
The Assignment on Professional Project


Added on  2022-08-25

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Business DevelopmentProfessional DevelopmentData Science and Big DataHigher Education
Professional Project
Name of the Student
Name of the University
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The Assignment on Professional Project_1

Part A– Reflective Assignment
1. What is learning?
Learning is the process by which new forms of skills, knowledge and behavior are
acquired and the way by which existing forms of knowledge, behavior and skills are modified.
Learning is an ongoing and lifelong process. One continues to learn throughout the course of
one’s life, given how dynamic the nature and scope of learning is. Learning a subject, a language
or a new way of thinking and believing is what contributes to the growth and development of
society. Learning starts at the early childhood stage and it goes on right until the end of one’s
existence. In this assignment, I will be describing myself as a learner, specifically, the type of
learner that I am, whether I take to learning easily or not and what I can absorb from the learning
process in general. I will be analyzing my ability to learn and to retain knowledge and to use the
knowledge that I have acquired to real life situations, with reference to the results of a number of
psychological personality tests that I have undertaken in the recent past. I will also analyze my
career choices and decisions and will discuss in detail my reasons to embark on the type of
career path that I am currently following and which I intend to follow in the near future as well. I
shall conclude this reflective assignment by justifying my choice of career and pointing out the
numerous things that I have learnt in the process of pursuing an active and dynamic career in the
field of logistics and supply chain management.
2. Who Am I as a Learner?
When it comes to describing myself as a learner, I would like to first make mention of the
fact that I am a passionate learner and I am quite open to the idea of absorbing new pieces of
information. I also do not absorb information quite randomly and throughout my years as a
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student and as a professional as well I have questioned most of the things that I have learnt or
been made to learn. In the bargain I have fostered my critical thinking skills and abilities. Today
I am able to exercise my intellect well enough in all types of given situation and I avoid jumping
to a conclusion about a subject matter too easily, weighing the pros and cons of the situation first
and analyzing the situation from many different angles before making a decision or arriving at a
conclusion. I am an avid and active learner and I will not be overstating it, if I say that I am
thirsty for knowledge always. I grew up in a family where reading was a daily habit or activity
that we all engaged in, and during the late evening hours of weekends, my father would get us all
to form a circle in front of the fireplace, while we discussed affairs of various sorts from around
the world, stimulating our intellect and exercising our grey cells immensely.
3. Analysis of Learning Abilities using the Results of Psychological Tests and Quizzes
3.1. Analysis Based on Briggs Meyer Test Results
According to the results that were generated when I took the Briggs Meyer Test, I am an
individual with quite a unique personality chart and one of the foremost results of this test is that
I am more inclined towards extraversion rather than introversion. This implies that I like to talk
to and engage with people quite a lot, I am open to new ideas and new learning experiences and I
am ready to absorb readily, the things that are taught to me via the interactions I partake in with
people around me. The test results also reveal the fact that I am not a person to go by my
intuition much but that I think things through logically and clearly before taking a decision or
following a certain path of action. Indeed, sense and sensibility is something that I have valued
from quite a young age, and I fully agree with this test result. Some of the other important results
that were generated when I took the Briggs Meyer Test are the fact that I like to establish a
balance between my thoughts and my emotions, and that I am likely to be more judgmental
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rather than perceptive in character. These test results resonate entirely with who it is I am as a
person in general and a learner in particular. It is true that I am not a very emotional person and I
always believe in thinking with my head rather than with my heart. Emotional intelligence is
something that I am equipped with and I always think and carry out my actions as logically and
as rationally as possible. As a consequence, I am always able to justify my behavior before
members of society, and rarely am I ever questioned or taken to task for performing a misdeed or
committing an action that is not well received or well perceived by members of the society in
which I live. While it is true that not all personality tests which are taken online generate the type
of results that can be considered to be full proof, I agree with all of the results generated upon
taking the Briggs Meyer Personality Test Online. I agree with the fact that I am an extrovert. I
can indeed be quite loud and boisterous at times, and I keep good company, not being able to
stay away from my friends and my family members for long periods of time. I am also quite a
well-balanced individual and I tend to think a lot less with my heart or with my emotions,
allowing my rationale to dictate to me, what I should do or not do in a given situation. The final
result of the Briggs Meyer Test reveals that I can be judgmental in character. This is true as well.
I tend to judge situations too quickly and too easily instead of trying to be perceptive about a
given circumstance or scenario.
3.2. Analysis of Belbin Test Results
The Belbin Test is a test that is taken primarily to judge the behavior and the personality
of an individual. According to these test results, I am a person who is primarily a team worker
and who always believes in finishing everything off completely without leaving anything
pending or lying around. I agree with what the test results have to say about team workers, that
these are people who care a lot about the needs and the concerns of others, and who do what it
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takes to ensure harmony and wellbeing among friends and colleagues. What is revealed by the
test results concerning Complete Finishers are also correct, that is that such people are motivated
by anxiety to do things as perfectly as possible. I am indeed a Complete Finisher and I tend to get
very anxious until all my household chores and duties are performed. At the workplace I do my
work as diligently as possible and I prepare a work schedule for myself on a day to day basis,
ticking off all activities on this schedule once the day is over, just to ensure that there isn’t
something that I have missed, left out or failed to do. Anxiety plagues me a lot and the feeling of
being anxious is something that has been accompanying me ever since I was a small child. I
always used to be quite anxious about doing my homework and I would finish more often than
not, well ahead of time. I was anxious to learn driving when I turned eighteen years of age, and
would not give my parents any peace until they agreed to teach me driving and get me a driving
license. I didn’t want to be a Singaporean teenager who did not know how to drive. The results
of the Belbin Personality Test also indicate that I am an ambitious person. This is entirely true. I
have very high standards and I make sure of the fact that the people I interact with on a daily
basis are individuals who embrace high standards as well, whether be it for work or their
personal and private lives. I am indeed someone who wants to be ahead in the race and I don’t
believe in leaving any stone unturned to fulfill my financial and social goals and aims, hoping to
be ahead of most others in this respect, always. Finally, what the test results appear to say is that
I am appreciated by the people around me for the detailed help that I offer others. This is
something that is fairly true as well. I am appreciated a lot by my friends and my colleagues
because of the help and the assistance that I offer them when I come across them. My teachers
were always appreciative of me in school because I would help them out with small chores and
duties after class.
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3.3. Analysis of VARK Test Results
The VARK Test that I took is one that was designed to help me understand the type of
learning strategies and techniques that a person like me would make the most use of and benefit
from. The VARK Test results reveal that I am multimodal in my approach to learning. This
implies that I am able to learn a subject or a topic via various modes or channels of
communication and that I do not have to necessarily restrict myself to one particular mode of
information in order to be able to learn about something effectively. I have to say that the VARK
Test results are results I agree with in their entirety. I am able to learn best when I engage with
diverse sources of information as compared to when I confine myself to a single source. I am
able to learn about a topic by simply looking at a picture or an image or even a diagram for that
matter. I am able to learn equally well when I read a text on a particular subject matter or when I
access sources of information via multimedia sources such as the social media, magazines and
other important internet or web based platforms. My ability to learn is something that is not
dependent on a particular type of strategy or a particular form of information access. I can learn
from a diverse range of sources and this is something that has stood me in good stead not only in
my school life but also when I embarked on a professional life.
The VARK Test results definitely reveal the fact that I am capable of surviving in a
dynamic work environment. Being multimodal in my approach to learning, I am in a position to
learn well and soundly from a varied range of information sources and I have the capability of
retaining what I learn, too. To be honest, I thrive when I am exposed to various forms of learning
or information, being naturally inquisitive by nature and always being eager to find out and
discover new things. The VARK Test results have made me realize that I am quite a competent
individual and that I am capable of doing well in all types of learning situations or scenarios as I
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come across in the professional or academic world. I have to state in this respect, that witnessing
the VARK Test results is something that has given me a great deal of confidence. The test results
have shown me the capability that I possess in terms of knowledge retention and the fact that I
know that I can learn from just about any type of information, is something that gives me the
zeal and the confidence that I need to try out new projects and establish a professional presence
in situations or business scenarios where I could never have otherwise thought myself to be in
3.4. Honey and Mumford Test Results
The Honey and Mumford Test which I took in order to judge my approach to learning has
shown that I am a pragmatist when it comes to the learning process. I like to learn things or make
an effort to know about things from a pragmatic point of view. Things have to make sense to me
logically or rationally if I have to accept them. As a pragmatist I am always quite keen on trying
out new types of techniques and ideas in order to determine whether or not these are capable of
functioning or working well in real life scenarios. I also never miss the opportunity to undertake
an experiment with various types of applications that I may be exposed to at the place of work, in
order to determine whether such applications can be considered as effective or not. I am more
often than not quite confident about the thoughts and ideas that attract me and the ventures that I
am drawn to all have a rational basis. I don’t act rash and neither am I impulsive by nature. I like
to think things through, and this aspect of my personality is something that has assisted me in
learning activities by quite a considerable degree. Problem solving is something that comes to
me fairly naturally and I am down to earth by nature. Being a pragmatist implies that I do not get
carried away easily by various types of thoughts and ideas. I am grounded and rational in my
approach to what life has to offer and in the process of being so, I am able to safeguard myself
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considerably from the types of risks and dangers that I would otherwise have been confronted
Taking the Honey and Mumford Test turned out to be quite a fun and interesting
experience for me since there was a wide range of questions that I had to answer. The test results
reveal that not only am I a pragmatist by nature, given that my highest score was in the area of
pragmatism, but I am also a person who is willing to take on challenges as and when these are
seen to arise in my life. This is something that I cannot deny as such, given that I have been
facing challenges from quite a young age. Not only am I capable of facing challenges head on, I
am also able to find my way out of challenges depending of course on the nature and type of
challenge that takes place in my life. I am committed to finding a new innovative and convenient
way of doing things as a pragmatist, being on the lookout always for workable solutions to day to
day problems rather than allowing myself to get bogged down by the mundaneness of the same.
As a pragmatist I am ready to face all types of situations and challenges in life and will not
accept defeat easily or surrender to problems easily.
3.5. Analysis of Jung Personality Test Results
I also took the personality test that has been designed by the famous psychologist Carl
Gustav Jung, a test which is known also by the term typological approach. Such a test was
developed by Jung in partnership with Isabella Briggs Meyers. According to Jung there are many
types of personality that are seen to be in existence and the category or type of personality that I
belong to is the ESJF type of personality. This implies that I am slightly extravert, I have a good
deal of sensitive feeling, I have excellent sensory abilities and I am capable of judging situations
in a rational and logical manner. According to the test results extraversion is not something that I
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