
Strategy Development in Cross-Border and Global Organisations


Added on  2023-01-10

16 Pages5753 Words87 Views
Business DevelopmentLeadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentDesign and CreativityData Science and Big DataPolitical Science
Strategy Development in Cross-Border and Global Organisations_1

Table of Contents
MAIN BODY..................................................................................................................................1
TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Critical Analysis of political, social, ethical and operational needs for common strategy in
global organisations and administrations.....................................................................................1
1.2 Identification of methodologies by which strategy is evolved and developed for global
organisations to enable external collaboration on a national and international basis..................3
1.3 Identification of opportunities for the future development of strategy so as to enhance the
impact on the component organisations, administrations and key stakeholders.........................4
Task 2...............................................................................................................................................5
2.1 Collective strategy is and how it is formed from the policies of the organisations,
administrations and key stakeholders..........................................................................................5
2.2 Identify the key policy and strategy issues which influence collective strategy...................6
2.3 Explain how collective strategy is influenced political, global, public interest, media
impact, and social, cultural, religious factors..............................................................................7
TASK 3............................................................................................................................................8
3.1 Ways to resolve tension between ethnic and cultural of contributing organizations with key
3.2 How strategic intelligence is used in development and formulation of strategy...................9
3.3 Original thinking to the formulation and development of strategy.....................................10
Strategy Development in Cross-Border and Global Organisations_2

Strategy can be defined as a plan of action that is designed for achievement of long- term
objectives or aim. Strategy development is one of the most important factors which is required to
be focused upon by organizations as it not only helps then in achieving their defined objectives
but also helps in gaining opportunities that can help in enhancing impact on the component
organisations. Each organization has its own process of formation of strategies, analysing ways
in which strategy is influenced or developed. The strategy development and the cross-border
strategy alliance have turned out to be the potential level of tools which have been used by the
global and multinational companies for extending the business at the international levels. The
formation of the collective strategies and creation of cross border alliance will be helpful in
boosting the company performances. On the other hand, the company which is having
international expansions have to faces the major and unique level of challenges in the process of
developing the effective strategy as inclusion of political, religious, cultural and social divides. In
this report, there will be discussion of the Tesco Company which is leading as best retailer in UK
by creating billion of revenue over the last 10 years. The company have the development of
collective strategies by analyse the political, social, ethical and operational needs for common
strategy in cross border along with identify opportunities for the future development of strategy.
The report will also have discussion of collective strategy and the reality of factors influencing
the organisations, administrations and key stakeholders and strategy. Hence, at last the report will
have to lead the process of developing and formulating strategy
1.1 Critical Analysis of political, social, ethical and operational needs for common strategy in
global organisations and administrations
Common strategy is a kind of strategy which is developed by global organizations for
maintaining and managing their interdependence with collaborative efforts of all the business
processes and operations of a global organization (Puthenveetil, 2016). Most commonly a global
organization has various level of autonomy that can be located both nationally and
internationally. Organizational autonomies are always reliable and valuable for an organization.
Level 0: Most of the decision making and actions within the organization are performed by
employees and other people.
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Level 1: All the main operations of a business are controlled and operated within the
organization by people of an organization and only few operations are performed with the help
of automatic machines or system.
Level 2: Whole business is controlled by people working within the organization and few main
functions of the business are automatically performed by machines or automated systems.
Level 3: Most of the business activities are performed automatically but are still guided by
people working within organizations. these automated operations helps in providing guidance to
organization in certain critical conditions (Ya’acob and et. al., 2017).
Level 4: All the functions of the business are completely automated except certain restricted
Level 5: At this level need of human is reduced and most of the human work is replaced by
automatic machines or systems.
Most of the global organizations and their administration department are of level 3 or
above autonomy. Different level of autonomies is experienced by different kinds of organization.
Not only this they experience different level of autonomy at national level and different level of
autonomy at another level (Terziev and Georgiev, 2017). Most of the global organizations like
Tesco experience level 4 and above organizational autonomy at national level. But at
international level they experience 3 and above autonomy. There are various kinds of advance
machines or systems that are developed and used by global organization. The major reason
because of which global organizations do not have level 2 or below autonomy because
administration of global organization becomes extremely difficult then they do not have advance
and automated system. advance system helps in making administration of global organizations
much easier and also increases effectivity of their decision making also helps in tackling any
kind of difficult or critical situation.
Some of the main political, social, ethical and operational needs for common strategies
between global organization and administration are as follows:
Political needs: Political needs for common strategy are: to understand stability of government
and legislation developed by government for operability of both local and MNC organizations
(Tarasova, 2016). On the basis of this information they need to develop long- term and short-
term goals for development of common strategies.
Strategy Development in Cross-Border and Global Organisations_4

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