
Project Management - Financial Performance of BHP Group ltd


Added on  2022-09-14

11 Pages2862 Words20 Views
Project Management
impact of employee benefit expenses on financial performance of BHP Group ltd, Australia
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Research Aim:........................................................................................................................2
Research Question:.................................................................................................................2
Conceptual Framework:.............................................................................................................2
Literature Review:......................................................................................................................5
Research Methodology:.............................................................................................................6
Gantt chart:.................................................................................................................................7
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Performance of the enterprise depends on the attitudes of the employees and their willingness
for completing their given task within the approved time frame and cost. It helps in
measuring the sale forecasting and total revenue generated from the sale (Yeung, and Ennew,
2012). Productivity of the organization directly affects by the employee engagement
program. Financial stability of the enterprise depends on the satisfaction of employees with
their job and the working environment. Coordination among the processes and distribution of
work in the team members is the basic requirement for achieving the desired mission
successfully and flawlessly. Increased productivity boost up the product sale and ultimately
enhances the turnover of the firm. Employee’s plays vital role in the product development
lifecycle. It is the responsibility of the top management to make sure that working employees
are satisfied with their jobs. Periodic motivation program and providing required benefits to
the employees increases their dedication in finishing their given task with expertise.
Employee benefit expenses are the part of the financial expenditure of the firm. Employee
benefit expenses foster the rate of productivity and hence increases the profitability ratio of
the company. In this paper we will analyse the impact of employee benefit expenses on
financial performance of the BHP Group Ltd in Australia. The research study helps me to
choose human resource manager as profession because it helps in developing managerial
skills and understanding financial analysis concept by evaluating the relationship which exist
between the benefits provided to the employees and revenue generated by the firm.
Research Aim:
The aim of our research is to measures the relationship exists between the employee benefits
and financial performance of the enterprise by deploying the quantitative analysis on the data
collected from the official website of the organization. The research program helps in
evaluating the impact of employee’s benefits on the financial performance of the enterprise.
Research Question:
Is there any relationship between employee benefit expenses and profit earned by the BHP
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Conceptual Framework:
Growth and profitability of the enterprise depends on the employee contribution in improving
the operational and productivity process so that customer demands can be fulfilled at glance
and results in increasing the net operating profit earned by the enterprise (Jacobson, and
Mizik, 2009). Initialization of the feedback system work as a tool to analyse the employee
requirement and taking suggestion in solving the complex problem of the business helps in
accelerating the growth and earning financial stability of the enterprise (Zhang, and Pan,
2013). Transformation of the employee benefit system according to the requirement of the
working staff members such as incentives, bonus, maternity and paternity leave, award
system, recognition provided for the outstanding performance, providing resources and good,
healthy, and clean working environment, and genuine payment for overtime is useful for
enhancing the market share of the firm, increasing product sale, and accelerating revenue
earned and net operating profit of the enterprise (Ajose, 2017). Chaotic environment at the
workplace can be minimized by indulging harmonious relationship within the colleagues by
developing the motivational plan and effective grievance handling system (Brown, and et.al.,
2015). Arrangement of training and development program for the employees is effective for
their personal development and helps in handling the complex situation of the product
lifecycle efficiently.
Connectivity and dedication of the employees towards the enterprise can be enlightens with
the association of direct and indirect benefits provided to them (Ekere, and Amah, 2014).
Profitability of the business is in the hands of the working members because they are
responsible for developing quality product and services provided to the customers as their
demand (Jehanzeb, and Bashir, 2013). Financial growth of the enterprise can be measured by
forecasting the sale of the product which can be evaluated by estimating number of satisfied
customers. Employees are responsible for providing quality of services and product to sustain
long term financial stability (Hallowell, 2017). In the conceptual diagram, it can be predicted
that there is a direct relationship between the employee benefit expenses and the financial
performance of the firm. There are different schemes generated for workers benefit such as
remuneration, compensation, bonus, reward, award, pension, and others. It helps in increasing
the willingness and contribution in completing their desired activities. Enhancement in the
product sale results in increasing the market share value, goodwill, reputation, and net profit
earned by the company. Conceptual framework of the relationship between the employee
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