
Impact of Covid-19 in UK and Vaccination Data


Added on  2022-12-14

12 Pages3004 Words99 Views
Project for Covid - 19
Impact of Covid-19 in UK and Vaccination Data_1

Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................3
Impact of corona virus in UK .....................................................................................................3
Lock down in UK .......................................................................................................................3
UK vaccination data ...................................................................................................................4
Challenges faced by UK government in distribution of Covid vaccine......................................6
Conditions of Covid vaccination ................................................................................................6
Pattern of vaccination .................................................................................................................6
Effects of covid vaccination .......................................................................................................7
Measures taken by the UK government to stop the spread of corona .......................................7
Comparison of UK Vaccination data with Israel and United states. .........................................8
Impact of Covid-19 in UK and Vaccination Data_2

This entire report is based on the corona diseases and it states about the proliferation and
impact of Covid 19 on UK.“Co” refers to Corona, “VI” stands for virus and “D”speaks about
the disease (Baraniuk, 2021). Usually this virus is known by novel coronavirus and this has
impacted the entire UK and also the other countries as well. This report state about the corona
vaccination in the UK and other counteries as well.
Apart from this comparison of UK vaccination with Israel and United startes is also mentioned
in this report.
Impact of corona virus in UK
This novel virus has impacted them entire UK drastically. The economy of UK get
decreased and also the GDP of the country is going down drastically. The expenditure of UK
government is increase very fast to overcome the impact of virus, but still the government of
UK is not able to overcome the virus fully. Monthly gross GDP of production, services and the
manufacturing industry of UK is still facing huge loss due to the lock-down. In result all the
shops, factories and industries have to remain shut foe many weeks.
Lock down in UK
After seeing the spread of the novel corona virus UK government was not having any
other option rather then imposing lock down in the nation. Thus the UK government has to
announce nation wide lock – down so that they can safeguard the health of people. The
government of UK has requested to public that they should not leave their home unless it is
very urgent to go out . Apart from this people were only allowed to buy necessary and
household products for that they can go to the grocery store. Owing to that public gathering,
parks, gyms, libraries, playgrounds etc. were closed and no one allowed to visit such places.
Apart from this , in the Lock-down, medical stores and supplies of medical will remain open.
Medical store were ordered to maintain proper stock of medicine, as it can be required anytime.
UK vaccination data
As the impact of corona virus is continuously increasing and government is concerned
for the vaccination of the citizen.
Impact of Covid-19 in UK and Vaccination Data_3

As per the data 38444540 people get vaccinated in the UK till now. Apart from this ,
31903366 people got the first dose of vaccination and 6541714 people has vaccinated second
dose (Blanchard and et.al, 2020). Earlier the government was concern for the vaccination of the
old-age people but now they are focusing for the vaccination of those people who are aged 18
and over 18 years. Till 8th April 60.6 % of 18 years people got 1st dose of vaccination and 12.4
% people of UK who are 18 and above 18 years of age get vaccination. As per the given data
which is being shown in the excel so it has been fond that in January people were not aware of
vaccination and they were in the dilemma that is the vaccine is safe or not for them in result
only 9296367 people got the first dose of vaccination apart from this , 496796 people get the
vaccination as the people were have fear from vaccination and they are waiting for the
confirmation of government that the vaccine is safe for them and they will not get any kind of
side effect from the vaccine. To aware the people, government run many campaign so that
they can spread awareness among the people. In result in the month of February people were
not afraiding from vaccination and the data of UK get increase. 20275451 people get 1st dose of
vaccine and 815816 people got the second dose of vaccination which was higher from the data
of January. This can only become possible due to the campaign run by the government and
people get awareness about the advantages of vaccine. Besides this, in march the total data of
vaccination reach to the peak and people of UK understand that I they want to live safe and
want to beat the covid, only vaccination can help them and in march – 31147444 people get the
first dose of vaccine and 4513458 people got the second dose of vaccination which was the
higher rate of vaccination. Due to the awareness of vaccination in the month of March –
66895680 people get the vaccination which is higher in the UK and still people are getting
vaccination as they know this is the only way through which they can survive through Covid
vaccination . People who are 50 and above 50 they have to get vaccination first in the UK and
this was also a challenge for NHS and UK government as they have to make people aware
about the advantages of covid vaccination.
Impact of Covid-19 in UK and Vaccination Data_4

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