
Professional Practice Learning Through Organization: Insights and Areas of Improvement


Added on  2023-06-10

6 Pages1133 Words292 Views
Module Title
Professional Practice
Learning Through
Professional Practice Learning Through Organization: Insights and Areas of Improvement_1

INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................3
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................3
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CONCLUSION ...............................................................................................................................3
Professional Practice Learning Through Organization: Insights and Areas of Improvement_2

The most importance learning insights that I have learnt are as follows:
1. The most important learning insight that I have learnt as so far from all the learning logs
mainly includes the vale which is being possessed by me which helps in academics an
better professional learnings. As I have learnt about acquiring various behaviour and
practices which helps in achieving success by being professional in acquiring future
business career opportunities. Further more, with good academic writing skills will help
me in writing my CV in more effective manner and to get the job posting by presenting
the personal information in more effective manner. With acquiring the good professional
core values will help me in advancing and making my career in better way . As being
responsible supported me in taking and completing all the task on time and in the
responsible manner with honesty (Gaspar, Cerqueira, Branquinho, 2018). With acquiring
the good communication skills will help me in better communicating and clarifying all
the doubt in achieving the task as, it will mainly help me in understanding better to all the
situations and builds trust and respect ability with Sharing the ideas and various thought
while working and posting at the job effectively. Also the learning insights which I have
also learnt as taking feedback mainly helps in improving various lacking areas and it
helps in taking actions to resolved all the problems which is being faced in the
classrooms while pursuing the academics.
2. My strengths are the good communication skills will help me in better understanding and
communication with others, also with the good reading and writing skills supports in
paraphrasing and better forming the content with ability to understanding the knowledge
and relation with the text and the forming texts. Further, as By being more open minded
will help me in acquiring and adopting the changes in easy manner while working in the
company while pursuing the future career options (Koprowska, 2020). As With
motivation skills will help me in performing various new tasks and challenged in life this
helps me in effectively achieving the gaols in life while performing the work in
enthusiasm. Also with my good self management skills will help me in managing all the
problem and completing all the task by prioritising the work and scheduling the daily task
for completing the work on timely manner (Schmid Mast and et.al., 2018). Further more
Professional Practice Learning Through Organization: Insights and Areas of Improvement_3

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