
Introduction of Aroma Premium Perfume by Unilever


Added on  2023-04-22

31 Pages8905 Words212 Views
UNIT 17:
Introduction of Aroma Premium Perfume by Unilever_1

TASK 1.................................................................................................................................................1
AC 1.1 Analysis of the factors that contribute to the process of new product launch.....................1
AC 1.2 Develop Outline Project specifications for the implication of new product of Unilever....3
AC 2.1 Complete plan for the launch of Aroma..............................................................................7
AC 2.2 Responsibility to identify the available required resources for lunching of Aroma..........10
AC 2.3 Costing of all resources required for implementing lunching of Aroma plan...................12
AC 2.4 Time scales for the management and implementation of launching of Aroma.................14
2.5 Appropriate strategy for the implementation of launching of Aroma......................................15
TASK 3...............................................................................................................................................17
AC 3.1 Implementation of the new product launch project...........................................................17
AC 3.2 Appropriate measures to monitor and evaluate the progress of new product launch project
and its outcomes.............................................................................................................................20
AC 3.3 Monitor the implementation of new product launch project.............................................21
task 4...................................................................................................................................................23
AC 4.1 Analyse outcomes of a project in terms of the original project (Launching of Aroma)
AC 4.2 Evaluation of the outcomes of a project to launch of launching of Aroma.......................24
AC 4.3 Recommendations for improvements to launching of Aroma..........................................25
TASK 5...............................................................................................................................................25
AC 5.1 Report of all project procedures used throughout the project of launching of Aroma......25
AC 5.2 Outcomes of the project in presentation............................................................................26
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Introduction of Aroma Premium Perfume by Unilever_3

Project development is part of management in which transportation takes place along with
improvement through construction. For effective development and implementation of projects, it is
important to form appropriate and meaningful strategies. Project is a temporary task which is
designed to form a unique and innovative product or service. Project development and strategic
management are interrelated to each other and their combination produces a meaningful and unique
product (Boulmetis and Dutwin, 2014). The current research project is based on project
management in which it focuses on Nexus Ltd which is a management consultancy and training
company based in London. This organization provides support to their clients for developing
business in different areas especially in the launch of new products and services. Unilever is a client
of Nexus and wants to launch its Aroma perfume in UK. Therefore, entire research will focus on
new product launch project of Unilever in London by Nexus. In the end, study is concluded in the
form of summary which includes major outcomes and key findings. Research will focus on
planning, implementation and evaluation of project outcomes and reviews.
Major goal of this new product launch is to introduce a new premium aroma perfume in the UK
market for loyal customers. For attaining this goal project manager will focus on different
objectives such as
To diversify and increment of the product line.
To increase the sales and profitability of the organization.
To develop a strong brand image in the UK market, etc.
Reason behind the selection of this project is that organization wants to expand its business in UK
market and also its premium product line (Davenport, 2013).
Appropriate planning and management of the different activities before and after the production of
Aroma perfume, organization can attain all the above discussed objectives in effective manner.
AC 1.1 Analysis of the factors that contribute to the process of new product launch
Nexus ltd is working for Unilever to launch a new perfume called Aroma Premium in the
market. Unilever aims to launch Aroma perfume in the UK along with lots of other products and
services mainly through big retailers in the UK. This product will attract premium customers
because its unique quality as high quality raw materials will be used in the production. Organization
will use only natural resources for producing this perfume but assure about the go green concept as
well as sustainable development of the company. In addition, company will use plant and flowers as
sources of essential oils and aroma compound (Restuccia and et.al, 2015). Its packaging will also be
Introduction of Aroma Premium Perfume by Unilever_4

a unique feature because company will use crystal bottle with silver coated cap for presenting the
rich and premium look of perfume. Along with this company will assure about the appropriate
storage of fragrance in packaging.
There are number of factors that management consultant at Nexus ltd needs to consider for the
successful launch of the Aroma perfume, and some of these are; Financial Factor: Finance is the backbone of each business and this helps to make financial
decisions especially for the launch of new product or service. As management consultant for
Aroma various financial aspects that may need to consider to come up on the decision for
example payback period, internal rate of return, profit and loss, consideration of inflation impact
over the project time, impact of recession on project, depreciation of assets and money over the
time period. All these financial factors needs to be considered well in advance and should add
up in the cost of the project to make sure that all finances are arranged in the beginning. All
financial factors need to get agreed with the client. As of the launch of Aroma £120,000 are set
to invest. This involves all the costing of technical resources, human resources, and any other
costing factor that may effect on the financial statement of the project file. Marketing Factor: While formation of any new product, Nexus ltd needs to focus on marketing
factors to determine customer needs, innovativeness, competition, substitutes, etc. Nexus ltd
should advise Unilever about pricing strategy of Aroma during the launch period and then after
the launch, they also work on product life cycle, impact of new product on customers, market
structure, size of market, and to identify target audience etc. Most of the Unilever products are
available through well-known UK retailers, and Nexus will help launch the Aroma using the
same marketing strategy to make sure all stakeholders are satisfied and can play their role in the
success of the launch. Technical Factors: Manufacturing process of perfume includes different processes such as
collection, extraction and aging, etc. these procedures require latest technologies so,
management consultants of Aroma perfume needs to focus on these technologies also. Nexus
should also shed light on different type of techniques, machines, software, applications
including their installation cost for this project (Johnson, 2015). Cost: Management consultants will pay appropriate attention towards the management of cost
because inappropriate management will increase the total cost of the product which leads high
price and low demand. It will have negative impact on total income and sales. So, organization
will use appropriate method of costing such as activity based costing for allocating financial
resources on different activity which will reduce the total cost. Including this, Nexus needs to
reduce the unnecessary cost burden, defects and wastage of resources which will help in
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reducing the total cost of the Unilever. Time scale: Before the selection of project it is important determine required timescale needed
for successful competitions of that particular project. If organization has appropriate time for
conducting this project in successful manner than company selects a particular project. Unilever
has sufficient time for launching Aroma in UK market so, it has decided to move towards this
project. There are number of techniques which can be used by management consultant of Aroma
perfume such as scheduling, PERT and Gantt chart, etc. Resources: Project management is all about managing all resources carefully. So, management
consultants of Aroma perfume needs to focus on identification and arrangement of all necessary
resources in effective manner. Nexus should assure about that weather all the resources which
are required for this project is available or not (Davenport, 2013). Including this, management
consultant needs to assure about that Unilever must be capable enough to managing all
resources such as financial, human, technological and operational resources for this project so it
has decided to go towards the new product launch project. Quality: Management of quality of products and services is significant for satisfying customer’s
expectation by providing valuable product for their purchase money. For maintaining high
quality management consultants needs to focus on reduction of defects and wastage of
resources. As per the management consultants of Aroma perfume, Unilever can use six sigma
analysis. This is as the technique is one of the important tool for managing quality by reducing
defects in total production of Aroma perfume.
Target market: Aroma Premium is an extension to Unilever’s premium products line-up as
result this product will target high end customers who prefer expensive product and Aroma will
be available in high profile area and store in London such as, Harrods, Westfield Shopping
Centre and The Perfume Shop.
After considering all these factors the purpose of this project is to expand Unilever’s product
line and business in UK market. Aroma Premium will help in diversify its business in different
product line. It provides an opportunity to improve financial and economical position of the
Unilever against its rival. Along with this, Aroma will help in attaining mission of Unilever which is
‘feel good, look good and get more out of life’. .
AC 1.2 Develop Outline Project specifications for the implication of new product of Unilever
The current project is based on the new product launch project of client of Nexus ltd.
Regarding this; it has chosen Unilever as a client of Nexus which wants to introduce its Aroma in
the market. So, Nexus Ltd will help in completing this project in effective manner. Project will
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comprise planning, implementation, analysis, evaluation and review of findings of the new product
launch project of Unilever by Nexus. Below is the project specification for Aroma perfume; Cost: New product launch project will be connected with various types of cost which are
required to manage at the time of launching. These costs include labour cost, training and
development cost, technological cost, marketing cost, etc. The estimated cost of this project
will be £120000. Time-scales: The time required by project for completion is 5 months for all phases of
project launch starting from analysis to implementation. Resources: Nexus Ltd will require different resources for launching Aroma premium of
Unilever in the UK. This includes human resources, financial resources and technological
resources (Schwalbe, 2013). Human resource for this project will comprise Marketing
Manager, Project manager, Technical staff, Admin officer and Contract officer. Funds are the
major financial resource for this organization and these are required for purchasing
machinery, computer systems and other technical equipment for this project. Quality: Quality plays important role in product launching. The quality of the product
should be properly measured by the company by using various quality techniques such as
six sigma, Lean methodology, total quality management, etc (Chengand Teizer, 2013). For
the current project, manager will use the Total Quality management approach and six sigma
analysis. Because, TQM will help in managing, controlling and monitoring quality of the
product and services in effective manner. Monitoring of the project: Monitoring the progress and performance of each and every task
and activity is one of the major requirement of this project. So, project manager will use
Gantt chart for monitoring every activity. It includes activities and duration which is
required for completing different task. So, it helps in monitoring the progress of the new
product launch project in effective manner. So, project manager will use this method and
manager is totally accountable for the monitoring session because manager is capable
enough to identify the any required changes in the implementation for improving the
performance of new product launch project (Restuccia and et.al, 2015).
Stakeholders. For this project major stakeholders include customers, employee,
shareholders, government and competitors. Project manager and Unilever needs to focus on
needs and requirements of customers towards this Aroma perfume. Management consultants
of Unilever need to assure about the health and safety of customers at the time of using this
product. Including this, Unilever should provide appropriate benefits to every employee for
Introduction of Aroma Premium Perfume by Unilever_7

improving their outcomes. In addition, organization needs to provide suitable dividend to
shareholders for their invested funds. Along with this, company should follow all rules and
regulations of the government which have developed for health and safety of customers and
Aroma perfume. Therefore, Unilever needs to focus on interest and power of every
stakeholder at the time of launching Aroma perfume.
Project life cycle: It includes different stages such as initiation, planning, exclusion and
closing phase. In the initiation phase Unilever need to develop appropriate strategy and
objective to launch new aroma perfume product. In the planning phase project manager will
develop an appropriate plan for launching of this product. This phase will help in generating
initial amount of profitability in the UK market. Further, in the execution phase Unilever
will generate high profit and growth. At this stage it will provide high competition to the
other competitors and can develop strong brand image in customer’s eyes. In contrast,
closing will be considered as a declining phase for Aroma perfume. At this stage profit will
be low and organization needs to focus on departing or renovation in product. Addition of
new feature in this phase will also help in maintaining effective performance again.
Outcomes of any previous experience: Project manager has conducted large number of
projects of new product launch. So, he/she has an experience of project outcomes. As per the
experience delay in project completion is one of the major problems for such kinds of
project. So, for this project, manager needs to assure about the completion of every task on
AC 1.3 Produce a specification for an agreed project to implement a new product, service or
The reason behind the suggestion of Management Consultant is formation of such product
which helps company in effective storage of data and improves the performance. The objective of
this product is to expand its product line and business in UK market. This product will help in
diversify its business in different product line. It provides an opportunity to improve financial and
economical position of the organization. Along with this, this product helps in attaining objectives
of Unilever in proper manner.
Cost: Production of this cost will be little bit costly in initial stage of product life cycle. 30%
cost will be incurred on purchase of raw material, 40% of salary, 10% on administration and
20% for advertising and promotion of Aroma perfume.
Table : Cost Specification
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