
Project Management: Understanding Complex Projects and Their Implications


Added on  2023-06-07

21 Pages6859 Words55 Views
Project Management
Project Management: Understanding Complex Projects and Their Implications_1

Table of Contents
Introduction to complex project:..............................................................................................................2
Theories around complex project............................................................................................................3
Difference in complex project, simple project, and complicated project................................................4
Example of complex project, simple project, and complicated project...................................................6
Causes of project complexity...................................................................................................................7
Causes differ in scale or impact on the complex project.........................................................................8
Common Causes of project complexity...................................................................................................9
Environmental factors and properties contribute to project complexities.............................................11
Project Management implications or issues around complex project....................................................12
Different tools and techniques to aid project managers manage complex project................................13
Efficiency and effectiveness of the tools in managing complex projects..............................................15
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Introduction to complex project:
The advancement in trends and technologies associated with the development of the project
increases the level of complexity. The degree of complexity depends on the processes and
program undertaken to manage the process activities and flow of communication between the
working processes. The implementation of changing request results in increasing the
complexity of the project. The complication increases with the level of interconnection
between the project phases. The uncertainty associated with the project requires wider
knowledge of risks management to manage the project complexity. The drivers of the project
are the employees, internal stakeholders, and external stakeholders to carry out the project
effectively (Radujkovic, and Sjekavica, 2017). The amount of complexity can be minimized
by expanding the knowledge area in contrast to the tools and technologies used in the
construction of project. The factors which are responsible for increasing the complexity of the
project are described in the table below:
Factors Description
Time The increase in the time duration for
completing the project will results in the
increase in the project complexity
Cost The overrunning of the cost increases the
complexity of the project
Technology The inclusion of new technologies will
increase the level of project complexity
Resource Improper management of supply and demand
increases the complexity of the project
Organization structure The inclusion of communication flow of
information between the participating
members increases the complexity of the
project (Passenheim, 2015)
Skills and Expertise of employees Lack of employee skills and expertise in
handling the operation on the technologies
and processes used in the project will results
in increasing the complexity of the project
Level of uncertainty Level of uncertainty, risks, and issues
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associated with the project will result in
increasing the level of project complexity
(Wautenet, 2017)
Clear mission, goal, and vision of the project Lack of clarity in the project goal, objectives,
and vision will result in increasing the project
Observation The limitation of the previous project can be
resolved by designing new policies
framework according to the requirement of
the project.
The complexity of the project increases if the dedicated tasks is not completed within the
given time duration. The simple project gets transformed into complex project due to the
increasing rate of completing the given tasks. The activity portfolio should be developed
which determines the division of work among the stakeholders so that the complexities of the
project can be minimised subsequently (Lukosevicius, Soares, and Joia, 2018). The growth
and the success of the project depends upon the level of complexities associated with the
construction of the project. The fast tracking of the uncertainties increases the chance of
completing the project successfully. The cooperation and coordination is required among the
team members to flourishes the tasks effectively within the project boundaries.
Theories around complex project
There are different theories presented on the project complexities in relation with inter-
connection, time-constraints, and uncertainty associated with the project. The three major
theories are presented by the researchers to analyse the increasing level of project
complexities (Davies, 2007). The interdependencies and coordination among the processes
and procedures have a direct relationship in making project complex because the
interdependency can delayed the completion of the project on time and within the approved
cost. The time constraint is the major factor for evaluating the success and failure of the
project. The project should be completed within the given timeline so that the milestones of
the project can be achieved on assured time without facing the phase of project delay. The
preference should be given to analyse the uncertainty and risks associated with the project
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because it helps in identifying the methods and mitigation plan to resolves the issues at an
early stage of the project.
Interdependencies and coordination theories: This theory helps in analysing the relationship
and interdependencies among the project activities so that the role and responsibilities can be
effectively divided among the member participant to work in the direction of project goal and
objectives. The estimation of direct relationship among the internal and external stakeholders
helps in optimizing the project requirement and successful completion.
Time Constraint theory: This theory focuses on estimating the time required for completing
the project activities. The setting of duration depends upon the knowledge and experience of
the project manager. The decision making capabilities of the manager can be improved by
analysing the historical data of the undertaken project (Baccarini, 2013). The team work is
required for completing the tasks within the given specified time.
Uncertainty theory: This theory focuses on developing the risks mitigation policies,
framework, and principles in resolving the uncertainty and risks associated with the
completion of the project. The high expertise and good creative thinking is required for
taking effective and efficient decision in complex situation. The experience of the project
manager in complex situation plays a vital role in resolving the uncertainty by allocating
effective decision in emergency situation.
Difference in complex project, simple project, and complicated project
The project can be categorised as three categories which are classified as complex project,
complicated project, and simple project. The categorisation of the project depends on
analysing the uncertainties associated with the project completion. The complexity of the
project increases if the wrong approach is selected for resolving the problem domain
associated with the project completion. The simple project is defined as the project in which
the uncertainties can be easily predicted. In the complicated and complex project, the risks
are not easily predicted in the project development phase. The operation of the whole system
depends upon the systematic arrangement of the project activities. The simple projects are
transformed into complicated and complex project if the effective methodology is not
adopted for minimizing the risks associated with the project. The increasing rate of risks and
uncertainties increases the completion of the project program. The complicated projects are
defined as management of the parts of the project in which the identification of risks is
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difficult to analyse. The complex project is defined as the project in which the uncertainties
are not completely identified in the project initiation phase. The occurrence of risks
uncertainly increases the chance of project failure by increasing the rate of project
complexities. The risks and issues are not evaluated in the project life cycle. The framework
of policies and required tools for minimizing the impact of uncertainties is different for the
different categories of the project. The table below shows the clear demonstration of the
project categorisation:
Features Simple Complicated Complex
Definition The simple project is
defined as the project
in which the
uncertainties can be
easily predicted.
The complicated
projects are defined
as management of
the parts of the
project in which the
identification of risks
is difficult to analyse
and understands.
The complex project
is defined as the
project in which the
uncertainties are not
completely identified
in the project
initiation phase.
Risks Predictability Easy to predict Difficult to analyse Wrong estimation of
tools applied for
resolving the
Alignment Project activities are
No systematic
scheduling of the
project activities
The activities are not
aligned with the
project requirement,
goals, and objectives.
Knowledge of risks
No additional
knowledge of tools
for managing risks is
additional knowledge
of tools for managing
risks is required
additional knowledge
of tools for managing
risks is required
Project phase Risks are identified
and assessed in the
project initiation and
planning phase
Risks are identified
throughout the
The risks can
uncertainly appears
in the project
lifecycle program
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