
participated with full enthusiasm in order to preserve the environment (Schröder and et. al.,
2019). These professional bodies help various big organisations and support them to opt for
Importance of Professional Practice and Environmental Protection in Organizations_4

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