Mike was hired as a project manager to install hardwood floors for the company Awesome Floor and Tile. They will be installing new flooring into a local office building. Mike comes up with the list of work and estimates the time. A list of activities and their optimistic completion time, the most likely completion time, and the pessimistic completion time (all in days) are estimated in a given table. Following are the activities that are required to install the hardwood floor in the offices: Activity 1: Measure office room dimensions Activity 2: Estimate cost Activity 3: Material requisition Activity 4: Workforce requisition Activity 5: Special tool requisition Activity 6: Installation Activity 7: Inspection and customer acceptance Activity 2 starts immediately after Activity 1. Activity 3, Activity 4, and Activity 5 start concurrently after Activity 2. Activity 6 does not start until after Activity 3, Activity 4, and Activity 5 are completed.