Professional Practice Issues2 Professional Practice Issues The obligations of medical practitioners are not limited to healthcare. All practitioners must adhere to ethical and legal standards of practice aside from maintain a professional relationship with the clienteles. In the ‘Mark the Podiatrist’ scenario, one of the professional practice issues is failing to keep private the information regarding a client. Even if Mark’s friend had the client’s consent, it is professionally inappropriate to reveal details that can make it easy to identify a client. Although this was a friendly gesture, posting it on social media can negatively impact the client as unauthorized people easily acquire such information. Health professionals are perceived as trusted professionals; however, such an act may make people question the confidentiality and privacy of their medical information. Making a post on Facebook and giving details of the client does not exhibit moral respect and cannot retain a bond of trust. Although the client’s wound had healed, information about her illness has been revealed especially since people know the nature of Mark’s friend’s work. This act therefore has a negative impact on the trust that people have on healthcare workers. Another professional practice issue in the ‘Mark the Podiatrist’ scenario is going failing to represent a place of employment in a positive manner. Mark’s friend is not only tasked with ensuring and maintaining confidentiality and privacy of patients but also embodying the vision and mission of the clinic. Making the post on Facebook has the ability to negatively impact the reputation of the clinic. From the post, many people can question the credibility of the clinic and the qualification of being a clinical practitioner in the clinic. Since there are legal and ethical standards that are universally acceptable, the perception that healthcare practitioners are trusted
Professional Practice Issues3 professionals may be questioned. Such an act will not only put the clinic on a negative limelight but also the nursing fraternity as a whole.